>"That’s an especially disturbing possibility now that belligerent Chinese officers are convincing themselves they can launch surprise attacks on the U.S. Navy and kill thousands of Americans."

>"The United States is most afraid of death,” said Rear Admiral Luo Yuan on December 20, 2018, to an audience in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen. “We now have Dong Feng-21D, Dong Feng-26 missiles. These are aircraft carrier killers. We attack and sink one of their aircraft carriers. Let them suffer 5,000 casualties. Attack and sink two carriers, casualties 10,000. Let’s see if the U.S. is afraid or not?”

>"Luo, who has a history of bellicose statements, is nonetheless seen as reflecting thinking in the senior ranks. He was the second Chinese military officer in December, just days before the fortieth anniversary of America’s recognition of the People’s Republic on January 1, to publicly urge an unprovoked attack on American vessels."

>"In China, there is war talk, and not just from the officer corps. “ China’s hottest new read ” at the moment is a re-issuance of a collection of 1938 speeches of Mao Zedong. On Protracted War warned a country then in the midst of both civil and external strife that the Chinese people would have to endure long hardships before prevailing over enemies"

>"At a time Chinese state media is full of venom for the United States, the current popularity of Mao’s message is a warning. It is possible Chinese leadership figures are talking war as a way to prevail in factional infighting."

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Other urls found in this thread:


Oh boy, a world war that doesn't include Europe. This is going to be interesting. Who to sell supplies to, maybe both sides? And make a mad bank when rebuilding the nuclear holocausted Asia and America.

don't get your hopes up we will probably get civil war instead

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If you think we wouldn't drag all of NATO into the war if the Chinese attacked an aircraft carrier, you're dead wrong.

Spurdoland isn't in NATO, but they'd likely get fucked with by Russkis in some way.

North ATLANTIC Treaty Organization, what happens in Pacific, stays in Pacific. Not Europe's problem.

Oh right, "Europe." Nevermind.

Isn't this guy the same guy who said to makes America afraid by attacking their carriers?

Oh I know they aren't, but almost all of Western Europe is.

>"The United States is most afraid of death,”
hilarious, they think we are europeans

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This. This isn't the Vietnam era anymore.
We've been brainwashed by CoD.

Poland... that is the quote they are using. Are you ok?

why would they ? they are slowly getting more and more important than the usa
it's up to the usa to start ww3 before they get taken over

>Who to sell supplies to, maybe both sides
That's our business. DO NOT TOUCH

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>Oh right, "Europe."

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Sorry i just read the first paragraph, but this shit have been discussed that this Chink guy is a joke though.

America almost tamed China, but the nationalists still lost with their support, now look at it.

>nooooo war's illegal!!!!!

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>European war over who gets to sell stuff to the pacific war
Make it so.

Not how it works lad

Where are all the "China is evil" posts that people do when there is an Aggressive US thread?

It is how it will work. You really think a German citizen will fight in the Pacific for burger eaters against rice eaters?

The fact that they are even taking this into consider just shows you how hard Trump is fucking them in the ass.

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Americans are constantly getting shit on this board.
And frankly you chinks deserve no better, maybe worse.

>The key section of the treaty is Article 5. Its commitment clause defines the casus foederis. It commits each member state to consider an armed attack against one member state, in Europe or North America, to be an armed attack against them all.
>Article 6 states that the treaty covers only member nations' territories in Europe and North America, and islands in the North Atlantic north of the Tropic of Cancer, plus French Algeria.
Pacific is not NATOs problem.

blablaba it's a dictature they need a clear target to blame and they need to repeat to themselves how strong they are for it to work.
Remenber how Xi jingping was like "AMERICAN DOG WANT ECONOMIC WAR WE WILL PUT 100000BILLION TARIF WHAT NOW AMERICAN DOG" because he thought that Trump like Clinton, Obama and all the other Social liberal leaders would just pussy out. In the end trump just put the tarif and in less than 2 month he "negociated" with the usa AKA gave up an conceided because China is still weak as shit. AND Xi think he is smart being a dictator its been 3 years he is purging the communist party but its china it takes fucking decades to kill all your political rivals they are still here and when he sees that Trump will make his economy weak he SHITS himself because suddenly mister tough communist realises that he could be the next being purged if the economy goes bad.

TLDR : big mouth chinese nothing new

(((They))) are preparing a false flag operation.

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THey will of it means total domination by the Russians. You think Purim wouldn't make a move while the USA is occupied fighting chinks? If war happened it would be a world war, and Europe will be forced to pick sides.

If we don't keep neutral this time I will personally hang the cabinet ministers. We literally lose every time

>bla bla *insert wild speculation and half-truths* bla bla
I hate modern journalism

Why would Putin attack Europe? He can barely fight in Ukraine. Nah, Europe will stay neutral in a chink-mutt war. Europe first! Not our problem! No foreign entanglements!

so weak tim cook's shitting his pants. it's alright, tim gook, let the american base in your country while their soldiers treat your people like horseshit.

Russia is fucking weak, like Europe. If there is a war between China and the US they will happily wait and watch.
They won't risk everything by attacking a continent when they have 1/3rd of its population, 1/10th of its GDP and military spendings similar to France alone.

>We've been brainwashed by CoD.
Pretty sure if 50,000+ Americans died in a war today, there'd be an overthrow.

lol if only you knew how many want to throw their lives away

OH ARROW my Chinese friend; I wrote a aiku for you ::




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Dude I know Taiwan's number 1, it's part of China, what do you expect?

NATO literally went to war in Afghanistan over 9/11.

tawian is rightful bulgarian clay, you traitor

see NATO went to Afganistan because the 9/11 attacks happened in New York and Washington. If China sinks a carrier in Pacific NATO can and will sit it out because NATO treaty doesn't cover it.

this is why you shouldn't listen to your press
they will make up anything they can think of to please their American masters and further deceive the public from the truth
there is no such thing as a free press; let them all become bankrupt and let them scream like pigs while they continue trying to desperately shove false truths down our throats.

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All those Turkish migrants will rise up on command of the Axis powers

the average US carrier has about 6000 crew on it. Sinking one of them could kill more US soldiers in a day than 10 years of war in Iraq (along with a multi-billion dollar ship).

American excursions in third world countries =/= An attack on the US. Millions signed up when pearl harbor happened

>this is why you shouldn't listen to your press
because of some random german comment? what a retarded screencap dumb mong

Will the kikes help if murrican really get attacked?

>because of some random german comment?
horrible reading comprehension. I mean the OP picture, German just brings up a good point
all of your press is like this, sensationlist yellow press journalism because they are desperate to earn clicks which in return makes money
free press is just a codeword for a press that transmits information through native advertising, making as much money as possible, etc. at least through a state controlled press it will be somewhat more accurate because they are capable of showing actual truth, even if slanted

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*Your account has been credited "2 good citizen points have been added^^"

Your social credit score is now : 104

Congratulation you can now buy bus tickets !! :):)


this Americans wont capitulate that easily

yeah totally worth making a screen cap over such a great and inspirational comment you retard

That's some real wishful thinking there buddy, but the simple fact is, your country threw in with America in the 50s and its going to stay that way. Now that Britain has given up her empire, you have to take your pick between the USA and China for world leader and if you don't join one side or the other your country simply will not get a say.

Germany is trying hard to turn Europe into a third side, but I don't think that's going to happen. The simple fact there is, any country joining Germany's side is going to have to accept that Germany is using their nation to do what is good for Germany, and no European nation worth their salt will ever accept that. Why should they?

>if I didn't people like you wouldn't be able to tell if it was the truth or not :)
in the west people have free will you dumb mong

>social credit score
>separating the wheat and the chaff is a bad thing
I know Kim is:
1. a retard
2. a really bad citizen
3. a slave who will never be free from other countries influence
but the social credit system isn't a bad system. it's just that the west fetishizes criminals and crime, so they see it as 'bad'
>totally worth making a screen cap over
if I didn't people like you wouldn't be able to tell if it was the truth or not :)

>it's part of China
Genuinely not the case

>Dude I know Taiwan's number 1, it's part of China
How come they suck American dick if they're part of China, you deluded chink?

>free will
you only think you do
as long as there is a state your interests will always be bound by the elite

>>you only think you do
>mong literally can't even conceptualize the idea of free will
jesus christ

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aaaaah yes Korean crime rate so high !! we really need to put a credit system on who suck the president dick the best!!!
your credit score lower when you play videogames, cause we all know a chinese who play videogame is not making IPHONES ! bad chinese !! go back to factory !!
Truly inspirational thank you;

His Overmind the great Xi announced on new year that he would take taiwan by force if needed so now he thinks its part of china

The Russians are 100% going to use this war as an excuse to try and annex Finland, you guys are gonna have to pull another winter war if you want to survive long enough for the rest of us to get there.

>unironically thinking that an authoritarian state is ideal
Look I know Trudeau fucked things up but jesus man why did you have to resort to being an incel Jow Forumsack

there is no such thing as free will as the world is inherently deterministic
state is oppression
you will always be oppressed

Hmmm... Too bad most states in the world recognize China's sovereignty claim to Taiwan... Eesh... Go back to being irrelevant, Switzie.

Well I prefer chinese women to american women by a long shot so im rooting for them

lf the two supposed world leaders kill eachother Europe can easily take over. Again no need to intervene.

They are considering war because it is becoming increasingly apparent that their current system will not sustain itself long enough to actually dethrone the US at its current rate of progress.
As the clock keeps ticking, the commies will start getting more desperate.

>implying this isn’t a once in a lifetime opportunity for Russia to strike Europe whilst America is preoccupied, Europe is militarily unprepared, plus dependent on Russia for energy, plus already home to huge numbers of dissatisfied young brown men

Any chinks attack ONLY a weaker country. Read history.

So which side would you support if WW3 happens?

>drag all of NATO into the war
To do what, exactly? Nobody besides US has any overseas power projection capability.

you're welcome Kim, maybe one day you can be a good citizen like the Chinese too and stop acting like nigger monkey criminals
>implying incel Jow Forumsacks support late USSR/China and aren't a bunch of drones for their own political system
ultimate lol
I will never support decadent America or any of the dying globalist west for as long as I live

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>modern journalism

Russia is weak now, but if China shifts to a war economy they will benefit heavily from trade, and the chinks will benefit heavily from Russia keeping the Europeans occupied.
It's a match made in heaven.

Which side would YOU support? I'd be glad to see America beat the ching chongs up a bit but we can't do anything. You can.

I tought America was in decline.
Well at least Europe is not involved this time.

that quintessential canadian poster

>literally the country that makes everyone jealous because of how free they are
>"hurr durr we should be more authoritarian because muh decadent west"
user not everything you see in Jow Forums represents a nation
You thinkthe west is decadent just because a few news popped out about faggots and trannies? Nigga you gotta stop forcing yourself to think you're being oppressed

>Russia is weak now
There was NOT any moment in history when r*ssia was not weak.

alright, we will send a bunch of volunteer drivers again, jeez
have fun with the nuclear war

>Too bad most states in the world recognize China's sovereignty claim to Taiwan.
Of course since they are being blackmailed by your distopian country.

But anyone know that Taiwan is a different country. Ask Anyone in the street in any country that is not China, they will all say the same thing.

You are insane friend, no amount of arguing about free will is going to magically grant a tyrant legitimate authority. No one man has any right to rule over any other man except by mutual and willing consent, this is a simple and inescapable truth of the reality we live in. Therefore, the communist party of China is illegitimate and criminal.

Don't be so down friend, the Red Army was truly mighty by the end of the second world war and the Brusilov offensive proved that Tsarist Russia had what it took to tangle with the big boys in the first.
The only thing holding Russia back is incompetent and self centered leadership and even that isn't always enough to stop you.

I would support America if I was sure they would win. I have a feeling I would get Unit 731'd in the ass if I support America and then China wins and I would hate that.

Well those people need to start electing politicians willing to stand up against the One China policy because until then what they think don't really matter.

>C-China's going to collapse, a-any day now!

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>this is coming from someone who lives in Singapore
you have no idea of how things work over here, I would have died to be born anywhere in Asia
its not just internet memes, this stuff is everywhere and anything politically and culturally connected (they are becoming more closely connected) is guaranteed to be cancer
besides, I will always support a nation that bases itself around rationale and pursues power and the most efficient system rather than one based around 'muh feelings :(' with human rights supporting weak minorities and such
I didn't choose to be born in this shithole so I will never support the globalist western hive mind for as long as I live
>no amount of arguing about free will is going to magically grant a tyrant legitimate authority
that's because no arguing needs to be done in the first place as they already have legitimate authority. it is defined by owning land; whoever has land has legitimate authority in this world whether it goes against 'muh feelings :(' or not

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waaaaay ahead of you mate. The sheer amount of butthurt flowing from Beijing is probably enough to power my state at this point.

You fucking nigger just stop forcing yourself to feel as though you're being oppressed just because trannies and fags decided to walk around in the damn street.You're not going to get what I'm saying but I understand.You're just a sheltered foreigner who idealises strength of rule over ideas and beliefs without realising the reason why people want to escape authoritarian countries.You think just because that girl you liked dated a foreign guy you decided that the world owes you shit and you'd blame it on your government? Go fuck yourself you filthy chink/anglo mutt scum.Scum like you are the reason why I hate Jow Forums to the core.You think life here is good? I doubt you can even survive the strenous examinations from Primary School without killing yourself

>it is defined by owning land
Without a state to define and enforce property rights the ownership of land confers no authority whatsoever.

This is because outside of the framework of the state mankind exists in a perpetual state of war with itself, and thus a landowner remains a landowner only so long as he can prevent someone else from killing him and taking that land for his own.

This applies even in the case where that land comes with a community that lives on it. While the landowner may claim dominion over the people living on his land the truth is that he retains his power only so long as those people do not decide to kill him and take the land for themselves.

Therefore, if land cannot be owned outside of a state and a state cannot consider itself a legitimate authority without being democratic it follows that land ownership can only confer authority within a democratic system.

If land ownership can only confer authority within a democratic system and authority is exclusively derived from mutual consent in a democratic system it must therefore follow that there is no legitimate authority that can be derived from land ownership.

The soviets had no food, bullets, cars, planes, weapon. The only thing is the american lend lease - food on credit. Everything other is a propaganda.

Australian-Singaporean anti Chinese alliance when?
We shall cleanse the south pacific of tyranny together, as brothers.

>that's because no arguing needs to be done in the first place as they already have legitimate authority. it is defined by owning land; whoever has land has legitimate authority in this world whether it goes against 'muh feelings :(' or not
This is what deluded chinks think.

To own anything you need people around to recognize your property.
Your ownership on a piece of land doesn't emerge magically, it comes from other people than yourself.

This is exactly right, and why the US fears war on either front. War on one means war on the other.

>you fucking nigger
>stop forcing yourself to feel as you are oppressed
I never said I was
I just hate weak countries
>you're a sheltered foreigner who idealises strength of rule over ideas and belief without realizing the reason why people want to escape authoritarian countries
with freedom comes responsibility
people aren't responsible
people don't deserve freedom
there is a reason why there are laws in place, state exists, etc
because people can't handle true freedom because the human is an animal-like cur who needs to be chained and whipped in order to function in an orderly fashion
>you just think because that girl you liked dated a foreign guy that you decided the world owes you shit and you'd blame it on your government
despite me not saying that absolutely anywhere, and who said I was a guy?
>go fuck yourself
you first
>you're Jow Forums
maybe the other way around :)
>state to define and enforce property rights
why do you think Daesh became such a threat in 2014? because they started getting lots of land
>people decide not to kill him and take the land for themselves
you know, that thing in history that just never seems to happen, because normal people not deluded by theory recognize that, when another power rules them, the power just shifts from one tyrannical power to another; they aren't deluded into thinking they have rights in a ''''''democratic'''''' system hahahaha
authority and power is derived directly from land and the people you control from that land, none of your mental gymnastic fail theory can change that
and do you not think that, with time, people will have to eventually recognize what a person owns? do you really think the world at first wanted to recognize the USSR or the PRC taking over the Chinese mainland? they didn't for a few years, but sooner or later they have to accept reality

>War on one means war on the other.
Keep dreaming buddy

>with freedom comes responsibility
>people aren't responsible
>people don't deserve freedom

>War on one means war on the other.
There's no incentive or motive for Russia to attack Europe. Why would they do so? Nah, they, like Europeans, would benefit from chink-mutt war and rather than risk it all in a stupid attack on Europe, Russians would rather make money by staying out of WW3 and supporting one side against another. Just like Europe.

>why do you think Daesh became such a threat in 2014? because they started getting lots of land
ISIS was never a threat to anyone who mattered, and now they are dead, largely because they held no legitimate authority and relied on force to achieve their goals, thus leaving themselves open to retaliation from anyone who didn't like them (which was everyone)

>never seems to happen
So do America, France, the UK, Russia, Poland, Vietnam and China (not to mention all the ones I missed) just don't exist in your world? because every single one of them has had is population rise up, kill their "leaders" and take over for themselves on at least one occasion and often more than once.

>do you really think the world at first wanted to recognize the USSR or the PRC taking over the Chinese mainland

We were talking about the fact that Chinese leaders are tyrant and you were saying that it's not a tyrant because they own land so they are legitimate.
You can't even have a coherent line of thought.
I bet you're very young, a very young Asian with a duvet mustache.

>chinks and mutts wiping eachother off

please happen, the outcome will stabilize/equalize the balance of power and allow for many different possibilities.