Do americans really do this?

Do americans really do this?

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Cook gorillas? Appears so :/

based if true

Poor kid, man

say what you want but cosplays and hanging and burning crosses was much less depressing
even for the nigger i think kkk hanging is more respectful

What was his crime?

Killed two white girls

Being gay. This is what homosexual electro-shock therapy looked like back in the day.

he was convicted for murdering a seven year old girl and an eleven year old girl

how'd he do it

when i ask you a question you goddamn answer me nigger

Apparently he has bribed with ice cream for a confession.

Reminded me of this kid:
>Emmett Louis Till was a young African-American who was lynched in Mississippi in 1955 at the age of 14, after being accused of offending a white woman in her family's grocery store.

They also had an open-casket funeral so everyone could see his mutilated body.

Attached: emmett-till.jpg (768x640, 52K)

They accused him of killing 2 girls, but apparently he didn't do it. The trial only lasted 2 hours and he couldn't talk with a lawyer

Americans really are savages

he didn't

just the black ones

USA always steals others people food - in this case the brazillian uma delicia

Pretty based if I do say so myself.

white people really are the spawn of satan

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BLACKs in usa could kill every single wh*te subhuman in america tomorrow and it would be %100 justified

fuck wh*te suhbuman dogs

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sopa de macaco

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I wish we could round up and dump scum like you a few kilometres off Nauru.

slight reminder that there is a thing called germany that would take care of the black subhumans if they would go nuts

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Wrong board you mongs

>roasted ape


we should unironically do that here in Latam, but HHRR nigger complain to much with a false rehabilitation that will never happen in prisions

Lynch for an insult? This is really barbaric.

Most lynchings were black boys in the 15-25 age range who had a white gf or looked at white women too long.
A lot of women around that time were opening up to the idea of romantic exotic men with their large penises which the local whiteboys couldnt handle, but since they couldnt take them on 1v1 they formed the kkk

There was no ethnic cleansing in the red areas. In fact, those natives are the most privileged people in the world besides white women.

What you call "ethnic cleansing" was epidemics before there was any germ theory.

Those natives are highly protected by Anglos. Any other people, besides Scandis of course, would slaughter or enslave them, and you wouldn't know about it, because other people like Arabs and Africans castrated their slaves, so there wouldn't be any trace of them.

>He was electrocuted with 5,380 volts in his head, imagine all that voltage in a teenager's head.
yeah sure sounds bad, it would have been much more tolerable in an adult's head .

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Kek. wh*Tes are pathetic.

Based and lynchpilled

Born as a black

Being a nigger


the strong survive the weak perish

how you were conceived

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The woman, in her death bed, admitted she made up the accusation but was afraid of the backlash.

Wtf is wrong with wh*Tes?

You mean with w*men

>George Junius Stinney Jr. (October 21, 1929 – June 16, 1944), was an African-American teenager wrongfully convicted at age 14 of the murder of two white girls in 1944 in his hometown of Alcolu, South Carolina. He was executed in June of that year, still only 14. His appeal to the governor for clemency was denied. He was one of the youngest Americans to be sentenced to death and executed. A re-examination of the Stinney case began in 2004, and several individuals and Northeastern University School of Law organized to seek a judicial review. His conviction was vacated in 2014 when a court ruled that he had not received a fair trial.

So the actual murderer was never caught?