You know the roll, you are living a non-country if your minimum wages are lower than Turkey's.
Minimum Wages in Europe 2019
wtf i love slovakia now
the new king of /v4/
revenge of the gypsies
Don't agree with minimum wage laws desu. No business of the government how much I choose to sell my labour for and they harm people at the bottom who aren't allowed to compete on the price of their labour.
The power of irrelevancy I guess. Everybody heard of Kosovo, Moldova or Montenegro even. Yet there is not even single thing to recall Slovakia for. Even Belarus is famous with its tractors, what do they do, produce or sell in Slovakia?
But Turkish average salary is way lower than ours
So based that it boosts immigration at the expense of local population.
It's called collective bargain. There's "minimum wage" but it differs from sector to sector
based. I wish loads of immigrants would come here but they rarely do and when they do it's basically never outside the Capital.
So basically legally codified union rules?
Yes. They're like a mafia, way too much power if you ask me. They're not even obligated to show their finances unlike corporations
No idea where you got the image, wikipedia has something different so I guess you're just trying to bait. And you actually succeeded because people aren't that smart.
>The country’s minimum monthly wage rose to PLN 2,250 (EUR 525, USD 600), from PLN 2,100 in 2018.
Fair enough. Ameriburger advocated against minimum wage, so I wanted to clarify it doesn't benefit young local population seeking work, but unskilled immigrants.
Why would I post the gross minimum wage? To make everyone see how you have the highest minimum wage in V4 and Eastern Europe, but get fucked so hard by taxes to fall behind them all?
Fine by me.
wait 3250€ is the swiss minimum wage? WTF
My first job at a grocery store paid 12€/h I think that's about the minimum
if their average is 5.5k then that makes sense
In much of the world unions ARE mafia.
>not making 800 euros/monthly after taxes
Laughing at you, poorfags
>Not making 1500 after taxes
Even fucking waiters at higher end restaurants make that much.
I work as a waiter at good restaurant, 450 euros after taxes, paid taxi, free food/ drinks and about 100 euros of tips a day. Work for 15 - tips alone are 1500 euros.
I don't pay taxes
wht does a prole like you make so much money
What do you do for the tips? Suck businessman benis all day? :D Some waiter you are lol
About the same for me, I cleaned a warehouse and got 13€/h. Mostly sat around drinking coffee all day.
>Know about wines, pairing, alcoholic beverages, upsell tourists with stories
>work in an expensive place (dinner for two people is averagely 100 euros (bottle of wine, appetizers, entrees, dessert)
>Get tipped 10 percent on the bill
Being a good waiter requires just as much knowledge as any job with a degree.
I work for a pretty shitty company, lowest possible rank. I earn 2100€ after taxes.
Is tipping expected overall there like in the US or just at expensive restaurants
Overall expected - but lower end places they get tipped one or two euros per bill (but prices are ridiculously cheap, like ten euros for a pizza)
Fine dining / more expensive ones - ten to fifteen percent is considered norm.
Though, it's all dependent on the clientele. We don't do gratuity (except casinos).
That's why the waiters hate southern europeans and asians in here - no tips from them. Scandinavians - mixed bag. British, Germans, Poles, Russians, Canadians and Americans are beloved though.
Your little break is over so stop shitposting and go back to work, wageslaves
>Relying on the state to provide you a living salary with a "one size fits all" kind of solution
>Not having powerful workers unions in your back to ensure good employment conditions across all sectors
>Being a good waiter requires just as much knowledge as any job with a degree.
Wanna trade places? I learn about wines and serving and shit, you learn everything required to design manufacturing equipment and automated control systems for factories.
I work from home, I do what I want.
Tho , you're shitty engineer if you don't earn at least 1500 euros a month.
My friend who's mechanical engineering student got paid internship while still studying for about 1000 euros.
And remember, waiting is a physical job which also requires good physical form and looking somewhat decent as well. Which you as a neckbeard do not have.
>Life and salary is about who knows and works the most.
That's not how it works buddy. He is right. Degree costs you an opportunity to enter workforce earlier, make money and gain experience. And after graduation since you have a degree, you think such works as ''low class'' where in fact they make more money than you do, already have years of experience.
>7 euro
what the actual fuck
Maybe they are farmers?
We don't have it but we refused 4000$ a month as minimum wage a few years ago
I'd take union mafia over corporate free reign any day.
how many borderers work in Switzerland? are they paid the same ?
I get paid 350 euroes working part time in McDonalds
wrong, still a non-country
a million probably kek no they're payed less usually. And that bring wages down for us too
I honestly wish every single boomer in this country dies painfully, there is sooooooooo much propaganda its unreal, we are probably worse than Russia in this regard. I saw some "" news"" yesterday that we had the lowest wage in Europe and amongst the lower in the world.
Μπουμερς γαμω το μουνι της μάνας σας
I make more than you do. But you said you need to know as much as "any degree job" which is false.
Well, I'm studying law degree as well and I am 21 years old.
So yeah, in my age group I probably am in top 10 percent in terms of earnings.
My first job was 10.5€
My first job was was $18 an hour
I get paid 3,50€ an hour