
Why is /brit/ so edgy these days? edition

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what a gent; handsome lad

No normal brits on Jow Forums.
Mostly posh boys.
Most normal brits use normal websites.

>that one yank that used to sperg out at the mere mention of ''peng''
never did find out why he was such an autist over a single word

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reckon he's on right now

Imagine getting upset over a piano.

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cultural appropriation

Edgy boy tarquin racism

Me and my boyfriend been trying to get pregnant naturally for the past 5 years and so far all we both got was a sore Fart Hole :(

He's british you know

Reminder: Never take prescription medication for "depression" or "anxiety"


>london paki has crawled back

Why is Rachel smearing are Corbs and calling him an anti-Semite? Jezza opposes all forms of racism.

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So when's the last time you beat your wife /Brit/?
You do beat your wife, don't you?

All my mates get it but I got jobsworth doctor.
Send me some.

Isn't it the case that every single spree shooter in America has been on an anti-depressant?

Wow! Now THAT really makes me think!

Is it assault to cut off someones hair?



UK circa 2000. Etymology unknown. Documented possibilities include:

From Jamaican Creole kushempeng (“high-quality marijuana”).[en 1]
From clipping of penguin (“flightless sea bird”), deemed quintessentially cute.[en 1]

Because you don't need it
I'm not on any of that shit and never will be

Because he hates tha Joooooooooooos

He runs a communist party of Jew baiters and cranks

I mean medication for something that doesn't exist does sound pretty daft, yeah

Mind control drugs and the government builds a list. Stops you getting into the army, getting a shotgun licence etc.

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It's a nigger word, you didn't know? Probably yardie slang before it became inner city London nigger slang.

Fuck Corbyn.

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Its actually Battery if you do it without consent

Bet you're a fucking revolving door GP.
Kys you waste of NHS money.

its Jow Forums you dumb london paki

Just bought this.

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Playing this on guitar lads

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Why does she care? She's got blonde hair and blue eyes.

fucking mental you mate

Based and clowns are funny pilled

>From Jamaican Creole kushempeng
clearly a yardie thing

HM U pay?

contemplating the sexual activities of the past year lads
reckon the arse licking and toe sucking was a bit much 2bh

>builds a list. Stops you getting into the army, getting a shotgun licence etc.
They already ban spastics and autistics such as yourself so you shouldn't worry too much.

depression drugs dont give you any high

Reminder that Max Mosley privately funds Labour and Corbyn is a closeted Mosleyite waiting to step out and lead the nation to a new future.

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That's how bollywood rapists prepped their victims

would spit in it

Is it a trap?

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its creates more dopamine receptors so yeh it does

After summat that'll shut the voices in my head up you potato nigger.

yes arms are far too long for a female

Need anglo indian gf to start a family with

would cum in her hair

Likes on Twitter and shieeeeeeeeeeeet

yeah. look at the forearms ffs

fucking homo freaks

If it lives in a posh London house like that can guarantee it.

its not a quick acting thing theres no discernible high from SSRIs

bone structure of the forearms

I just love the culture our new friends bring with them.

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kike btfo
kike btfo
kike btfo

>this kid this you get "high" on anti depressants

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off to take a quick shit lads, don't do anything without me

that's a native white lad.

*flushes the toilet whilst your still sat on it, wetting your bottom*

take your medication schizo and you'll soon see

Tattoos on lasses. Yay or nay?

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I'm probably the best looking lad ITT

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not op, but when you think about it vinayagane vinai theerpavane x

nay nay nay
esp ruining tummies with ugly art

I have taken anti depressants before.
I can assure you they do not get you "high."


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Fuck off u mentally ill virgin lol

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nay, degen central bla x

Nay. Looks trashy as fuck. Tattoos in general look horrible.

Seen some proper fit girls but then they have some shitty fucking leaf tattood on their thigh or mid section and its just offputting and ruins it

u tried mixing them with alcohol?

now watch me whip,
watch me
nay nay

You guys gonna be watching the big game?

yuge storm, also buy one get one free on cashew nuts

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no thats me

*enters the thread*
not anymore hehe

well done

now watch me whip this nigger, now watch me nae nae

you made me jump up and down on my chair singing this song and I nearly fell out haha


shes a kike

Not a fan. Prefer natural skin in every respect.
Milky and smooth without unnecessary, sought out tan or bullshite.

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SSRIs are not xanax you retard

Yeah but she'd be joy division.

t. Tattood mess
Probably shag more than most itt and i hate tattoos
told birds it to their face before and they cant handle it

assume girls with tattoos here are prossies or ex prossies.

cashew ou'side, how 'bou' dat

very good

oh fuck off loser

Virgin upset at the thought of men doing things he doesnt


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not an argument

t. suddenly self-conscious about his "no regrets" permanent doodle


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what does this have to do with British culture?


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