Jeddah Tower soon te be built and become the wolrds tallest building

its gonna be 1 km high

Attached: Kingdom_Tower,_Jeddah,_render.jpg (266x375, 11K)

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compensating much?

As if anyone would want to go there.
It's gonna be a big empty building

Are you working on its construction?


how are the gulf states gonna finance themselves when the oil runs out?

Arabs and terrible taste, name a more iconic combination

By exporting camel piss.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-03-12-55-50.png (720x1280, 184K)

Oil funds and tourism, then UN aid.

based Hittites

Nah but I have gone to Saudi Arabia to train some Naval cadets

>see someone's exhausted
>give them camel piss for keks
based prophet


when will they learn?

Attached: big.jpg (1920x1080, 691K)

Arabs are reverse Italians

Everest does not have 8km prominence you dumb yokel

t'that makes too much sense to be funny

who mentioned everest or 8km prominence hick?

What is there to do there when everything fun is illegal?

They've already bought a shitload of Western businesses, they don't rely on oil as much as you think. For example oil accounts for about 10% of the UAE's economy

Arab skylines look really shit desu. There is no harmony in it at all.

>What is there to do there when everything fun is illegal?

Religious tourism? Millions of muslims come every year for that black box in Mecca

investments of arab countries :
1- buildins tall buildings and towers
2- funding terrorism
it's one or the other.

Attached: 1497627986228.jpg (1746x1174, 225K)

looks ma dick

It's pointless

yeah if 1 km = 1 cm

1 km = 1 mm

end of the world is near

Nice try

Attached: 280px-United_Arab_Emirates_Export_Treemap.png (280x219, 69K)

looks good but anyway Dubai Creek is set to overtake it

Attached: jpg.jpg (910x512, 63K)

This article says 70% of GDP is non-oil related

If they'd like they could possibly build solar to remain in the energy game. The sunny conditions would make it well suited for this.

sunny beaches

They've invested in a ton of shit for this reason
Really made me think...

Truly a marvel of Western engineering.

Jesus christ it's not even a subtle copy.

But it's actually getting built


Hasn't the construction of it been halted now since March of 2018?
Though I am rather out of the loop my interest in the Mega-Tall buildings has diminished over the years

Attached: iffy picky.jpg (656x624, 43K)

exports =/= GDP or economy

what the fuck is it with all these desert wastelands suddenly having the resources to build giant cities which will chew down on planetary resources even harder
2.3 billion people were enough

>/balt/ education

also isn't the top 200+meters just a fake dick stacked on top to reach that 1Km?

I thought god hated big towers built by his followers?

Attached: 1280px-Pieter_Bruegel_the_Elder_-_The_Tower_of_Babel_(Vienna)_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg (1280x937, 365K)

They already do that, and SA still needs >$80/bbl oil to balance budgets

Why not use Arabic architecture? Those glass buildings are hideous.

shit's heavy and that team that did the Burj Khalifa are pretty much the only guys on the block when it comes to such tall buildings

I really like this one. I'm disappoint.

Attached: 987665980.jpg (338x450, 46K)

>Arabic architecture
what kind of architecture are you thinking about?

Attached: 976579867.jpg (474x315, 27K)


Your mother

>‘Abdullah ibn ‘Ata narrated this hadith from ‘Abdullah ibn Buraydah and he said in it,
>“And that you see deaf, dumb, blind, barefoot shepherds of sheep competing with each other in building as if the kings of people.”
>He said, “So the man [Jibril] stood up and left, and we asked,
>‘Messenger of Allah, who are these you describe?”
>He answered, “They are the Arabs.”

Are you ready?!

Attached: 1280px-Muhammad_Salat.svg.png (1280x721, 75K)

They are pretty fucked because the very thing that made them rich is going to make their homaland uninhabitable for humans due to global climate change. The richest princess will come to live in huge mansions in europe while the common people will be left to die form overheating.

hot, I wish thats a dick and sit in there

they cant thats why they try to make themselves the global air traffic hub and a tourist destination. Their population mainly has fake jobs sponsored by the government and couldnt survive a day in a real economy

Why don't they built an industry with all that money? Electric cars lol