/yf/ Yellow Fever General

Discuss about the unique beauty of asian women and post your waifu

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yellow fever ?
more like plastic intoxication.

I have qt asian gf

Korean and Japanese plastic surgeons are top tier. Western surgeons suck

how did you meet?

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jesus christ this is pathetic

they are too busy doing plastics for accidents rather than making gooks look whiter

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So they can suck at plastic surgery if its for accident victims? Just to make their lives worse?
My god youre stupid

Most men have dry streaks for years, but pretend they don't to keep face.

Yellow fever men have regular sex but get some minimal amounts of shaming.

My point is most men are more pathetic than yellow fever men.

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What's wrong with her hands?

And no white surgeons are busy making cheap white hoes titties look like a pair of solid bowls


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I take it he cheated on her?


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Someone has been a bit too generous with the blur tool, below her eyelids, across the nose ridge, and upper lip have weird skid-marks of Buddha left.


the webm that cures yellow fever

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They look ugly even with make up. Besides, you can easily tell an ugly asian girl caked in makeup to try and hide her monkey face, from a naturally beautiful Asian goddess (which represents most of the North and East Asian population).

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True. Even the fugly east asian girls have an appeal. SEA monkeys are hit or miss for me.

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