Turkbros, where can I find turkish qts like Ilay and Anzu?
Turkbros, where can I find turkish qts like Ilay and Anzu?
Don't know but you can find me in your mothers bedroom
Dutch BTFO
fucking destroyed that toothpaste cunt
nice one brother kek
so proud of my turkic origins rn...
Fuck OP's probably killing himself right now.
Bro, why so mean?
My ancestor :)
Anzu looks like a rich skinny girl in Turkey though.
Her skinniness is getting to me. She should get some wait dammit.
I want to lose my kissing virginity with her.
Why is she so perfect, bros?
What do you think she should wait for?
delete this
Or Shanghai since Ilay posts more on her weibo account than anywhere else. I love anons who ignore that Anzu has an East Asian boyfriend or Ilay is trying to get Chinese men's attention / loves Korean entertainment (like kpop).
Anzu as a teenager. She was very fat as a child and now as an adult, she is going the other way.
based and redpilled
I remember meeting her in 2012 in one of those Torucons. She was a weird fat girl standing there by herself in Hatsune Miku costume and giving fake smiles around. After that event she even added on Facebook, but I declined thinking she is fat. She must have starved herself to death to gain more attention from boys.
>no "my teacher" at the end
> East Asian
he is fucking KYRGYZ, it's central asia, ex-ussr.
Holland BTFO
Hello AMWF poster
That is like saying Michiko Kaku is White since he is American. Being Central Asian is a regional nationality and is not a ethnicity / racial phenotype.
Anzu's boyfriend is obviously East Asian.
dumb mutt animal lmao. even though that may be true in your paradigm, americans are fucked in head and wrong about 99% of everything concerning race, ethnicity, nationality etc.
I meant weight.
Like, eat a lot and exercise a little, maybe calisthenics. Jesus Christ.
Oh, wow.
She has a boyfriend now, right?
and takes pictures like this now