
sad boys edition

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me? a middling IQ failed normie, why do you ask?

didn't ask actually

>middling IQ
cope, as they say

Fucking state of this runt lmao

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-03 Eddie Marsan ( eddiemarsan) Twitter.png (588x150, 16K)

Any still a virgin in 2019 man in?

>india doesn't have parking meters

>it was a trade deal that became a political union
I have scepticism that this is anything more than their posturing. As you obviously know a big reason why foot et al were against it to begin with was because the EU was clearly never going to be just "a trade deal". They knew that if you ever join this thing then the longer your in it the harder it's gona be to get out.

im smart but lazy

what's your favourite subreddit, lads?
for me, it's Jow Forumstraps