The capital of the world

The capital of the world

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Other urls found in this thread:

we share same blood
I'm so happy


>pretending to love jews in order to be spared from their tricks
i know your game, takashi.

I know your proxy, Kim.

t. Rooftop Korean Kim from north of LA

nips came from judea
samurai culture was based on maccabi warrior culture

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based and repilled

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i know about this. they larp as jews to survive. "keep your friends close and your enemies closer".

You guys are all individual people

Just see yourselves as that outside of the internet memes

t. reality pill

nah senpai
japan will embrace the zionist pill in the next 5-20 years the same as brazil did , global zionism is inevitable

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Rus*oids chimp out Japanese-Jews ally because of Russo war

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though it's not helping and jews try to destroy japan anyway. and it's after japs saved many jews from holocaust. you can see what kind of people jews are.

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>not New York

the capitals of The World are "T and W" get it right okay

>Saving Jews
Iv damke

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such capital requires all srts of ethnicities and cultures.
Israel must open its borders

New York-London axis is the true world capital.


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But it looks like shithole village

you even brought your airforce swastikas here , was kinda funny seeing a swatstika in an israeli based

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israel is the most migration-based country on earth,we literally had 1000% population growth since 1948 , more then 2/3 are first\second gen migrants