Summer makes me depressed and suicidal.


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I hate summer too

I agree, but in your stupid monkeyland it's actually always summer. What does it matter if it's 20 Celsius or 45? Still too hot. Also an easy detector of subhuman shithole countries - they are always hot.

says another shithole whos irrelevent

Cold is ok in small doses. I fucking hate shoveling snow. it becomes annoying after the fifth day of shoveling

Isn't Brazil hot all year around?

Well said step-friend

Same OP, i fucking hatepeople praising sweating 24/7 and not being able to sleep, makes me want to kill them all with my bare hands

summer is great

Only in the northeast, north and Rio.

South and southeast are subtropical, my city gets 0-10C during winter.

Educate yourself, asian insectoid

Attached: 15-kaguya.jpg (2048x1108, 496K)

Is Sweden cold all year around?

your post was okay until
>Educate yourself, asian insectoid
just why?

Because asians are subhumans

By your standards, probably

No they're not, they're human like you and me

Does Brazil even have seasons? Only white countries have seasons you have little differences in rain and temperature

Whoa, and gray sky when you can't see shit from your window because there's too much snow falling is not depressing

shut up monkey gorilla vermin insects you all should be sent to gulag

Lel just Googled some climate information for a city in southern Brazil. Lowest average monthly temperature in ‘winter’: 17 degrees Celsius.
They don’t know what seasons are

No u

Even their southernmost major city has "winters" that compare to late spring/early autumn here

oh shut up sasha, you wouldn't last 1 week in summer here without an AC constantly in 18°C


um excuse me but

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Yeah I looked up Florianopolis it was like a tropical paradise full of white larpers
Imagine your coldest city being Miami tier hot all year long and still use terms like ‘winter’ to describe a 5 degree difference in temperature

Okay, it's not as cold as Europe, buit it's better than this shit we have now.

We don't want to compete with you because of cold

""my city""

Open your fucking slanted eyes.

That's okay weather, just stay indoors between 13-16 if it's hotter than 22C or shower

Lowest ever recorded temperature was 0.7 degrees lol

all that heat is sure making you frustrated and upset

Imagine Arabs talking about winter in the Sahara that’s how you sound

0° to 10° C hahahaha winterlet

once again europeans ruin a thread with Jow Forums shitpost

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brazilian winterlets BTFO forever and ever

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>all that heat is sure making you frustrated and upset


That's why I want winter. 8C is extremely comfy.

We don't want Russia tier cold, we just want to be comfy

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Is it winter in Brazil when you have to wear a shirt?

42C tomorrow

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Australia is literally the second best country on earth and it's just as hot as brazil

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uhm, maybe 4th best at most.

you got an axis fetish m8?

no, it's a pure coincidence. hitler was right about almost everything by the way.

scratching my mozzie bites

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it sounds like holland to me. Just only eternal autumn (not summer) in your case

Here is the climate of a typical southern city in Brazil.

Attached: Curitiba.png (867x449, 172K)

And here is the climate of a typical northeast city.

Attached: maceio.png (741x630, 175K)

That's just a looong summer with a little bit of autumn/spring inbetween
Where I live is considered "mild" by German standards, still we have more variation

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isnt summer colder than winter in that shitole?

>0-10 is cold

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