You're not really planning to spend 40+ hours a week as a wagecucking slave for rich people until you're old...

you're not really planning to spend 40+ hours a week as a wagecucking slave for rich people until you're old, are you user?

so, specifically what's your plan to avoid just that?

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i will buy the shit out of mimblewimble when it comes out. Then I'll sell it for Bitcoin once it hits 100x.

Buy two small apartment with mortgage, live in one while renting the other out. once they are both paid off rent them both out and move into a third. once three are paid off I'll rent all three out and live on rent money in Vietnam or somewhere.

what if there is a problem with a tenant or an apartment? do you fly back from vietnam?

Literally wut

what is this

It's called Chainlink, user.

wagecuck here
I have 3 BTC and 10 ETH
will I make it?

>please respond

a semi-private island called Brecqhou

no, absolutely not. maybe if you transfer those 3 btc to bitmex and apply some leverage, but you're far more likely to lose them all in the attempt to make it

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Have a high income job, don't succumb to lifestyle creep and make sensible risk adjusted investments - become one of the rich people before I'm 35.

an island

masternodes out of my ass

with 10 btc will i make it? i can make a loan

>get in Coinbene
>cash out at 50x
>get in zippie and daostack
>cash out at 10x
by this time link mainnet should be around the corner
>go all in link
>never cash out
see you later wagebucks

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>he answered with the shitcoin he's currently hodling
you're fucked

I'll pay my brother or someone to manage it on my behalf.

This is a solid ass plan honestly as crypto gains adoption masternodes will start bringing in insane passive income

highly unlikely but impossible imo


works in some countries i guess. owning several properties like that is not really a good income in my country any more due to property taxes, wealth taxes and generally high expenses that come with owning property. it used to be good though..

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Dont loan money when you dont absolutely need to user.

Loaning money is what plebs do and it keeps them poor for a reason.


>Loaning money is what plebs do and it keeps them poor for a reason.

unless you're able to invest in something that gives a higher return than the cost of the loan. lots of rich people have essentially become rich by investing borrowed money. obviously you shouldn't borrow money to invest in something extremely speculative like crypto tho

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>Loaning money is what plebs do

Then why are bankers rich

Dude put 2 BTC in LINK and you will make it.

They lend more than they borrow.

Publishing my novels.

i work for my father

hope you're a good writer

doing what

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>finish schooling and become teacher
>summers off, easy schedule, tenure, on government payroll
>vote for Bernie in 2020 who will raise teachers salaries
>socialists ruin the country (not my problem I'll be dead by the time shit collapses) and I get to reap the benefits
>wagecucks and richbois get taxed to hell and back

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Get 100k loan from shekelstein. Send to bitmex for funding. Done.

Buy link run node

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u niggers need to go to the FIRE subr****t

LOL you young people have no fucking idea. You don't know jack shit about the world, how it works, or your place in it. My generation, Gen X, had no fucking hope when we were your age. And we were left disappointed. You, however, think you're going to be rich without working because you were never allowed to fail when you deserved to. You were convinced you are special when you're not. And you, for some reason, think the world owes you something. Well let me give you something you're owed. You're going to work until you're dead. No pension, no retirement, no 401k, no Social Security - nothing. And since you have zero work ethic and no job skills, you'll be doing menial labor where everyone shits on you until you're so old you drop dead right there in front of the fryer. So be smug while you can. Day dream about how good its going to be when you're "ballin" like whatever celeb you worship. Keep shuffling along - alone - while staring at your phones and tablets like the fucking zombie that you are. You're already dead. You just have to wander around for another 70 years until your body dies too. Best of luck, faggots.

>no 401k

Will Roth IRAs be safe? I have savings but I put in a lot of my income into that as well

Most likely. 401ks will probably not be looted either, but very few have the means or brains to take advantage of them. The fact that you even know what a Roth is probably means that post doesn't apply to you.

i feel anxiety in your words
you will die sooner than us
we will fuck your daughter very deep

Get taxed as income though doing that. Could be as high as 50%.

That's probably all true. But I retired at 39 and am now 45, so it's been a good run.

How did you retire so early?

by lying

well i have
10k link
5k HPB
so that should get me a nice place in thailand where i can buy a lady boy.

best ladyboys in PTT can buy your bags x10.. they dont because there are only shitcoins

>not holding BTC/ETH

I have saved up to $250k just from wagecucking and beta male efficiency. Its every betas duty secure their own simple existence and bail out.

Get a small loan from my father of a million dollars

How do you take advantage of 401k?

Good job m8. you have more power and control than most over your life

I worked through the dotcom bubble/crash. I made a decent chunk of money during that time and didn't spend any of it or increase my lifestyle. I worked for another 10 years or so in another area of tech and saved roughly 50% or what I brought home. I bought a house in 2002 in Orange County, Ca. in a shit area for $290k and sold it in 2007 for $800k.

Earning = offense. Spending = defense. Play both hard and be happy living a normal life without flashy shit.

Your employer needs to offer one. Often times they match contributions up to a certain amount. It's 100% free money but many don't do it.

>beta male efficiency
What is this?

>secure their own simple existence and bail out
What do you mean by this?

get rejected by stacy and then suiciding

I did all that user. Lived like a hermit spent nothing. Bought house year after you now its worth same as I paid. Was a top 5% earner saved like crazy house prices went up so much I earned 8 times more than my secretary but lived in a much worse house because she bought before the bubble. The 5% top earner meant nothing all I could get was shit. In 2013 I stopped working and fuck the system I want it to burn down Im in Uk

I‘m from Switzerland and own a company with round about 45 emp. - i pay every of them a loan 25% above the normally loan.. everbody is fine and my „cows“ work hard..

Marry rich

The only difference between us is luck, user. In no way do I think I deserve to be where I am. That’s why, although I live very well, I still think it’s all bullshit. It probably needs to be burnt to the fucking ground.

What is your net worth? Do you utilize index funds?

My house is worth about $1.4mil and it’s paid off. I have another 2 mil in various accounts (stock and bond total market index funds, some in money market). I live on about 48k/yr.
I think living smartly, saving a lot, and following the advice of a guy like Bogle is the best play. Money can’t BUY happiness, but not having to worry about money definitely makes like less stressful. So save instead of spend and find your happiness in a nice BBQ with friends.

Any advice on how to live smart?

Oh and a random question...what car do you drive.

How many women have you had sex with? You sound like a virgin.

>You sound like a virgin

No hate my friend - but you dont living live.

Bond funds, yuck. You'd be better off holding that in a high yield savings account. The yield won't beat inflation regardless

Don’t punish yourself, but don’t waste money either. Live one or more strata below your means.
We cook almost all of our own meals from scratch. But when we go out, we go to someplace nice. So we probably average less than our peers on food, but instead of going to shit places twice a week, we eat at high end places every 2-3 months. We don’t have any other money hobbies like golf or tennis. Instead we hike, garden, take the dogs out, etc.
I’m willing to spend a lot if I won’t have to buy that thing again for a long time. I’ve had the same VitaMix for 20 years, the same Allen Edmonds dress shoes for the same. Just pay to maintain good quality shit and don’t be flashy.
I drive an Infinity Q70S that is paid off and I’ll probably drive it for another 20 years.

I married the girl I started dating in 1988.

Imagine being so cucked that you haven't fucked the woman you've been married to for 30+ years.

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Yeah I would do many things differently in hindsight. I’ve had about 20% bonds and it’s not been a wise move. I also own some bullion. That’s faired even worse. In 15 years, you’ll also look back and cringe.

How does a portfolio of 50% VTSAX, 25% VTIAX, 25% VBTLX sound?

20% is too high if you're under 60. At this point it's a failed investment. Mixing asset classes better would typically yield better results

That looks pretty smart to me. After we correct, though, I’d consider DCA a higher percentage into VTSAX unless you’re old. If I was in my 20s, I’d probably be in cash right now and go 80/20 stocks/bonds after we correct. But if you’re pumping money into your portfolio in your 20s, and you hold through the inevitable crashes, you’ll likely end up richer than you think younger than you expect.

When do you think a correction will occur? Also do you think a USD fiat collapse is realistic? I notice one user always mentioning buying gold.

I agree. At the time, though, 80/20 was considered somewhat aggressive. I could have done better, but I also could have done worse. I think it’s most important not to lose than it is to win big.

God. I’ve thought a USD collapse was likely since 2004 and I’ve been dead wrong. Honestly, my track record on the future of the dollar has only ever hurt me. I still own some bullion as a hedge but it’s been a shit investment so far. It can’t go on forever, but keeps going on. I just don’t know.

if the USD collapses we are all FUCKED

money will be the least of our concerns

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i own 80+ ounces of silver
a quarter ounce of gold
an slr-104 with 5 spam cans of 7n6 (5500 rounds)

sounds like your just not prepared

Link. If that doesn't work, I have 60 meters of static rope and a really tall bridge over a lake near my house. Imagine some faggot water skier getting blasted in the dome by a decapitated corpse. Creating that scenario is better than anything a wagekek life can provide,

Why would your corpse be decapitated

If you hang yourself with a long and strong enough rope, it will completely rip through your neck. It doesn't take much, maybe 5 to 8 meters at the most.

I intend to use voltaic compression to create diamonds. wage cucking is what destroys life.

yolo with altcoins on max leverage.

>what's your plan to avoid just that?
I've got about 200,000 COSS

na dude just print more money

What altcoins can you margin anyway?
Nothing under top10 as far as I know

Holo/Constellation. Nuff said.

t. loser