>guys I think I might have yellow fev-
Guys I think I might have yellow fev-
Other urls found in this thread:
why korean and japanese are like this?
only koreans do that
japanese are natural
>japdognese are natural
>being this delusional
>the fake nose and chin line
nobody does this here.
>marry gt korean
>make childs
>see what childs looks like
>kill them
>kill wife
why are you so serious?
Why is the white part of her eyes smaller without makeup? That doesn't even make sense.
>implying a korean woman would ever a russian subhuman
Even a literal dog is more attractive and has a higher social status than a russian "'man"'
Your hoholish sister thinks I'm ok
She cute actually
>wow user, you really make threads on an anonymous forum online complaining about women of specific races? That's so fucking sexy, tell me more my pussy is wet rn
Why are Asians such a deceptive people?
ok this is just sad now
poor japanese radioactive mutant
And here's the perfected version.
the settled worm fears the nomad stallion
how sad for them, the american women I've seen from HS to university were largely 10/10 without needing to craft fake facial features for themselves ayyyylmao
yeah, because wh*Toids don’t do that with makeup at all
Why do you have to be so mean to asians
western woman are a 1000x worse with makeup, at least asians try and keep the "natural" look rather than drawing their face orange
t. Cathay rat
There's a difference between covering acne and completely changing the structure of your face.
Minty breath and drinking kumis are mutually exclusive
Western women don't use movie prop plastics to change the shape of their face
>shave brows in order to wear makeup
>look disgusting without makeup
Well, that makes sense.
I for one don't like these dolled-up women regardless, so no amount of makeup could fool me into thinking a Chink Barbie is pretty.
Now, stealth makeup is another danger, but I'm not preaching to deaf ears.
>structure of your face
Literally never happens unlike the fat orange harpies I walk past daily
She used a special tape on her eyelids to make her eyes bigger.
Do they actually shave it off or does it just fall off from all the abuse?
Here you go lads. Claim yours today.
I'd assume i t's both.
The pub owner near my house was 40yo and her brows woudn't grow anymore after so much plucking around for makeup purposes, so she just had to draw them in all the time. She stopped plucking, but no cigar.
Front three on bottom right, also middle top 6th from left
Would let all brap on my face
Japan got bundas though.
That's actually pretty awesome.
More white women should put effort into looking good.
>he he, if i say i like asian women better the white women will freak out
Imagine being so obsessed and unhinged as that churka Russian sandn*gger
Not the worse.
But still Jesus Fucking Christ this is worse than any type of roastie in the US.
I'm almost impressed.
>more makeup shit
lmao gayreekturkroach faglord
Mentally ill sheboon loving sandn*gger
Based slav destroyed 3 gayreek fevershits, thanks for proving my point fat faglord
Based slav nazis attacking retarded gayreek with a hammer
But he was actually a churka Caucasus nigger just like you
But I'm russian, you retarded turkroach gayreek fevershit lmao
You guys should meet up and cum inside eachother desu
>greek soiboi liking plastic women instead of black queens
of course
Sheboon loving incel
ok insect lover, why don't you stick your dick into an anthill? Lmao, this whole time you didn't manage to post 1(ONE) example of even a semi-attractive asian woman.
>why don't you stick your dick into an anthill?
this, he likes insects so much already