A US hospital has fired a young doctor after she made anti-Semitic threats...

>A US hospital has fired a young doctor after she made anti-Semitic threats, including a disturbing claim she would “purposefully give Jews the wrong meds”.

So this is the so called "land of free speech".

Why didn't you save her, Jow Forums? ;_;

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aussies are dumb

shut up dog

Americans are a mysterious bunch

Serves her right, stupid cunt

>I will knowingly give people the wrong medical treatment based on their religion
I mean, you know.


Good. She needs to have her license revoked.

Arab or mutt?

Palestinian arab

I bet she could get a job in Europe

Hospital is a private entity, who tf care anyway?

What is medical ethics. Plenty of doctors hate minoroties but still give them the correct medication. Fuck this bitch for making a mockery of the field

americans are not endangered therefore no

>be a doctor
>shit all over the hypocratic oath
American education at it's finest

Imagine being stupid enough to actually say those things on your twitter account when you're training to become a doctor. I'm going to fucking ruin this whore myself. I'll send this to all American and European hospitals, maybe all across the world, this bitch will be cleaning bathrooms until the day she dies.

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Fuckin baste

based and redpilled


What do you think, moron? she says she's going to harm her patients, this """""person"""" should not be allowed to have any power let alone be in charge of people's health.

Shes a phsyco

Because she's retarded. Should've not said anything and be doing her thing, killing jews.

Cool. I hope this arab bitch will get several years in prison

Based and redpilled
Heil to our arabic friends [spoiler] Now fuck off from our white countries [/spoiler]

>Should've not said anything and be doing her thing, killing jews.

How the fuck do these nigger spoilers work on faggotchan


Attached: [HACK-JOB]_The_Ideon_-_Be_Invoked_[1080p][x264_FLAC][52B1E273].mkv_snapshot_13.44_[2018.05.06_15.06. (1440x1080, 220K)

Don’t you understand it? For them you are not a person but a dangerous virus, killing you is the moral thing to do. I am in the same situation. First they go after jews, second gypsies and gays, third slavs.

what a retard


What's wrong with this? We omit treatment for gang shits all the time so they die from their retardedness whenever the chance is present. It's largely retarded to think she would "give the wrong meds". What fucking wrong meds? Waste all the effort of consultation and physical examination to "missprescribe"? It's not like you can outright give people poison, not even in this shithole you can do such thing, besides there should be a dude at pharmacy who's the one handing the actual meds to patients, not the doctor himself.

Just another bunch of JIDF sponsored fake news.

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Just a prank, bro. Thought you guys hated this PC bullshit. Unless you have proof that she harmed a patient, doesn't this seem a little premature?


>implying Arabs don't think the same way about all infidels

They did the correct thing tb h. All this jew conspiracy thing is for brainlets that can't grasp how the world really works.

you expect a certain degree of professionality from certain jobs
you can be a memer if you work at mcdonald, not so much in an hospital

What the fuck is the point of spoilers on this board?

Kek, who even wants to immigrate to Crotia?

What the fuck dude. Doctors are normal people, who's ever said the opposite? They're not fucking priests and even those cant be stuck up with religious shit 100% of the time. Just why the fuckdoes everyone treat twitter as if it were a fucking oath? How can americans be this retarded.

Jews worldwide should be tried at Haye for the european genocide of 39-45

says the mountain jew

Attached: Oy+vey+you+filthy+im_adad8d_4903899.png (998x1134, 197K)

t. mountain jew

im not american, you can see the flag of my country above my post
you can think what you want, but if you are so dumb as to make a post on twitter you shouldnt be surprised if then no one wants you as their doctor, i dont say she should be fired but if she gets fired because no one wants to be treated by her anymore it seems reasonable to me
you are confusing freedom of speech with antisocial behaviour

Look mate we all know you Latinos have a certain flexibility with standards, conduct and morals,
However to become a doctor in the first place one must perform exceptionally on an academic level before going through immensely difficult and strict training. Ask any doctor(outside el salvador) how sacred the hypocratic oath is. Doctors have possibly the hardest and most intense job there is, they work for most of their lives and can be called in at any moment. Their job can be robotic but they are expected to function consistently.

Exactly if anything we're the proof that you don't have to be a jew to behave like one ;) Religion has nothing to do with cucking other countries

jesus you fucking autists
what about a cop posting about how he is gonna shoot black people and plant guns on them because he hates blacks?
or a teacher posting about how he is going to rape kids?
or a korean working at a restaurant posting about how he is going to poison the meals of japanese people?
you don't "joke" about stuff like this unless in very specific context

Your PM shitposts about building illegal settlements and starting WW3 on twitter. Get a grip Shlomo.

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Exactly. Maybe switch Slavs with muslims and we might have something there but the list doesn't end there.


>illegal settlements
>starting WW3
hi ahmed

lol go shoot a kid you moral outrage faggot

she should have been shot

Unless that specific user is Bibi your argument is pointless

All Israelis are faggots and deserve a rocket to land on their house

I'd fuck her and her jewish patients tbqh