Is catholicism the most retarded religion ever?

Is catholicism the most retarded religion ever?

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t. banana religion

protestantism is much more advanced and mature

catholics are dumb

No, the religion itself is good, but the Church is not perfect at all.

No, in fact it's the only entirely true religion.

it's retarded.
they worship statuesses, saints and mary.
its obviously a clusterfuck or roman and persian pagan elements.
tks god im not catolishit no more

the catholic church has so many pedophiles that its disgusting

>they worship statuesses, saints and mary.
We don't
>its obviously a clusterfuck or roman and persian pagan elements.
>tks god im not catolishit no more
You should reconsider

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Catholics are Christians who took the memes too far. At least they're not as weird as orthodox. Ritual has its place but it shouldn't be the basis of a religion, that's just appeasing your reptile brain

3)stop trying to divide christianity any further macaco


you never been to a chruch in your life, chinky larper

Okay, but Catholics being pedophiles has nothing to do with whether or not the Church's teachings are true (and they are). People in every religious organization have done bad things, but you can't evaluate truth based on what the practitioners do. Catholic pedophiles are enemies within the Church, not its representatives.

No, I go to mass every Sunday and have a pretty good understanding of Catholicism. We honour and revere saints, but worship is reserved for God alone. It's often claimed that there are a shitload of pagan elements to Catholicism, but these claims don't add up if they're examined closely.

yes, they do.
i used to do it to
i prayed to many saints and mary instead of praying to god
catolicims is pagan i finally realized it

the canadian are giving solid arguments and respecting everyone and you just be rude for nothing?

You don't pray and worship mary and the saints though.
Dude have you actually tried reading the doctrine of the church regarding them?

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Not to mention
>catholics, eastern orthodox, copts, armenians, church of the east, ethiopian orthodox can all trace themselves back to the apostles and all revere mary and the other saints
>even some protestants (especially within anglicanism) don't have a problem with it
>the only christians who do are the ones whose organizations have only been around for 500 years or less
Makes you think

>you dont pray and woship may and saints
Kek, what is the hail mary prayer?
st micheal prayer?
st gabriel prayer?
also, people not only bow and pray to statues but also kiss them
ur just another chink larper

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You will know them by their fruits.

>you dont pray to mary
What is Ave Maria?

Isn't that more of asking Mary to mediate your prayer to Jesus for you?

(Which is also dumb, why not just ask God directly when he's omnipotent and so has no need for a secretary or anything of the sort)

btw Os católicos não veneram santos.
Santos são apenas exemplos de pessoas que se arrependeram e foram fiéis a Jesus

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Do you not understand what veneration means user?
It doesn't mean we worship them as equals to God
Veneration of Saints and Mary means we respect them for their endeavours on Earth for christianity as well as the fact that Mother Mary was the Mother of Jesus which means people will devote thenselves through prayers and music
Doesn't mean we worship them as equals to God user

>asking for saints to pray for us is somehow equivalent to worshipping them
>people not only bow and pray to statues but also kiss them
These are symbolic acts, the same as bowing before royalty, getting on one knee to propose to your wife, shaking someone's hand to conclude a deal, a soldier kissing a photo of his wife before a battle, etc. Saints are people who led exemplary lives of holiness, reverence towards their images is a way of showing respect.

Veneram sim, muitas pessoas rezam pra santo. Eu e a maioria dos meus colegas de catequese fazíamos isso frequentemente.

religion is just retarded in general
thank you protestantism for allowing me to be a rich man while staying faithful to a beggar religion
i mean catholicism is retarded as well but come on now

Catholicism has produced far more good things and people than bad, every organization has bad people within it.

except the second commandament say exactly not to do this

Christians are encouraged to pray for each other, why shouldn't you ask God's own mother for her prayers? It's not an either/or situation, you can both pray to God and ask saints to pray for you.

Found this in the hotel room.
Thank you Japan

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lmao nigga Protestantism is the abridged comic sans version of Christianity for Sunday Christians

It was founded by human heretics, the Catholic Church was founded by JESUS

>Not getting the line straight to the big man himself
Did they forget to put this in the latin vulgate?

[7] But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
[8] Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.
[9] After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
[10] Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
[11] Give us this day our daily bread.
[12] And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
[13] And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

>religion can be not retarded

Yes we do this to
We hold hands and pray this

Idolatry would be putting something above God, saints show us how to live holy lives dedicated to God.
>except the second commandament say exactly not to do this
It's really the First Commandment, and it's talking about idol-worship like worshipping other gods or worshipping things like money, power, superstitious bullshit, etc. not the legitimate reverence show to images of holy things and people, the Second Council of Nicaea makes this clear. God himself orders images of holy things to be build as part of the Temple in the Old Testament, and religious imagery has been around since the early Church, so clearly there isn't an issue with images in and of themselves.

Yeah, they forgot to put the part about a guy in a big funny hat in my Bible.

They also forgot to put in the part that that guy is infallible.

Maybe I should return my Bible for a refund.

>use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do
Being a key part here, if it's a Christian prayer then it's hardly a vain heathen repetition.

read between the lines bud

St Peter was the first pope though

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>authentic christian belief is only what can be explicitly found in scripture
Don't remember seeing that line in scripture

No, Islam is.

on the begging, yes. later it was currupted by paganism.
the first cristians neve worshipped mary, nor saints, nor viewd the churchs patriarc as someone infallible

Maybe the Pope should distance himself from the kiddie diddlers then.

I think Paul talked about something like that, you know, in the Bible. Its a pretty good book, you should read it after you finish that Catholic Catechism.

>later it was currupted by paganism
Citation needed
>the first cristians neve worshipped mary, nor saints
Agreed, but they did honour their martyrs and other saints
>nor viewd the churchs patriarc as someone infallible
The particulars are arguable and I don't want to get into it, but Rome was always viewed as the preeminent church

most pope have been currupted perveted warmongers throught history
yet they believe they are somehow infallible lmao

>the Catholic Church was founded by JESUS
>Americans actually belive this
you guys always come up with new ways to disappoint me

The first christians already venerated mary though starting with the Council of Ephesus and it goes far back as archaeological digs have seen roman crypts with images of Marg.Saints have been mentioned in the bible as anyone who have died and have ascended to Heaven and the saints that we know have been canonized by the church meaning they recognise their actions on Earth and the miracles they have made

>I think Paul talked about something like that, you know, in the Bible.
>I think

>Council of Ephesus
>yr 431 AD
lmao cmon yun li.
we both know mary veneration is simply ishtar syncretism

>most pope have been currupted perveted warmongers throught history
No, only a few through the Middle Ages and Early Modern times. Most popes have been fairly average leaders, because they're just people.
>yet they believe they are somehow infallible lmao
Only by virtue of his office. If a pope declares a teaching to be infallibly true then it must be based upon the Sacred Apostolic Tradition of the Church, a pope cannot contradict what came before or the Church's essential teachings.

>Mary, as the mother of Jesus, is documented in Roman catacombs: paintings from the first half of the 2nd century show her holding the Christ Child.[16] Excavations in the crypt of St Peter's Basilica uncovered a very early fresco of Mary together with Saint Peter.[62] The Roman Priscilla catacombs depict the oldest Marian paintings from the middle of the 2nd century:[63] Mary is shown with Jesus on her lap, a standing man with tunic left hand a book right hand a star over his head symbol of messiahs. Priscilla also has a depiction of the annunciation.[61] The edict of Milan (AD 313) allowed Christians to worship openly. This new freedom also permitted literary development of the veneration of Mary, Hippolytus of Rome being an early example.[59][64] Saint Ambrose, who lived in Rome before going to Milan as its bishop, venerated Mary as an example of Christian life and is credited with starting a Marian cult of virginity in the 4th century.

Please Joao
Stop pulling shit out of nowhere

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>The first christians
Acts 11:25,26
[25] Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus, for to seek Saul:
[26] And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.

>Council of Ephesus
>The Council of Ephesus was a council of Christian bishops convened in Ephesus in AD 431 by the Roman Emperor Theodosius II

Someone forgot to tell Luke to write down in Acts that the first Christians didn't come about until 431 AD and that they went to a council and said venerated Mary was good to go.

It goes back even before Christianity, to an extent even Jews around the time of Christ believed in their intercession like in 2 Maccabees.
>we both know mary veneration is simply ishtar syncretism
You've got to back this up with something. The Church went to great lengths to refute paganism and distance itself from it, maybe Christians preferred to die rather than worship or give sacrifice to pagan gods, why the fuck would it be syncretism?

idiot every one knows st peters basilica catacombs are full of mitra pagan paintins
also, fuckin 2 hundred yrs after the death o christ

so much cope
based Americans for going away from their heretic roots

>Someone forgot to tell Luke to write down in Acts that the first Christians didn't come about until 431 AD and that they went to a council and said venerated Mary was good to go.
It isn't like the practice just appeared out of nowhere, veneration of martyrs and saints existed from the get-go and Ephesus was there to confirm what was already practiced.

Please back up your claims user
It's hard to talk to you when you don't show proof

If it existed from the get-go then I think it would have been important enough to be recorded in the Apostles' letters or in the Acts of the Apostles.

You think it wasn’t? You think that’s an American belief? That’s been the belief of the Catholic Church since it was founded

By Jesus.

another retardation the roman pagans did to keep sundays instead of saturdays another pagan inflence

>christ dies in the ~30s
>earliest marian paintings come from ~150
That's pretty good as far as historical finds go, especially considering the early Church was small and persecuted. You can also look at early sources like the Didache to further confirm Catholic practices as ancient and apostolic.

>paintings indicate early Christians prayed for intercession
Don't hurt yourself with that stretch.

the brazilian is clearly shitposting

I know it was posted thousand times, but nobody "prays" to anyone but God. It is about asking saints to pray for us like we ask our friends.
There are lots of stuff to criticize Catholics. This isn't one of them

so the ave maria prayer doesnt exist?

There are other early Christian documents besides canonical scripture that detail the practice. Christians in the first and second centuries didn't even have a canon of scripture yet. Early Church Fathers are unanimous in their support of the practice. For you to be right you'd have to believe that everyone just started bullshitting immediately after the apostolic times ended.

>thank you protestantism for allowing me to be a rich man while staying faithful to a beggar religion
yeah protestants are so dumm because they build prosperous countries
better pray to the pope while he sits on his golden throne

>it's a christcucks arguing over retarded and inconsequential stuff episode

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No, early documents like the Shepherd of Hermas explicitly indicate that Christians back then prayed for the intercession of saints, paintings indicate that iconoclasts are wrong and always have been.

thats judaism. but yes protestantism and orthodox are more interesting if you are more progressive or conservative minded

>just started bullshitting immediately after the apostolic times ended
I mean Moses was gone for all of like 10 minutes before the Israelites starting worshiping a golden calf soooo..

And? It's from the gospels. And it's text is literally about what I said.
Though we have different text.

>hail mary, full of grace, the lord is with thee. blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, jesus. holy mary, mother of god, oray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death
What exactly is objectionable here? Most of it is quoted from the New Testament


i mean its ridiculous lmao

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Well if you want to go down that road there's not really anything else to say

Let me guess: most of this "hate" comes from those good, old, (((history))) classes? Anão, a gente só aprende a versão deturpada (útil pra ideologia de quem tá ensinado). Dificilmente até quem fez catequese e crisma sabe do que se trata o Cristianismo.

