Hey anglos, what the fuck is this shit? It tastes like liquid ass
Hey anglos, what the fuck is this shit? It tastes like liquid ass
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You're not supposed to drink it Fjodor.
It's delicious with a fried egg on toast, I've seen Paddies put it on their stew aswell
if your arse tastes like brown sauce then
Never realised how weird the bottle must look to foreigners, with the whole Westminster theme and the royal warrant prominently displayed.
I tried it with chicken, I tried it wit rice, and with fries. It's strange, and there is no ingredients graph in english, only in swedish, norwegian, danish and finnish
>not sticking it in your bacon sandwich
how are you holding it?
fucking russian david blaine
Baby shit
requires a very refined and sophisticated palate to appreciate it
I'm hiding my short fingers
Stick a bit in a sausage sandwich uma delicia
try it with bread sticks
Hmm, alright I may try it
>It tastes like liquid ass
naturally, it’s the russian flag that knows this taste
>being this defensive
You put it on a bacon sandwich you absolute plonker
Harry Potter sauce?
Its pretty niche where it looks like dinner sauce but it pretty much only goes well with breakfast stuff like bacon and eggs
what type of sauce is that?
Try Kalles Kaviar if you want to taste something really bad
Swedes and Swedesucking Finns only like it as a meme
Try eating it with this en.wikipedia.org
Basically it's just leftovers potato/sausage/onion/eggs/beef/pork chopped into small pieces and cooked together, throw in some . HP sauce and it fits perfectly.
it's a sauce for fried pork things in bread lad
Once thought it was barbacue sauce. I was disappointed. Tastes alright in a sausage butty though.
Brown sauce is uma delcia
Try it with bacon sandwich, sausages or something like that.
But what's the ingredients? As I said, there is no english on the bottle
Mostly dates
Sausage or bacon sandwich
Don't eat it in a cheese sandwich
Never would've thought that
Queen's diarrhea after eating hot indian curry
totalt baserat brev
Explain the taste before I get mad.
Half arsed b8 m8
>I tried it with chicken, I tried it wit rice, and with fries.
That on the other hand is quality b8 m8!
how much rbl did this cost you OP?
hp is very good
It's the same kind of flavour as Worcester sauce, very savoury, a little bit spicy but not hot. Tangy and sweet
like bbq sauce but spicier and more vinegary
If you ever have ash and dumplings bung it on that.
My brother bought it, and he said that he "didn't quite liked it", so I took it from him for free
Not a bait
Not a bait as well, that's the first time I tried it
>Ash and dumplings
What on earth is this, ash isn't food
is he a britboo or something?
try frying up some potato and bacon and have it with that
I tried it with potato chips right now, and it's alri. I'll try it with eggs tomorrow.
Nah, he's a footy fan though, and footy hooligans culture fan.
Get some good quality бeкoн and fry a ton of it, put in a proper soft baguette (not cheap, hard or black bread) that you have buttered and add HP. It's heaven. Probably you are adding too much.
You never had ash and dumplings.
Potato, carrot, mince, oxo, boil it al and have it with dumplings.
i think he means hash
Can only get bud where I am m8.
Well, fuck me mate, I was recently in Bongland and brought this sauce too for my friend, cause he requested some good local sauce.
Hope he won't kill me.
its called brown sauce
Nothing for you, put it away
God tier sauce list:
>Sweet Baby Ray's Barbecue Sauce
Shit tier:
>anything else
I don't really like it. Had it a few times abroad, it's popular in British holiday locations.
>eating English food
What the fuck are you doing Ivan, the bongs are known worldwide for their disgusting "food".
Have the yanks even got original food?
holy fucking based post
>Any non-british country thinking their food is better than ours.
hp sauce is great on pytt i panna
no ta
>tfw just made 4 kilos of pyttipannu
Sounds welsh
It's basically leftover potatoes, bacon/ham and sausages cut into pieces, add in onions and eggs. Fry everything together.
Our family also eats macaroni with it, nice and mushy.
Ah nice that's basically what we call hash here, classic leftover food
>Ah nice that's basically what we call hash here, classic leftover food
That's bubble and squeak you tit!
This is hash!
i thought hash was euro weird oily tobacco weed
Are you a northerner or something? I'm from Essex and we'd only ever have dumplings with a stew, never even heard of what you're saying is hash
Wonder how this would go with duck
It tastes very similar to tonkatsu sauce. So maybe try it with pork
>Are you a northerner or something?