How does your country feel about BBB (big black booty)?

how does your country feel about BBB (big black booty)?

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Other urls found in this thread:[state_id]=11

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very (HIV) positive

i like it



post more

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I wonder if dicklets can fuck an ass of this size.

No idea. We barely have any blacks here but if they look like pic related then id eat that booty like ice cream.

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>tfw small penis (10cm when erect)
>paid for black hooker
>couldn't get it in doggy
>couldn't get it in cowgirl
>only way in was missionary with her legs all the way up but turned soft after the many attempts

doomed to be incel virgin

i spit out my coffee holy fuck

well my 16 cm won't be enough


we worship it

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Why is int always trying to push black women? Whats the end goal here ?

interracial breeding grounds as far as the eye can see

my ebonic queen

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Horrific. I hope not too many people fall for that.

>i can see where the make up starts and ends

get better taste guy

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many BBBs in my cunt

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Attached: brapsniffers.webm (640x800, 1.82M)

its the near future

and thats a good thing!

that guy is fucking based
>that seething nigger at the end

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what a goddamn hero


>cares about make up
nigga all I see in her is fine tits and ass

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...that's her husband

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>white girls wanting the BBC
>white men lusting after BBB

good... yes... very good

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>3 belgian BBB posters

absolute state of Belgium


Majority would probably dislike it. I am one of the few appreciators of true beauty of a big ass.

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I cant imagine living in a world like that. Truly my worst nightmare

>all IP locations are from Antwerp, diamond district
what a weird coincidence!

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belgium confirmed for being based

Attached: blackbuttwiggle.webm (1280x720, 2.72M)

Lots of meat ITT

yeah so?

>how does your country feel about BBB (big black booty)?
We're importing it directly from South Africa.

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The cultured man’s choice.

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They're black so of course they like it

But being an actually sane person surrounded by them, I'd tell you that the cellulite ridden lump of fat some of them pride themselves on is pretty disgusting in reality since 9/10 times its a lumpy mess that's the result of bad diet (high in carb pap) and little training.

Instagram pictures are only the top selected layer and also usually shopped. A cute tuned booty is where it's at

True, thin black is just as good as thick.

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I can hear the music whenever this is posted
Fuck I loved this show as a kid

Negresses are just for fucking, not breeding. You know this Frenchie.

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I want a black girl to dick shame me


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I'm with this man right here. But for me it doesn't matter if the girl is black or white, as long she got that booty and the shape of a real woman, I'm good

Do ebonics like BFC? (Big Finnish Cock)

I'm sure they do.

why are these girls called "escorts" who do they escort? and to where?

Attached: Karawan pod eskorta warszawskich motocyklistow 1.jpg (500x333, 90K)

Escort means a person or a thing that is accompanying you. It doesn't have to be from point A to point B. In this case, they are accompanying you to pleasure you.

Attached: escortservices.png (279x828, 48K)

Black girls in real life are aggressive, violent, masculine and have a bad mentality.

Asian girls are elegant, sophisticated and devoted to their man.

pic related could take on a pack of your mud monkeys all by herself

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Countering this cursed post.

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I feel good about it, but my fellow countrymen are bigots

Only niggers and wiggers like it; nobody else goes near it. Thanks to the Kardashians though lots of insecure white girls genuinely hate their tight, perfect asses, and end up ruining themselves with implants or just getting fat to fit in with what they think is normal.

My gf is a mestizo with a very big booty. You guys are making me want to lick it right now
You always forget how lucky you are when you have the things



Based and redpilled

Oh, yes, she's also taller than me so im basically this meme


Do you have BIC(Big Italian Cock)? Very big booty girls tend to be harder to fuck if you got a small cock.