Is anime popular in your county?

is anime popular in your county?
here people think you're a weirdo loser if you watch anime...

Attached: smug slasher.png (800x1250, 837K)

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you are werido loser if you watch anime

zoomers are open about watching anime.

If you watch kids cartoons you are a weirdo loser regardless of your nationality faggot

Isn't this that game about a lesbian school shooter


same as zoomers watch it and think it is cool
Egyptian weeb communities are pure cringe

yea it's being posted around /v/ yesterday
It's a japanese game were you play as a school shooter in Japan

it's from the same artist, he does mostly guro and yuri so it's a safe bet, but she never straight up states she's a lesbian
probably is a raging homo though

Attached: virgin yandere chad shooter.png (2346x846, 398K)

somehow but i guess only loser watch it