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Why you should never feel bad for terrorist attacks in Belgium
Really funny, faggot. Now you reap what you sow.
the only way to get savages in line. belgium did nothing wrong
>innocent western europeans being raped today
the only one who is loling today is their descendants in your countries
When my grandchildren ask me if white people really deserved to go extinct, i'll show them this picture
why you act like gook?
You laugh at them then. But now they breed your sisters.
good post
I'm still shocked that Belgians got away with this.
Nearly 20 million people died.
what the fuck
so proud of my ancestors
they are anyway a noncountry
Seething. All you have is memes on Jow Forums and some random retard blowing themselves up. Meanwhile whites fucked the entire world in the anus.
>Muh 6 gorillon
Congo had a population of 8m
Haha good thing people only remember the jews
Does that nigga on the right have a hole in his stomach?
are you Flemish or Walloon?
Looks like this is a picture of an actual physical photo so it might be a hole in that
Flemish, and btw it was almost exclusively walloons who did this
looks like cut left hand, I don't know what happened at his left arm outside its picture and what if it's his thing