Heil Putin!

Heil Russia!
Victories: Napoleshit, Hitlershit, Trumpshit

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heil him

The real heroes

Assad started that shit and you call him hero?

Lion of Damascus
greatest leader in the modern world


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Without the oil of Middle East.

He is not started this lol. USA provide supplies to group of terrorists and rebels since 2011

Assad bombed civilians and civil war started but Americans are blamed. Nice

>Assad must go!
>bloodthristy tyran that's western media told me! It's TRYYYYY!

Feed you, stupid troll.

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fuck russia fuck putin

I didn't say anything of that.

Saudi-American-Israeli Axis of Evil BTFO.


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>t. Moderate head chopper

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death to ASSad

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This. Let both as**d and p*tin will burn in fucking hell

Can't wait for Turkey to annex Syria desu

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based and redpilled

unbased and vatnikpilled

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Based. I wish we lived under Russian rule.

Based retard countries spending billions on meaningless dick measuring wars in the middle east

t. errorist subhuman


fuck slavshit-400 and russhitia tbf.
dumb gov oughta ditch that and buy the f-35 instead.

Glad our boys are showing some respect over there

His security literally shot at protesters asking for the release of political prisoners and beat a 13 year old to death long before we gave a fuck.

>All these EU twats who don't realize that the Syrian refugees are never going back with Assad in charge and it also provides them a valid asylum request.

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