Did you ever ahve friends of color?

Did you ever ahve friends of color?

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That cunt looks Mongolian

Yeah, apparently I had a black friend when I was in kindergarten, but I don't remember much

Had two gypsy girls in my class. About as brown as they get here. Other than that one of my cousins is half-kazakh, but they lived in Visaginas and we only met during Christmas.

She has an extremely slavic face.

hello newfriends

Yea, a girl from israel is at my uni and we are friends and she has a black boyfriend.

Does your mother count as a POC?

Hi John "Eurasian Tiger" Cuckendorf

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Does someone from Chechnya count?

My squad in army had a Moroccan, a Bulgarian and a Turk. Also one Asian dude but he left pretty soon so I don't know where he was from.

Oh right, we also had an American


Were they born in Finland?

All but the American spoke perfect Finnish.

i have indian friends. no blacks though.

Yes, one of my friends is croatian...

Most of my friends and bf (Filipino) are pic

Flip men are underrated

>Did you ever ahve friends of color?
Yeah african-american unironically

all of them are spaniards, so yes

I have an albanian friend and a romanian friend

one was a half asian jew who was a real two faced asshole

I have friends of all colors. Very diverse country.

my best friend was a morrocan


I have some.

If your friend is blue, he is choking, you idiot!



what's a kazakh doing in lithuania

>¿qué fue la unión soviética?

don't know if I should consider the amount of people who don't seem to recognize her as a positive or a negative

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that was almost three decades ago

based Masha poster

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There's a whole bunch of Russians and other ex-Soviet minorities left over in the Baltics. Twentyfive years ain't that long ago amigo.

Does my asiatic russian friend count?

A lot of kazachs and other mongoloids come here to buy cars

My aunt married some sort of an engineer who worked at the nuclear plant in Ignalina, who was kazakh. They met as students in St. Petersburg in the early 80s. My cousin is like 26-28 years old.

yes, he is in london and is now rich
i miss you aaron