Ameriburgers, what are some stereotypes & general facts about your states that euros don’t tend to know?

Ameriburgers, what are some stereotypes & general facts about your states that euros don’t tend to know?

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Until fairly recently, it was illegal across my entire state to buy any alcohol or women's pantyhose on a Sunday, because they were afraid of drinking and whoring on the Sabbath. We still cannot buy beer or wine until after noon on Sunday, and liquor stores must be closed. It was also extrememly common to have teetotaler grandparents.

What state is this? I can’t imagine this being a thing even in the most religious eu states lmao

then again we sorta have the same thing because sweden is a drinking culture so the socialdemocrats decided they had to stop us from binging too hard on weekends

Texas. I grew up in a relegious household, so I recognize the value of a community church. But many of our evangelists fail to see any value between the seperation of church and state until it's another man's relegion informing the laws.

My state was the first to allow Catholic settlement. It has the first Catholic church established in the formerly English-ruled states.
We also have a famous population of feral/wild ponies in a coastal state park.

You could cross the entirety of your country in a day, but, unless you refuse sleep, it always takes 2 days to cross my state.

My state was governed by six different western powers in its life alone.

We also don't have subways.

The Hispanics/Latinos of pre-US cession Mexican decent in California are considered their own ethnicity and have their own weird accent of Spanish.

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My state almost had a genocidal revolt against white people due to abusive labor practices and charging people their entire year's earning just for rent in the early 1900's.

Also we have our own electrical grid compared to the rest of the nation having seperate intergrated ones.

Hold the highest sand dunes, suspension bridge, auto tunnel, railway, highest paved road (Mtn. Evans Scenic byway) ,and "city" (2,600 pop.) in the country. Basically we go elevation working for us, Colorado btw.

state your state dummies

Sorry, those unstated are all me, and they are all TEXAS BABY

>My state almost had a genocidal revolt against white people due to abusive labor practices and charging people their entire year's earning just for rent in the early 1900's.
Which event was this?

>'scenic byway'
>building a road though a place which is nice because there are no roads

Very American, I suppose you have no shortage of mountains though

In the 1950's and 1960's, hispanic americans and illegals were abused for farm labor heavily in South Texas. Familieis would be given farms to tend, sell crops, and be charged the entirety of their profits for rent. When the harvesting season was finished, non-hispanic farm owners would report their employees as illegals to have them deported so they would not have to pay them. John H. Shary was famous for this practicr, but they still named a city and schools after him where their kids work, lol.

Anyway, when this was going down at its height, a few hundred angry Mexican-Americans tried to pull a Rwanada and entice every Mexican to kill any white person they knew who was over 16 in the 1960's. It was probably a false flag desu, but the notion and group were found and arrested. They were attempting to usurp the direction and leadership of pic related, the United Farm Workers labour union. This union formed in the 60's and managed to bring actual labor and property rights for latino farmers within the entirey of the United States. I know about this since I live in the exact area, and am a state clerk for the property and water rights for all agriculture and irrigation for my district.

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The state of Illinois is extraordinarily corrupt.

Whoa. I'm vaguely familiar with the UFW. Do you have the names lf any of the violent group so I can google this for more info?

Its a very beautiful drive, but is a big tourist area so and so is the town next to it Estes Park.
Id just stick to hiking the trails lot less people.

I don't, so take what I say with [citation needed] in all fairness. Don't worry, you'll bump into more info now that you know about it to add fuel for the fun, or you won't and it won't matter!

My state is one of the richest but has one of the most derelict cities in the country.



My state is often pronounced in two different ways - Missouri and Missourah.

It was only until I moved did I realize how many people on the coast consider us southern

Washington state has more glaciers than the rest of the lower 48 combined

On top of this, my state use to have Liquor stores. You could only buy liquor and beer there. Not grocery stores, not at a market, gas station, not any other type of store in the entire state. Only these state-licesned stores could sell (Oi, you gott a loicense fer dat?).

Also there was only a certain amount of bars permited in a county. This has all been slowly unravelled the past few years. Our state isn't even religious and was famous for its religious tolerance.

My fun fact would be that we fucking exist. Pennsylvania. There's something between New York and DC. It's called Philadelphia. It's a shithole but proportions bigger than Boston and until recently bigger than DC.

Seattle is the most antisocial place in North America, literally Finland tier.

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I found that to be the case with pretty much all of the Pacific Northwest. I'm not sure how you guys would function if you had to live or visit the south or east coast.

Literal autism containment zone


It a self defense mechanism to keep the Californians away

Despite being the most densely populated state, as well as our central location in east cost metropolis, the southern half of New Jersey is dominated by the remote and sparsely populated pine barrens, a heavily forested area inhabited by “pineys,” ghosts, and the Jersey devil.

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Massachusetts. Known as a deep blue state politically (Democrat, Clinton), there are pockets of red (Republican, Trump) voters, mostly in rural, lower income towns (like the strip of red going from north to south in the center of the state). There are exceptions to this, of course.

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There's a lot of states with old on the books retarded liquor laws.

>Not everyone knows that Jack Daniel’s whiskey is made in a dry county. The distillery is located in Moore County, in the city of Lynchburg, Tennessee. A dry county is one that allows no alcohol sales at all. The government of that county forbids alcoholic beverages from being sold in restaurants and stores in its jurisdiction.

I have to hope that there's an exemption for Jack Daniel's on the site of their distillery but there may not be.

I'm right now in Delaware an hour from Philly. If Philly barely exists, we do not at all. This is just a phantom posting. I'm really a spooky spooky ghost. OoOooooooo

To my knowledge New York State has one of the largest Parks in the country with Adirondack State Park

Its pretty fuckin cool

Only one part of is rich, the rest is poor. But that one part is so rich that it still looks like one of the wealthiest places in the world.
The "park dah cah in dah Hahvahd Yahd" accent only occurs in a small area.
They hate everyone who isn't French Canadian or Mainer. They are the most xenophobic part of the country after Hawaii.
>New York
NYC is absolute garbage and I have no idea why every Euro who goes there thinks it's the best goddamn thing on the planet. It smells, is full of homeless people, there's garbage everywhere... the only thing it has that goes against the usual complaints Euros have about American cities is public transportation.
Their maple syrup is better than Canadian maple syrup,

The Delmarva peninsula has a secessionist movement to become the 51st state. By unifying the Virginia and Maryland portions of the peninsula

Alaska has a secessionist party. Said secessionist party quotes the Declaration of Independence and American Constitution in its manifesto. This party has also been voted into public offices on multiple occasions.

CSA did the same thing :)

Same in Texas
Tejanos are pretty based

It's common to throw a octopus onto the ice rink during a red wings game

>Their maple syrup is better than Canadian maple syrup

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It's true you know

Connecticut is known as the posh, spoiled, golf cart wheeling, coastal elite state. Everyone from around the country pictures us Connecticutians as rich, patagonia and vineyard vines wearing, douche bag democrats. What people don't know is that our capital is a hell hole, and the """"""city"""""" that Yale is located in is also a hell hole.

>Everyone from around the country pictures us Connecticutians as rich, patagonia and vineyard vines wearing, douche bag democrats

Medical marijuana is legal in my state, however you have to prove that you have severe schizophrenia or epilepsy, to the point of not being able to function as a normal human being, in order to receive it

Kudzu was brought over from China to my state in the early 1800s to stop erosion in the delta becuase much of the farmland was washing away. While it stopped the erosion pretty good, the kudzu took over and now there are entire forests where the kudzu has grown over every tree, bush, and plant to the point where it stops the plants underneath from receiving sunlight. This leaves us with whole forests where nothing is living but the kudzu. It kills everything and is a pain in the ass to kept in check. Kudzu can grow from 1 to 2 feet a day. ( that’s 30-60cm a day for you eurofags )

Root-beer, pine sol, blues, and rock were invented in my state

Robert Johnson was rumored to have sold his soul to the devil for guitar proficiency at a crossroads in my state

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From my experience of living in the midwest. Lots of people just picture CT as a bunch of mansions.

Everyone thinks this place is just Fairfield, Yale, and UCONN. Fuckers.

Gambling is illegal in Virginia, except on indian reservations.
Virginia has the highest rate of motorcycle accidents in the country.
We also have some of the highest taxes, due ro being a commonwealth.


The Virginia House of Delegates is the oldest elected legislative body in the western hemisphere.

A founder of our state, John Smith, fought as a mercenary in Eastern Europe and was renowned for having beheaded three Turks in one-on-one combat. He was given a coat of arms with three Turkish heads on it by the Prince of Transylvania in recognition of this feat.

Oh, and we cant buy liquor anywhere but state controlled liquor stores.

Vermont doesn't even make the best maple syrup in America, Maine Indians do, neither can compare to Québec syrup. Vermont had to steal Canadian syrup. There's a reason 71% of the world chooses superior Canadian syrup and the other 29% don't because they are too cheap to spend a bit extra on higher quality.

Canadian maple syrup is factor mass produced garbage, in vermont it is made by every day people all the time because they don't have maple syrup cartels like they do in canada.

Maine's maple syrup, while better than Canadian, is not as good as vermonts.

who gives a shit though. it's just sugary goop you put on your pancakes and waffles. big whoop. syrup is not worth having a discussion over lmao... you pine tree climbing, snow eating, yellow bellied northern monkeys

The state is Mississippi btw


The only people who ever think of CT are New Englanders and they don't like anything outside of Foxwoods. We consider you a suburb of new york

Ah yes, the vast and unnatural maple factories of Québec tapped and harvested by robots.
Québec > New Brunswick = Maine > Vermont > Ontario > everyone else who shouldn't even be making maple syrup

t. Aunt Jemimiah

Oh oookay so I gotta travel to the far reaches of the United States. Meet every man, woman, and child. Get their opinion on what they think the average Connecticutian is like. Record it. Then come back here to update my dumb comment in a dumb fucking thread. Would that satisfy you? Or would it just be easier to agree that the biggest stereotype of Connecticutians is that we're preppy douchebags? Degenerate moron.

Americans what is Indiana like? Is it comfy? What about Minnesota? And what about Alaska? Also Montana. Please rate them in terms of comfiness.

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t. elitist new englander

My home state of CT had a man Bushnell who during the Revolution created a manpowered submarine capable of submerging for 30 minutes that was the worlds first attack submarine.

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tell your fellow maple syrup cartel members your days are numbered, vermont and maine are gunning for them

I always thought of CT as a suburb of NY, like a better NJ

ya god damn right keed

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What the fuck could that even do? Ram into them?

Holy shit why are there so many Nutmeggers here

Don't say "Everyone" you opoid junkie
The West Coast sees you heroin-addicted white trash

amerifrens plz respond also which state has the most comfy small towns?

you can cross Alaska in a day during the summer

I mean bretty much I guess. It really does have a New England vibe though. A lot of the houses are colonial and shit, there's plenty of historical shit going on too.

There’s a lot of corn, nigs, and alcohol in Indiana. Never been to the other two

North Carolina is in the midst of a horrible immigration crisis.

We're being flooded by Yankees from the North, Mexicans from the Sout, and niggers from within.

Please send aid

black people and scandinavians inhabit the frozen Mid-West. Dairy products are huge and everybody is a little racist, not deep south lynching racist, but lock the car doors when a PoC walks by racist.

>The West Coast sees you heroin-addicted white trash
You god damn, carpet bagging, dope smoking, weiner licking piece of absolute hippy trash. Don't you dare speak to a superior Nutmegger with that tone ever again. Know your place loser scum.

*sends aids*

Indiana is a shithole
Minnesota is comfy
Montana is comfy

It's literally just corn fields

Our place is above you on the hierarchy while you continue tumbling down through your heroin epidemic while we poppy xanny and smoke weed

>The West Coast sees you heroin-addicted white trash
I guess we have that in common

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If I die in Raleigh, at least I will die free.

You don't say

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The fire that burned down Paradise could have easily been prevented if our state government had given the California Conservation Corps enough money to do its job and do a clean burn to its dead trees and underlying brush, but as always the cities had some huge project the state diverts all of its money towards so the boonies burn.

There is a lot of secessionist sentiment in the norther portion of the state because of the area's history of being an overwhelming tax-positive region that is subject to the scathing taxes our legislators impose while seeing very little of those state taxes come back our way.

Be quiet, hippy. I can't comprehend this jumbled up mess of a sentence. A true Nutmegger enjoys a nice glass of mac 15, nothing more and nothing less. You will kneel before us when we come to ravage your national parks and your busty women. And you will be lucky if we decide to give you a little change when you all beg us for money when we visit your hobo infested cities.

if jefferson becomes a state so should puerto rico

And it’s STILL better than the nation’s northern-oriented asshole known as Wisconsin

Seriously, worst state in the union

the irony being jefferson would have majority service industry workers, so most of the new-state's economy would be from selling weed(already grown in humboldt) or hoping bay area shitters drive through on their way to tahoe

Indiana is worse

meanwhile in chicago

It drilled holes in ships and planted explosives. Unfortunately the inventor who could do that function was frail so they had to get someone athletic to actually move it around the harbor and that guy kept fucking it up.

Indiana does not exist
Wisconsin exists as pure evil

Probably Montana or Alaska.

koolaid was invented in my state and so was arbor day
also fuck janny and fuck iowa
t. Nebraska

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I want to visit a state or two and hike and hunt. What are American girls like?

Indiana is a shithole, the rest are comfy, and minnesota is a top 5 state. Midwest usually has the friendliest people and is laid back in general

>Chicago-State stop
CPD slacking off again
The only crime north of Roosevelt in the city directly follows the Red Line, which connects the wealthy north to the warzone south. We try to contain the animals but the city is allowing it on a monthly basis now.

>tfw the postal abbreviation for Nebraska used to be NB but it got cucked by superior New Brunswick and now has to use NE

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Shallow, superficial, and concerned with appearances

Constantly on the lookout for Chad

So basically like all women.

Respect the hoosiers