Attached: IT'S ALWAYS THE FUCKING JUICE, GODDAMN JUICE!.webm (1280x496, 1.91M)
Wow, do most families in Finland look like this?
Sebastian Cox
Other urls found in this thread:
Hudson Russell
It's a Swedish ad with Finnish texts
Cooper James
They are Swedish so no
Aiden Jackson
WTF, this cant be real
Juan Jones
really makes you think
David Collins
Wait, what the fuck is that? Why? WHY?
Is it a joke?
Ian Fisher
It's not cuckolding, they are a gay couple. Swedes want to promote alternative families for some reason.
Ryder Barnes
To be honest this is a product by Eckes-Granini Group GmbH which is a German corporation
Levi Collins
Explain to me, is it real? Was it on TV? Is it a swedish company? How did people react to this?
Brody Torres
Swedecuck coping. Godmorgon is Swedish.
William Ortiz
This is so weird.
Why would anyone carry someone else's child for 9 months inside them?
Why wouldn't the couple just adopt a child instead?
My god...
Eli Scott
Fags can have the same urge to replicate as normal people
Anthony Ramirez
Brandon Perry
Surrogacy is increasingly popular with gay couples.
What does this have to do with juice?
Connor Davis
It's not swedish
Cooper Morgan
pretty gay tbqh
Noah Cooper
>god morgon
>good morning
>happy morning
>kid = happiness
Umm, something more. It's just an ad, I don't know
Blake Roberts
Carter Richardson
Russians are very bad people. Murderers and thieves who actively vote for attack wars.
Cameron Bailey
>God morgon (juice) – juiceprodukter producerade av Arla Foods
and no, Arla is not Danish
it it Swedish but headquartered in Denmark for unknown tax reasons
David Taylor
It is cuckolding too. The abortion/surrogacy story is only something that the company came up with later when people started asking questions.
The only thing that matters with commercials is how people see them, and how they are filmed and edited to look like. I remember the debate on the internet when this came out and then no-one of the defenders could interpret it as a surrogacy story.
Anthony Evans
First those weird furry orangina advertisements from France and now this from Sweden.
What is going on with juice in Europe?
Daniel Martinez
Ethan Bell
are fags racist? i see no reason for them not to be racist, beside to please the general flow of fags defenders that are usually not racists
who would fuck a nigger, really
Hunter Fisher
Das rite
Julian Rivera
Just describing nasty Russians. What's wrong with you? Is it genetic or culture?
Henry Jones
Eli Garcia
Finno-Ugrian genes
Chase Carter
People don't care. It's an ad. Why would they
Jaxon Myers
It's an ad dude
Camden Williams
These ads aren't new
Nicholas Brooks
wtf post sourse
Mason Lewis
Oh, my sides.
Sebastian Nguyen
Colton Moore
It might be a Swedish company but the commercial is for Finns and the white guy is Finnish(friend of a friend) too (i suspect all of them are as it's filmed in Finland).
So yes we are cucked and yes we try to project it all on swedes too.
Ian Mitchell
Turn the proxy off, Sven
Noah Brooks
This is why everyone hates you Finland-Swedes. It's a Swedish ad by a Swedish company.
Caleb Phillips
Yeah but the actual people are Finns. So not sure who's the most cucked here in this scenario.
Jordan Flores
>Swedes hire Finnish actors for their Swedish-style cuck/fag ad
What difference does it make if they were Finnish?
Juan King
bump, more people need to know about how families look in Finland.
Logan Ramirez
>made by Finnish people
>made to FInnish market
well i mean.. You can project all you want but...
Cameron Brooks
Are you really such a brainlet that you think actors make ads?
You haven't even proven they are Finns(Fenno-Swedes aren't Finns)
Ryan Rodriguez
Stop denying it, you yourself know that Finnish men are cucks and Finnish women love BBC.
Connor Nguyen
Ironic coming from a Russian. Helsinki has tons of Russian coalburners.
Lincoln Jenkins
Here's another one, although not as shocking as the juice add:
Most big adds here are now more or less like this. When you are bombarded with this from all directions, it becomes relevant.
Connor James
God morgen is a Danish company, just look on their website.
fucking finns always being intentionally dishonest
Brayden Barnes
Arla is a Swedish company which was merged into a Danish company
the heart and soul of Arla is still svenska
Michael Howard
Arla is a milk company
God morgen is a juice company.
why are you even bringing up Arla?
Austin Watson
>God morgon (juice) – juiceprodukter producerade av Arla Foods
Nathan Martin
oh so Arla bought them. doesn't matter, it's still a Danish company. Arla isn't Swedish anymore either, only 1/7th Swedish. But why was this Danish commercial so popular in Finland?
Thomas Richardson
you are mentally ill.
Andrew Walker
If you hate Finland so much why don't you go sip your God Morgon to Sweden, sekundahurri?
Aaron Gonzalez
You both are faggots
Jason Russell
He was lying and I called him out on it. Simple as.
Hudson Scott
Arla is a Swedish company. I'm not interested in the details. This is a foreign ad, we can say it is Swedish or Swedish-Danish and it makes no difference. Finns have nothing to do with it.
Landon Thompson
>Finns have nothing to do with it.
Finns are cucks too just like Swede
Colton Parker
Russians too then.
in every Russian town your women get impregnate by African students, Chechens, village Jews, Tatars, Chinese and the list goes on.
Leo Parker
Why would anyone give a fuck, it's an ad.
Nathan Reed
ahahaha Butthurt bitch?
Jackson Robinson
>African students
>village Jews
Lol no, chiks man are ugly as fuck even more ugly than Russian
Andrew Davis
Your women like to mix don't deny it
Christopher Richardson
Bullshit cuckold fantasy, such as yourself.
Elijah Hernandez
Asher Young
Are you the communist who wrote this tweet?
Sebastian Carter
Sebastian Murphy
And why would you care as a Russian? Half your country are inbred Muslims.
Adam Jackson
So you're hurri? I knew it. Normal Finn wouldn't deflect like you have.
Oliver King
What are you yapping about now separi? I'm defending Finland ITT against the beach Swede menace which tends to backstab Finns
why does that trigger you? are you perhaps a rantahurri?
Thomas Cox
How do you know? Trying to compare with your own shithole?
Matthew Collins
No you're trying to pretend that we finns are not cucked. it isn't helping anyone.
Daniel Evans
>I'm defending Finland
An another shill, pathetic scum kill yourself, why do you even exist.
Isaiah Cook
So it doesn't matter for you that ad's company is Swedish-Danish and they forced this particular ad on Finnish audiences?
Perhaps you prefer Sweden over Finland and it hurts you that they make this kind of crap?
Benjamin Lewis
Lopettakaa jo tuo teidän autistinen tappelu, taas teitä saa hävetä
Levi Hall
I created this thread for this
Aiden Watson
David Perry
It doesn't matter in big picture. It is Finnish branch of Swedish company that did this. And also we have these kinds of commercials from our own companies enough too. You sounds like Swedish posters 5 years ago
>w-we aren't cucked i swear!
Ethan Adams
>And also we have these kinds of commercials from our own companies enough too
post pls
Andrew Rodriguez
Finnish branch is part of the Swedish branch
you're probably that Fenno-Swede kid who defends Sweden 24/7
Charles Lopez
>Finnish branch is part of the Swedish branch
lol no
there's a Danish branch, a Swedish one and a Finnish one and they're all separate
Carter King
Where the fuck have i defended sweden`? I'm just saying we are cucked enough on our own. You also clearly don't know how companies are run so maybe you should grow up and study.
Brandon Ward
>Finnish branch is part of the Swedish branch
it's criminal to be this retarded. Holy shit.
Anthony Martin
You have yet to acknowledge that Sweden is cucked and Fenno-Swedes play a big role in promoting cuck in Finland
t. Närpiö
Robert Ramirez
if you are cucked by the cucks, what does that make you? hypothetical question, I'm not accusing anyone
Brayden Roberts
>a fucking juice commercial activates people's aspergers this much
holy lel just kill yourselves
Zachary Cooper
it makes you a pathetic f*Nnshit
fuck finns and fuck finland
i hope russia nukes this shithole
Adam Young
Another excellent thread about how Jow Forums fell for a marketing trick and now won't stop making threads about a fucking commercial, not even getting butthurt about what is actually happening in it, but over their own misinterpreted version to make themselves extra butthurt and willing to market a product for equivalent wage to a 4channel janitor.
Jayden Cox
Daniel Perry
Fenno-Swedes can move to Sweden if they hate it so much here
we won't miss you
Landon Barnes
>can move
Thomas Young
What's the matter? are you in a wheelchair or mentally retarded?
There's work in Swedish factories that even tomato pickers can do
Kevin Stewart
more Swedes should move to Finland
Angel Ward
Why are finns so asshurt, bros?
Benjamin Lee
fuck you. stop being so smug you literal nigger
David Bennett
t. other
Mason Lee
That would escalate the islamization of Finland
Zachary Roberts
your king is a cuck
only daniel's father is based, because he is a forest finn
Lincoln Lopez
our King is loveable and based, you're just mad cause you don't have one
Blake Reed
The only thing based and loveable about him is that he's not at all Swedish
Alexander Gutierrez
he has at least 56% Swedish blood