

Attached: gdp11.jpg (4592x3196, 1.12M)

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jesus christ

They had a war. Italy didn't

the war has been over for 24 years now. Not that I'm trying to throw shade given that we're significantly poorer than them still

Argentina tier

Croatia? Are you okay ?

What is ireland up to?

seems like you guys don't understand GDP and growth rates

In the 80's we were a 2nd world country. High FDI since has made us 1st world

seems like you don't either since you didn't specify anything about them

they had a civil war whose main conflicts were in least developed areas, they didn't have ww3


all that growth happened in the pre euro times

picrelated is the growth after the introduction of the euro scam

Attached: gdpgrowth.png (764x595, 341K)

The war had much lasting consequences because the transition period between communismm and capitalism should mean investment. If you transition with no investment like a case of war it's disaster

how come almost every country experienced decent growth under this "scam" except for Italy?

because the euro currency and rules were studied to stop the italian industry that was sending out of markets the german one.

It's inflated a bit by many EU headquarters of large foreign companies due to low tax

sounds legit

it is too overvalued for our economy, making it uncompetitive

croatia's gdp obviously shrunk by a substantial amount during the war. a real per capita growth of 6.5% means not only did they recover their pre-war standard of living, they also managed to grow 6.5% on top of that.

italy was europe's 2nd largest economy in 1999, so it's not completely ludicrous

Attached: GDP_per_capita_big_four_Western_Europe.png (911x623, 38K)

I'm not debating that they had a great economy until 20 years ago. I just doubt that the Germans sat down one day in their volcano lair and hatched an evil plot to kill the Italian economy thereby making Italy a danger to the Eurozone and making Italians less likely to buy German products. And it's not like Italy is the only export-heavy country that adopted the euro

No, you know perfectly well Italy industry got destroyed by China, it's not because of €.

Many of those “decent growth rates” would be considered appalling outside of Europe. How Italy has managed to do just so extra, extra shockingly I don’t.

Why not do exactly what Germany does then?

>outside of Europe
where exactly? 3rd world shitholes that grow at 8% from an extremely low base? Or Australia - 2% growth in 2017 and under 3% in 9 of the last 10 years? Is your economy appalling according to you?

>Berlusconi was the prime minister of Italy in the years 1994-1995, 2001-2006 and 2008-2011
>Berlusconi has a warm relationship with Vladimir Putin.[125] In September 2014, Berlusconi accused the United States, NATO and EU of "a ridiculously and irresponsibly sanctioning approach to the Russian Federation, which cannot but defend Ukrainian citizens of Russian origin that it considers brothers"

Well what do you know. Corrupt Russian puppets fuck up your economy too.

German industry in the 80s and 90s was collapsing. Guess who was its major competitor?

translate this there's all you need to know.

Attached: GDP80ss.jpg (915x73, 19K)

the euro was a literal pyramid scheme

Attached: literallyjewishscheme.png (1024x576, 206K)

Also keep in mind that not only 3rd world cunts, but also Straya and Murrica are still growing in population, factoring in that, the per capita growth is similar to Yurop

>In the 80's we were a 2nd world country.
You were aligned with the Soviet Union?

>France wanted to hamper us with the € - it was a prerequisite for giving their heads up to our reunification
>it backfired completely

Attached: 1372106168702.png (900x600, 570K)


You should thank our German masters and plead to them to be our benevolent overlords that will guide us to a better future for everyone, ungrateful bastards.
Danke Deutschland.


collapsing huh

doesn't seem like the article has a single source for its information. It's just making empty statements.

>muh GDP

Attached: 1245356.jpg (400x506, 36K)

you guys do understand that if Italy collapses Germany will have to pay the bill just like it happened with Greece right? Only this time shit will hit the fan hard because not even Germoney can casually throw a trillion euro towards the problem. How retarded do you think Germans are?

>They won't buy our products because of the currency

Yes, same with Finnish and African products. It's the fucking currency, man.

Those 2-3% annual growth rates add up when you don’t have recessions, especially self-inflicted ones like the Eurozone crisis.

>you guys do understand that if Italy collapses Germany will have to pay the bill just like it happened with Greece right? Only this time shit will hit the fan hard because not even Germoney can casually throw a trillion euro towards the problem. How retarded do you think Germans are?
we will loot the little wealth there is left in south europe and then kick you to your arab brothers

Attached: 1546472701890.png (593x580, 621K)

Germans are that stupid. They wanted to make their allies suffer but couldn't calculate the end. Yes, that's how it must be. Not because of Berlusconi's multiple corrupted administrations voted in by redneck Italians.

Don't be pedantic, you common usage of the terms have changed since then. 1st world = developed, 2nd world = developing, 3rd world = underdeveloped

That is true, although some European countries are still growing their pops. UK, France etc... That might explain their slightly higher growth.

He was talking specifically about the 80's though. And "second world" isn't used almost at all anymore, so it's even stranger to use it.

Attached: elCHI.png (500x376, 251K)

I've seen 2nd world used today to describe the likes of Eastern Europe

It's rare, both because the cold war is over and because people mostly switched to developed/developing

>casually throw a trillion euro
We already threw more than two of those into the East, for better or worse

what happened to croatia?

Attached: 1529250708834.gif (582x540, 1.53M)


Interesting, what about French industry?

Attached: euroindustrproduction.png (480x519, 161K)

look at the years
>1989 - 2016
there was a big war in that time window

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee kill all Hungarian politicians.

that's what happens when spaghetti western and italodisco go out of fashion at the same time

i know about the war but i thought they had already fully recovered from it

Attached: 7552077.gif (498x462, 833K)

they have, but while they were recovering everyone else was growing instead, so that's the end result

oh, i see
good luck to them

Attached: yuyuyuyui.png (451x465, 219K)

>Guess who was its major competitor?

Britain and Japan.

Did you think it was Italy? The hell do you think we were supposedly competing on? The italian economic surge was based on clothing, food and other household goods. None of which are things germany was ever a strong market presence ever.
You lost your markets to the cheaper asian products producing the same shit you did because you didn't adapt to new times.

There is no evil € boogieman to blame, just your own lethargy.

Trying to bring in irrelevant memes like muh GDP by PPP just makes you look even more pathetic. Especially since it was only exactly one decade (the 1980s) where Italy had that spot to begin with. You fell way before the € arrived.

Meanwhile in reality.

Attached: Historical average GDP (PPP).jpg (826x388, 126K)

Italy has been one of the richest region of the world during the last 2 millenniums, it's not like a Nordic country which is rich since only a century.

All Eastern European country are shithole, with or without communism.
Your people never has been relevant.

stop reading there.

also babbies know anglo manifacture has been a joke since decades. Anglos are IRL joos, they live off banking and usury.

>Italy has been one of the richest region of the world during the last 2 millenniums
I'm sure that makes the poverty feel nicer

nordics LARPing as their own country as if countries were real people always makes me laugh, their lives are so empty that they have to do this kind of shit

>also babbies know anglo manifacture has been a joke since decades

You do realise when the 1980s was compared to now, do you?

Nah we do make some stuff, mainly more scientific/precision manufacture where you need a lot of specialist knowledge. Engines and weapons etc. Plus that's one area of our economy that should actually grow after brexit

>Germans still trying to deny their € project trash is the key reason for their current economic dominance.
Italy got fucked the hardest, but they certainly not the only one. We want our industry back, you fucking Krauts.

>Germany has shit economy during the 80's and 90's, not being able to compete with France, Italy and Spain
>Introduce Euro which fucks all, including France, since everyone is now playing to their economy

Fucking Germs

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