Mexico, argentina or brazil?

mexico, argentina or brazil?

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What are the criteria?

eres argentino

Kill Mexico, fuck Argentina, marry Brazil

>Natural beauty
1. Brasil
2. Argentina (they've got snow)
3. México

1. Brasil
2. Mexico
3. Argentina

>Quality of life
1. Argentina
2. Brasil
3. Mexico


Argentinian women are better because they have less indio/negro blood

Brazil has got plenty of diverse pussy:
>Black girls
>White girls
>Asian girls
>Mixed (all kinds) girls
>male girls

Also, Mexican girls are hot as fuck.

tu ja comeu alguma ou ta falando por falar?

Não de todas as categorias (e pretendo não comer male girls até o fim de minha vida).
Aqui tem para todos os gostos, senpai.


Only white girls matter

>male girls


Foreigners enjoy travecos, dunno why, when we have plenty of pussy here.
You're the faggot here, by the way. Pussy is pussy, no matter what.

I want to milk Argentina.

Attached: DO9OGlFWsAE5MmT.jpg (900x1200, 229K)

>Quality of life
>1. Argentina

sure, if you leave aside tarifazos, recession, crisis, hiperinflation.

Mexico has the best quality of life ot the three (dynamic economy, relatively low cost of life, etc).


> Argentina 0.825

> Mexico 0.774

Plus Argentina is way safer



now, let's analyze the three components of HDI. the only thing that Argentina has is a slightly higher life expectancy. GNI per capita means nothing (the average Mexican has higher purchase power). Years of schooling don't mean much, Mexican universities and education is better.

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Colombia best ally
HDI is a meme

>Quality of life
>1. Argentina
Nigga u crazy

Safer than negrolombia despite being flooded by coonlombians, 0n

Nigga, we're comparing Argentina to fucking Mexico and Brazil not Norway

Brazil is a huge shithole

Not for long tho, la cuarta transformación Is going to fuck us up, if i am to leave un considering Colombia

None of them

I believe the 3 to be about at the same level with some things being better or worse in each one

This is the only correct answer at least when it comes to quality of life

We all have huge inequality.

Wrong. best quality of life out of the 3 is in Argentina, then Mexico and finally Brazil

Unless I'm blind, but where is Brazil?

Whichever is the coldest

you are not "flooded" by colombians. Stop spreading blatant lies nigger. In fact not even Paraguayans, peruvians or Boliviasn, who are traditionally the largest immigrant groups in Argentina wanna go there anymore precisely because you are a mess. Meanwhile Colombia is the country with the most immigrants in all of Ltin America mainly due to our relative stability in most regards

go back to r/mexico fifi faggot

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gib milkies

Argentina all the way, then Mexico and finally Brazil. I'm okay with all of them desu, it's just that Argentinians are way closer to us

porra, fizemos asiáticas ficarem gostosas, só por isso merecemos um prêmio

What about big german boobs?

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dale con los mapitas dale dale ajaksjkajskajksajskasjkas

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>ele prefere cavalas do que japonesinhas inocentes e magrinhas

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Stop being so salty about Argentinians 0n. Quelity of life is the safer of the 3, that's enough or me to consider it the one with the best quality of life despite their economy being a complete disgrace

I dare you guys to post a hotter girl than Dioavana from Mehico or Arhentina

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She doesn't have bunda and boobs. She also got shit skin.

Attached: Sol_perez.jpg (1020x560, 66K)

Here's Mexico.

Attached: Yanet-Garcia.jpg (1214x697, 79K)

I'm not Jamondá, dumb Nigro.

> is the safer of the 3

see pic also pic related.

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What about violence?

Ugly face



I bet you like trannies too

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This is what a woman looks like, you are posting little girls.

Attached: 46184773_334056840511117_8248505853948647661_n.jpg (640x800, 124K)

I’ll have either one of them

You just posted another tranny

Fucking faggot

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Based and bundapilled.

How old is that girl, 12?

You keep on posting the same 13-year-old boy with makeup

Not everyone is a pedo like you. I like to smack those bundas.

Attached: Yanet_Garcia_Back.png (600x900, 693K)

Looks average to me. Certainly wouldn't put her up on a pedestal if I had her in front of me


brazil please, brazilian ass ftw

do they like guys with blonde hair and blue eyes? i'm not that good looking but not ugly, lets say acceptable

You're italian, Italians are womanizers by nature. You should know how to attract women.
But, anyways, they like any euro guy. As long as you're not that introverted, they will like you.