Is it true Soviet would have nost without Lend-Lease Acts?

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If we had stayed on the Murmansk railway in 1941 Soviet Union would have lost.

But the eternal am*rican pressured us to leave it.

forgot pic

Attached: 799px-JR45_crossing_Murmansk_railway.jpg (799x305, 60K)

No. But they wouldn't have been able to get to Berlin first


Probably. It's why Italy got fucked, they didn't have the supplies and their equipment was shoddy and kept breaking down.

America shit all over that war. We fucked Italy, we fucked Hitler and retook France, retook the Netherlands, then conquered all of Japan except the direct mainland where we just put a pistol to their head and said surrender. Then they didn't so we pulled the trigger. They still didn't surrender, so we put away the pistol and pulled out a shotgun and pulled the trigger.

Then we won.

Yes, please ignore the retards who think otherwise


Shut up, burger.

Probably not it would just be longer and bloodier.

Somehting you don’t learn in schools: German logistics was largely based on horse carriages as all the factories were busy making stuff like tanks and artillery tractors and they couldn’t even use their own trains to supply troops as russian track gauge is different form rest of europe.

Reasonings about the past in "what if" way is irrelevant.

go on

>Then we won.
no you lost

they won

>Japan won in WWII

What? Shittiest bait I've ever seen


The only truth.

Americans have been brainwashed to believe that they alone won the WW2. Now when high iq people online correct them and say that it was the soviets who did the majority of fighting, the Americans have started pushing the lend lease meme. It's a coping mechanism of brainwashed peoples.

>haha lets just forget that Italy and Japan and the western european front existed haha :^)

Lost? Probably not (keep mind Britain lend-leased them things before we did) but a lot more of their country would have been fucked up, more of their people would have died and the war would have gone on longer.

Vai tomar no meio do seu cu, seu americano de merda.

Soviet needed it in 1942, but mostly recieved in 1944, when already broke the spine of fascists. So

>w-we totally won the ww2, soviets dindu nuffing

Attached: World_War_II_military_deaths_in_Europe_by_theater_and_by_year.png (1368x724, 135K)

American help came AFTER the battle of Moscow

And was not even 5% russian´s supplies

Lend Lease / Russian product (1941–1945)

aircrafts: 14,795/134,100

tanks: 7,056/102,800

artillery cannons: 8,218/825,200

oil: 2,670,000/110,600,000 (tons)

steel: 1,500,000/39,680,000 (tons)

food: 733,000/64,121,000 (tons)

Japan was also defeated by russians in the Operation August Storm

American history is a li

From my point of view they did. They ended in the American side, not Soviet one.

Probably not, the Soviet Union had incredible amounts of available manpower especially compared to Germany. Even without lend-lease they could have thrown enough people at the Germans to push them back eventually, but it would have come at the cost of more Soviet casualties once they got further from Moscow and closer to Berlin as the importance of lend-lease was mostly logistical.

No. Russia had material superiority in every way. Even in cases where they supposedly got BTFO German casualties were massive. Barbarossa pretty much wiped out the entire Wehrmacht reserves and new recruits had to be called up. Germany would have run out of men, material, fuel, etc way before the Russians did.

We were just mobilizing, the Brits gave you lend lease starting in 1941. Moscow was defended with British equipment.

It was a lot more then logistical.

Attached: sherman-tank.png (590x402, 338K)

Anglos are lying as always. Valentines and other their TANKS WITHOUT PROPER GUN used in south front.

>Wouldn't have defeated Germany without
Probably not true

Soviets would won germans with or without americans. It just would have taken way more soviet lifes. And revenge on germans would have been way more cruel.
However its not possible soviets fighting germans alone. Because it would mean that in the end whole continental Europe would belong to soviets. So americans ((((wanted)))) to ((help)) our matter.

Would the Soviet Union even surrender if Stalingrad was captured?They would have just kept sending their hordes west.
Germany lost because it was pretty much overextending themselves and the war was draining their resources.Capturing the oil fields in caucasus after getting stalingrad wouldn't help.