canada usa mexico
Other urls found in this thread:
good morning
I'll give you a load
good morning anime
This years gonna be the year where I am no longer horny and lonely
good luck
>global warming causes white people to burn to death and get skin cancer allowing brown folks to thrive
shouldnt leftists support global warming then? shouldnt rightists be opposed?
Rightists don't believe global warming exists. It's a liberal hoax to make American manufacturing uncompetitive.
Any of you lads have the image of that obese American guy with two guys resting their heads on him and it's got the flags of Mexico, Canada and the US on each of the guys?
>American manufacturing
Reminder; All girls with a y in their name are thots, hoes or white trash.
no lads here
only buds
To live is to fly
i'm learning to fly
but i ain't got wings...
global warming isn't going to cause the sun to give more light
I went down to my basement and found a sparrow on top my grow box.
I spent 10 minutes chasing the thing around trying to get it to go outside.
anybody else having a fun day?
ozone nigga
fuck you
no u
>You can't just go around lynching black people!
You can't sell that stuff to me
if global warming is real then why can't you even question it?
>niggers deserve to breathe air
>tfw I unironically shit myself once in a supermarket
you're a living meme
>it's another mom doesn't let me leave the dinner table until i eat all my veggies episode
your mom probably doesnt love you enough
now that what I call an epic post
Might frick around and go for a run later
is the Jow Forums leaf here yet
no one here is Jow Forums
shut up virg
It’s me Austin
jeez, i still haven't watched this movie.
anyone else go outside after about a week and feel like you're wasting your life?
Do you mean you go outside about one time a week?
Bought condoms and the guy and the store didn’t even look twice
Why? Because I’ve bought condoms there before already
Have you ever looked into your fridge and thought “I need to buy more lettuce”?
Very interesting
Have you ever have you evered
never actually bought condoms, used to go to those youth sex places with my friends and take some and fap with them at home. pretty sure the condoms i have are out of date
I have 5 in my cupboard, only ever used one heh
lol no
lettuce is extremely gay
jesus christ
bought some condoms for when i last visited the GF but ended up raw dogging her all the time so the box is still sealed
>tell mum my lips are dry
>she asks me if i want to paint them with lipstick
>say yes, but just as a joke jaja lol
love playing jokes on my mum lol
"A man who washes hair like this is a good man."
The GF (aboriginal) sent me this picture today.
What are your thoughts on this?
Durex are too expensive and uncomfortable for man's pippi.
yo te vengo a saludar
broke nofap
based same, only lasted 3 days
She thinks you're like barber.
First time I brought a girl over (we were both 16), my dad knocked on the door every five minutes
dont care.
based France
sometimes i get excited for no reason and my heart starts beating really fast
What did your dad do when you brought a girl over?
Second time, he left a box of extra small condoms on my desk and the next time it was a pamphlet about questioning your sexuality
hate normalfags
simple as
Love sex
Love girlfriends
Love parties
Love being a normalfag
Probably your old just wanted to show you how to do sex with your gf properly.
You know, "just watch junior, right now your old gonna give you lesson os highest class sex. ok, girl, take off your pants, show starts".
Something like this, you was warring for nothing.
No he was just fucking with us
Every time he did it we would stop moving for like a minute and it was super awkward
Thankfully I had a lock on my door (like a real one, not one of those indoor locks you can open with anything that fits into the handle) so he couldn't come in anyway
accidentally made a successful thread on /ck/
Cant wait for the beta uprising
link it loser
My brother is a 22 year old virgin
I lost mine at 16
Is it the one about unpeeled carrots?
>No he was just fucking with us
How can you know it if you didn't give him a chance?
yes, I havent replied to it since yesterday and I woke up to it having like 50 new replies and on first page
Sven, son, are you looking like viking?
Because he told me
Slav parents seem like a big yikes
people tell me i look german, could be because my mother is german
I once got warned there for posting a picture of Stalin and the words "Stop eating food." Not surprised tb.h
Me? I look like a generic mid 2000s, early 2010s protagonist
>people tell me i look german,
Something like this i guess?
what did he mean by this
yeah sure
Sorry man, but what is yike?
very well, you're true handsomel man.
It still doesn't make any difference.
thanks Antin
you're a fig
"Yikes" is an expression of surprise or sudden discovery of something unpleasant. It's become a meme to say "yikes" on the internet as a way of saying "cringe."
say it again i DARE you
Cringe = Incel, creep, Drumpftard, loser
Yikes = Chad, normie, leftist, winner
Ah, now thing are clear. So slavic parents are cringe? Well, maybe, maybe.
actual reddit meme