You can only post in this thread if you have zero (0) friends

You can only post in this thread if you have zero (0) friends.

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I only have like three friends, one of whom lives on the other side of the country with his girlfriend, and the other two are girls that I only see once every few months. At uni I'm basically a loner. I had so many more friends in high school and in my other uni course which I dropped.


Cu is ass in portuguese

I have friends but no one wants to go out with me tonight so I might as well have none. How do you cope with these feels?

But then again I was the one who ghosted them
Everytime I leave (school, institution, job, etc.) I just... ghost everyone from there

vai tomar no cu

Ok lads what you want to talk about

You don't really count sorry

I don't have any friends

My only phone numbers are mom and dad

reporting in

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I'll be your friend

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Holy fuck me too

same here, I ghosted them all

i have -4 friends

can i post if i still can afford the bottle?

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what's ghosting?


Então vai tomar no cu.

I have 'friends,' but I have no one who will put up with me outside of circumstantial obligation. I was in hospital for nearly a month and nobody contacted me to ask if I was ok and where I was.

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I have legitimately 0 friends

i don't feel any need for those

that's sad :(

who is this semen demon in the pic?

i wish i knew how to make fiends

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cut all communication with someone, ignore their requests

honestly you hadn't better physically keep touch with them, I realize that friends at online like Jow Forums are to make you feel comfy and spare free time more than actual hanging out.

being on Jow Forums is a fast track to mental illness, not a replacement for friendship

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i never had any friends

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Why don't you have any friends?

ah yeah, I said "like Jow Forums" and of course it'll make me more introvert and sociopath.

I'd stay on other forums with friendly people.

i just want a gf to hug me regularly

who dis

Some Russian whore.

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what's wrong with being a fuckin' whore?

Does it count if they never try to contact you in the first place ?

Heh, I ghosted the last of my friends last year too

The friendship was basically just a formality at that point though. Too little in common.