New heroes have arrived in the world

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I root for the Amerimutt coalition. Am I a cuck, bros?

Is that little kid Serbia?

it's not a kid, it's just poutine

But Russia controlled by USA reserve bank and Chinese industry owned by USA

is that zog

The fuck does swine head represents?

who is blue and white supposed to be?

why is austria biting israel's ear

Pretty weird how the heroes are portrayed as an 8-headed bird monster

>serbia portrayed as little kid
top kek

>We good dey bad
wow dis deep............................

Ah yes, the warriors that suppress their peoples, censor and imprison them for saying the wrong thing are the heroes. And the evil villains are the rich free countries

Who's the snake supposed to be

>US citizen
>living on US land
Why did moot have to give you insufferable roleplayers your own flag?


I'd laugh if it wasn't so sad.

Gfy burger

What are we roleplaying about? No one calls themselves American here. Congress just happened to give us the same citizenship

Neck: Israel
Head: islamic countries

Finland. The rat is Latvia.

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>The rat is Latvia
Makes sense.

israel, obviously
finland's probably not even in g20

Israel isn't part of G20 either. Finland is part of EU which is one of the 20.
If we assume the swine is a G20 country, the only one that fits is Argentina.

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It's a Rooster, genius.
France's national animal.

literally who

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France was obvious though.

finland and latvia?


Kid is serbia

Swine head and the mouse, i have no clue tbqh.

russia and ISRAEL are extremely close what are you talking about

On the other sides in Syria.

He's right there is no way Russia and Israel will engage in a full blown war or anything. Israel has like 1 million of ethnic Russians.

are they really ethnically russian if they're jewish though?

Nobody cares about it.
Israel has a support of US, that's what matters.

Russian-Jewish yeah (like myself).

They are Russians culturally.
Russia is not ethno state and never was.

This image is autistic on military grade levels.

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I disagree. Israel has fine relations with Russia apart from minor points.

you identify as jewish first not russian so that's my point
that's not what i was trying to say

Correct. It might actually be of the most diverse countries.

Artists of this ''art'' is just butthurt that we have remembrance day day for our ww2 legionnaires, he is also russian jew.

West would never admit that.
All the western media was talking about in XIX is "pogroms".

Why are ruskies so cringy? It's like the vatnik polandball all over again.

That's nothing to be proud of, morons

Hog -- Finland.
Rat -- Latvia.
Kid -- Sevastopol, Crimea.

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Polaks opinion is the last thing we care about.

Why are you constantly butthurt?

wrong. russia is constantly butthurt about big mighty poland (pic unrelated) but that's ok. germans are super butthurt about poland too. they are just too badass for us

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yes it is
it's the baseline for having culture - that people of different ethnic backgrounds want to be part of your nation

the Russian patriarch got extremely butthurt because we commemorated the Romanian and Finnish soldiers who fought for us during the war in 1878

Fuck off we have our own euro hydra. Change it into a Mutt ogre and a europe hydra.

United States has killed 20 Million people in the XX century directo or indirectly.
And im not counting the Native americans

Thinking a lot about it I came to the conclusion that's it's indeed Finland and Latvia. I know it's weird because they're pretty irrelevant but the artist had probably something personal against Finland.
If it's a Russian then it explains why.

Where is the DPRK? Cuba? Based Hezbollah? Iran?


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Less than China and Russia managed with their famines, then. It's like the yanks are barely trying

TFW Germany goes ahead and makes you an Ethno-state so the only thing you can build a national polish identity on after communism is to being ethnically polish.

Very complex diverse and modern approach to a national identity.

Is easy being "free and rich" at home when you destroy and fuck other people for this

"Since you know as well as we do that right, as the world goes, is only a question between equals in power, while the strong do what they will and the weak suffer what they must."

Had the tables been turned, there would have been no difference but even more destruction. Be happy we didn't take over the world when we could have. We were merciful.

The US could've easily conquered the world and put everybody into concentration camps when we had our nuke monopoly for 10 or so years after WW2. Be glad that we have ethics.

It was actually Polack racists that built their own ethnostate. Look up polish death camps


Your colonial famines in the 19th century must be close desu.

20th century too
bengal famine was in the 1940es

From a numerical standpoint, no, it's not even close.

World population wasn't even one billion in the 17th century

Your shitty Empire killed more than China and the Soviet Union combined.

If only, the world would be a better place if we had.

what about per capita?

Would certainly be a lot closer.

>Stone says G20

>China and Russia are part of the G20