DJT is a Japanese language 勉強スレ for 人々 interested in the language, anime, manga, visual novels...

DJT is a Japanese language 勉強スレ for 人々 interested in the language, anime, manga, visual novels, light novels and Japanese video games.
Japanese speakers learning English are welcome, too.

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DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2108
Fuck anyone that thinks this is important

Now that I've done the sacred ritual, does anyone have Japanese translation of Harry Potter in some PDF or some other (free, nicely pirated) format.

Go read something actually good instead of garbage

fucking retard

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It's not garbage, they're fun books to read and are simple enough. Just because the writer is garbage doesn't make her books are garbage as well.

I remember reading somewhere that the Japanese translation is shit

Just really holy texts though..
Are you gonna use it in your sermon or something?

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>DJT is a Japanese language 勉強スレ for 人々 interested in the language
What the fuck is this garbage OP?

t. been here for 2 threads

I'm the one that changed it to more accurately show what this thread is about.


>News Web Easy hasn't been updated since 一日

It's all 鬼 now, that was a useful resource damnit





but Harry Potter *is* garbage. it's an inconsistent mess with poorly-thought-out worldbuilding, awful treatment of a magic system, shallow characters, and main themes that are basically an abomination of confused, vaguely-calvinist religious rambling.

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Ah fuck.

仮面をつける不思議なヒーロー サーメンジャスティスと呼ばれている





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>It's all 鬼 now, that was a useful resource damnit
This is terrible

As he is telling, it’s “ザーメン” (maybe derived from German word).
And for “不思議な”, as 不思議な is a really basic word,it might sound bit childish (but you can keep it, as being called “不思議な” by someone else(呼ばれている) is quite natural while to proclaim oneself to be so sounds quite childish).
>just in case, for those cases a word “謎の” is the cliche. But, it’s really a commonplace..

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What is a better word than 不思議

it's in the library, you probably have the "Hide books translated from English" box checked

That depends on what you want to call the hero

In compound phrase like that, “仮面の” sounds way natural than “仮面をつける”.
And “仮面の不思議なヒーロー” sounds kind of redundant so that it’s unnatural to be uttered out of people’s mouths.
So “謎の仮面ヒーロー” would be a natural option.
>>sounds really cliche as well, though..

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Stop wasting everyone's time with your existence.

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Thanks. I'm hoping to sell my idea to one of the Japanese TV networks. Semen Justice will be everyone's favourite hero.


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I finished the first 3 volumes of Yotsuba and I can't stomach another page of it. Any recommendations for what to read next? I've never been into manga so there isn't anything I'm dying to read. A simple VN might fun too.

Found it. You were right. Thanks bunches.
We'll see. I hope not.
It's written by a woman, you honestly can't expect much. And you could say the same about pretty much any fantasy/sci-fi literature with very few exceptions. When I read these types of books, I turn off my brain, they serve as enjoyment and not much else. I don't expect the depth of Chekhov or Goethe when I buy a book about a boy who waggles around a stick while speaking Latin-like words.


(I didn't get your intention in "間に合っている先生よりだと思う"..)
I appreciate your posting long comments, as most people here just can't be bothered to do so.
But I think it'd be better idea to post here more frequently hopefully before you come to have to check texts written by your students...

Check the resources in OP. There's recommendations for visual novels.

I think I know the better places than that..
>unless that "networks" are those venture ones which broadcast only on the web..

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Go to and just start something that interests you and isn't too long.

Don't worry about difficulty, even はなひら can be difficult if you don't enjoy reading and it's a chore.

>Semen Justice will be everyone's favourite hero.
You know about that rapeman anima ye?

Thanks, the people in the /jp/ thread said every VN chart was shit so that's why I asked, guess there's no recourse but to just pick something.

間に合わせ、姑息、まあまあ、makeshift, barely good enoughとか…

And I saw some mistakes in my post, but my main point stands - by the time the student gets good enough so that my current ability would interfere with teaching, I will also have learned a lot and be able to help him.

I won't lie, though, I won't offer conversation practice in Japanese, input will be the main program. If they are really rudimentary, then cramming kana, kanji, vocabulary etc. will keep them busy for a long time.

There could be a crossover episode.

I am asking, what it is that differentiate those VN and Comics?
I had regarded VN to be a substitute concept for mangas or so-called "light novels", but I found they are called the same name as they are called here..
Or does it simply mean EROGE?

VN are games you read and play, Eroge are part of VNs

So you meant
And "先生" usually involves feelings of respect and affinity to some extent, so if they don't suffice it, you can call them "教師" in front of other people, unless you are in front of those 教師.

As for your job, if you say so, it'd be so.
However, how much are you gonna be paid for that, if we could ask?

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Perhaps you can do better to practice Japanese than with one of the dullest franchises in the history of cinema. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though


The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

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Eroge also don't have to be VNs, if there's more gameplay elements and less reading then it's just a normal game but also an eroge as well.

this is still fucking funny

Well, I liked my English teachers, despite them being terrible at the language. But I understand, I generally use 教師 when using teineigo.

I'll be charging 50 monkey bucks for 90 minutes (~14USD); if too many people show up, the price might go up.
I can't vouch for my Japanese classes, but they'll learn better English than they do at school for sure.

>The Lord of the Rings in shit tier
Are the books really that bad? I enjoyed the movies a lot and without them being popular I think we wouldn't get to enjoy all the different fantasy races nowadays.

They're not bad it's a meme perpetuated by wannabe intellectual incels that get off on only wanting to read "high literature".

read delivery cinderella

theyre good but theyre kids books

Yes, 先生 would rather match polite form than the other, and 教師 could be used even to express your tacit contempt for damn teachers.
(You can say バカ教師 often but we usually don’t hear バカ先生).
I can’t exactly tell how much it is effectively worth there, but I would have dropped my jaw if it was like 150us$/hour or so..

150 an hour? What the hell, mang.

Nice wall of text. Also idk if the entire post is supposed to be ironic or some pasta, but that picture is god awful and if you honestly think like that you should kys.

Books written for adults nowadays are always about some half Native American bisexual woman reconnecting with her father or some bullshit like that.

I'll take orcs and talking trees, thanks

Oh, if you liked him, using 先生 is a very good manner.
“教師” is a word from very objective point of view, it focuses on it’s function of profession, while “先生” involves personal feelings (usually positive) of students and politeness.

it's a meme on /tv/
whenever there's a discussion about harry potter someone posts this pasta with an slightly changed opening sentence and this pic

what books are you reading? that sounds more like "young adult" books

>precise definition of Eroge
Oh, thanks.
I haven’t been so familiarized with those stuffs, anyway. Sounds you are an expert in that category..aren’t you?

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the picture is right although i never could get through atlas shrugged. i always buy books and never end up reading them, but atlas was a different beast all together

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Okay well it's probably not as bad in Japan, but what is some good modern literature in English that won't make me start menstruating?

How do I get out of this trap where I can't read without putting every single thing I don't know in my Anki deck? It makes reading much slower and takes all the fun out of it because I'm not even paying attention to what's going on anymore but otherwise I can't help but feel like I'm not being diligent enough and "missing out".

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Read something that interest you enough that you don't want to stop all the time

how modern are we talking? plus literary greats still exist, its just like with music how its drowned out by the ariana grandes and stephen kings

By the way, I might add that when I was starting to learn Japanese people the 'real literature' that people would recommend as the first thing to read was キッチン by 吉本ばなな

Here's a character summary:
>Mikage Sakurai ? Young Japanese woman. Main character. Struggling with the loss of her grandmother, who was her last surviving relative.

>Yuichi Tanabe ? Son of Eriko Tanabe. Main character. He lives with his loving transgender mother and supports Mikage in her time of grieving. He eventually loses his mother, and relies on emotional support from Mikage.

>Eriko Tanabe ? Supporting character. Transgender woman. Eriko owns a nightclub, which is where she is killed by a man who feels as though she is tricking him by being a transgender woman.

this sounds like shit. read sao lmao. if you want some actually good japanese books read i am a cat or no longer human

sounds like a really good book :)

>read sao lmao

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thats the joke. although tht said i have most of the sao books for some reason

Comedy gold lad

>minna no nihongo
>how to use this book
>it's all in Japanese

Ah, the good ol' "swim or drown" approach.


Does anybody here use Anki on (Arch) Linux? I installed everything needed for mecab support with the "Japanese Support" plugin, but it still doesn't work.
It's needed for , currently only the manual lookup works with it =\

works fine on manjaro for me

I see, thanks!

Fuck linux shitters

Where we dropping boys

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where do you live?


where to get yotsuba scans? what other easy manga are good

I actually looked at /jp/ DJT for the first time and my god it's actually worse than I expected.

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>what other easy manga are good

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>Check the Cornucopia of Resources before asking where to download X or Y:

惡の華 is very beginner friendly

this doesn't actually mean "bring me an arrow or a gun"...right?

Oh I just noticed that 日's ニチ reading is 音読み . 初日 always threw me off because I thought ジツ was it's only one.

Sounds more like a challenge come AT ME with guns, arrows or whatever. But context would help.

it's literally a set expression


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