Say something nice about Japan OwO

say something nice about Japan OwO

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Other urls found in this thread:昭和新山

hii, u guys created boku no pico :)

fuck japan

jk, I met a lot of exchange students from different countries and i think Japanese r more attractive on average

Japanese women look good with foreign cock in them.

oy vey,, you are suppose to finish subverting the west first.

fuck antisemites and fuck nazis.

good country and people
great culture
nice food

Astolfo and gaycrossdressing cosplay anime

????? he started with the in appropriate comment first? f k off singapoo

It is a fact though.

jews have been oppressed for the past few millennia. you are just a basement dwelling antisemite. go back to Jow Forums.



??? why do they get kicked out of so many host countries?? do u think people are prejudice for no reason? do u think there isnt a causation for every reaction?

Japanese men look even better with white cock in them

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because of hateful pricks like you. just admit that you are looking for a scapegoat, just like everyone else who was on the wrong side of history. once again, fuck nazis, fuck antisemites.


Lol .. pick up history books. so many cultures were able to coexist yet the jews were somehow always kick out of host nation

read abit about the kalergi plan and the Elder of Zion Protocols

also on the jews and their lies by martine luther king. its weird isnt it how they are accused of conspiring agianst host nations by every host nation they went to

I love your food.

Its not korea

w-what about taiwanese boys.. > w

> w



All asian boypussy is 100 times better with big white penis in it

so do you want to get dinner later jp kun?

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yes, let's climb 玉山 and slurp 牛肉麺 at the summit!

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why should I

sure! is there *anything* else you want to do at the top?

fuck off then

*rubs your 台北101*

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*dips into your 温泉*

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best ally

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is your 富士山 close to erupting? something is leaking out..

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my eruption will be like 昭和新山, my lava is as sticky and hot as rhyolitic magma...昭和新山

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I guess we had some cool trade-deals in the past

my new years fireworks show just went off.. >~

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me too... 身體健康〜(性的意味)

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its really hot..

hehe that was fun!

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japs look funny with their eyes

now it's my turn... your 玉山 seems to be about to erupt too, your 玉s are swelling!

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I can't take much more..

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it was such a nice time either... 臺日友好永遠...

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something nice about Japan OwO

I'm sleepy zzzzzzzz
my discord is "howdoIusethis#7837" if you want to chat later~

i don't have discord account sorry... but we can meet again on Jow Forums! 一路順風〜

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how in sweet fuck did taiwan become the gay east country

south korea yall better catch up

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