>be UK
>drink warm beer

>be baby-killing heathens

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nothing like coming back from a hard days work, going to your local pub, ordering a pint and cringing as you grab it as it is LUKEWARM

In south london where I live there are no local pubs. They all got shut down because muslims complained.

jesus fucking christ
isn't london now >50% british too?
i feel sorry for you blokes, first warm beer, now this.

Try >20% Native english. All I see are dark faces around me every day.

I've heard some parts of london are like that aye, and the people there on average aren't really assimilating either and bringing their baggage.

who caused such a large influx of people into the country?

Why even go to a pub to have a beer? I'm a heavy beer drinker and I've never been to any bar\pub sort of establishment. Drinking alone at home is a patrician thing, only dirty yokels drink in public.

Don't know. Some politicians I assume. Countrys fucked.
It's not really about all that. Pubs are a core part of British culture like football and fish and chips and they're being shut down because foreigners are complaining.

You didn't answer my question.

>pretty soon it’ll be a crime to say yer English
>too right you bloody are dezza

>british culture

To socialise with your friends.
kek, go shoot some guns hillbilly.

it's a cultural sort of thing, like going out and having fun at a timezone with friends in person, rather than gaming online with them in your own house. there's nothing quite like tap beer too.

>foreigners are complaining
they shouldn't give a shit, it'll just extend the olive branch for british to interfere with their culture

>C U L T U R E D

At least we don't shut down our bars and restaurants because of assmad foreigners


No you just tear down war memorials

Also, there is nothing wrong with warm beer

>my country's beer tastes so bad i have to freeze it to get rid of the taste
oh no no no

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Drinking alone is fun until it gets bad. Drinking with others inherently means witnesses if your life strarts going off the rails.

>drinking festy luke warm beer over a refreshing ice cold drink

when you go to get a drink of coke / juice you don't get a luke warm bottle from the pantry do you?

wait do they actually drink lukewarm beer?

yes, yes they do
>If you want a cold beer, you'll have to order lager. Brits don't think you can appreciate the flavor of a beer if it is icy cold so they drink beer at cellar temperature. It's not warm, but it's not very chilled either.

>people seriously replying to this blatant shit-poster

There aren't many pubs left anywhere thanks to Millennials and Zoomers only wanting to go to nightclubs and get smashed.

There are still some around in my Northern town, but hardly any compared to a decade or so ago. Basically the only place they can survive is in the town centre as a hangout for Boomers, or in rural villages which are miles away on the outskirts of town. The pubs in the villages nearer the town centre have really struggled and I've seen many of them go bust and get boarded up now.

Most of our beer (not lager) is cellar temperature, so it's warmer than what desert yanks are used to. It's never room temperature though

Grim when you see people actually believe that stuff

I don't drink coke or juice.

you're not fooling us mohammed, let atkins speak

>desert yanks
Why do poms think this? You guys have far more in common with the USA than we do. The UK is basically the USA of Europe.

>be UK
>release mass murderers to their home country because they're getting old

Nah even a lot of nightclubs in local towns are struggling. Where I live (essex) they're kind of being replaced by fancier big bars that have dance floors on weekends. I think there's just more to do in the evenings now desu, no point drinking all the time because there's other stuff to do. London is actually one of the only places where drinking establishments are actually opening often because there's lots of disposable income and hipsters

even water from the tap is festy without it being cold

>You guys have far more in common with the USA than we do
Please tell me you don't actually believe this.

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Speak English.

Aussies are americans with wanna-be brit mindset

please don't insult me by saying I'm anything like a Brit

Nah you're really talking out of your arse there, literally the only way we are more similar to the US than you is that we're essentially a 2 party state now. Literally everything else you do is more yankish apart from using uk spelling (sometimes) and talking a bit like us

gotta agree with bruce no.2 on the USA of europe part desu

Sure, I think that's hard to deny.
The first part is absolutely fucking ridiculous though.

>have Shakespeare
>can't handle new/different lingo

left hand drive, oath allegiance to the crown, union jack, royal assent, use of pound until 1966, more

You guys have grown more distant to your roots and more and more americanised as of late. Maybe the one point you should cede is warm beer.

>oath allegiance to the crown
yiiiiiikes. he is proudly allegiant to some old woman half way across the world

he both defines himself by not being british, and by maintaining the tenants of the cargo cult

my town is 98.7% white

>he isn't
mega yikes

I'm actually a NEET these days and haven't been near the nightclub part of town in a while, so I decided to check it on google maps to see if it's struggling like you said, and good god it's grim. I'm glad I don't go out much these days because if I had to walk through the town centre as it is now every day I think I'd kill myself.

Like where you are, it seems a lot of the nightclubs here have gone under, but unlike where you are, the nightclubs here haven't been replaced by fancier bars. Most of them are just boarded up and left to rot. Those which haven't been have been replaced by bookies and the like.

I've always hated living here. This town was a shithole when I was a kid, and instead of getting better it just gets worse and worse. When I eventually get a job, my first order of business is going to be saving enough money up so that I can leave.

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you know, for a country so opposed to the royal family, your cunt. is really interested in them

australia is british

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Aren’t half the pubs still open owned by some sort of pub chain franchise company?

The last census on ethnicity in the UK was taken all the way back in 2011, so I doubt that's still true.

Our cunt is full of vapid retards in love with celebrities but marge, age 43, watching the royal wedding doesn't mean she is allegiant to the crown. we're allies of the uk not cucks of them

>openly admitting your cunt. is shit
ouch, not so patriotic i see
just cause you like the queen doesn't mean your a cuck, fella, it's ok

dunno, warm beer has been on the menu for donkey years now

>you-youre country is shit because middle aged women like celebrities including british celebrities
>just cause you like the queen doesn't mean your a cuck, fella, it's ok

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>full of vapid retards in love with celebrities

>having to spell out what i meant

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> Be a bong
> rape and loot the country you go
> Fast forward - complain when the same happens to yours
> Can't wait to hard braxit

As for immigrants, they are in UK because your ancestors were there.

>italy saying this

>criticize people for liking the queen
>defend liking the queen in the same post

>As for immigrants, they are in UK because your ancestors were there.
Lmao why do left-wing retards believe this

Ale is served at slightly below room temperature, otherwise you miss out on all the subtle flavours. Lager is always served cold