I like Vietnam
Do you like Vietnam?
I like Vietnam
Do you like Vietnam?
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I had anal sex with a qt vietnamese girl.
if they use their true flag
I'll love them
don't know much about it
I don't know if they like us, but I kind of like us because it was ours
you didn't muttoid
My first gf was from there. She absolutely wrecked my heart.
But I think I like the coubtry, it seems nice from the few I know.
Your dislike of Korea make us all proud!
When you have your period and accidentally piss yourself at the same time
Yeah, I did. She was great. We cuddled afterwards.
do you hate Korea?
I do, actually. Excellent food, friendly and down to earth people, and beautiful nature.
Oh, I thought for a moment it was a post coming from a country that matters!
Cuddling afterwards is the best part of sex desu.
Hows your mother K.Mexican poster?
I made a whole story about her.
i'm not korean
your mother is sex slave I think
if not you are lying
No, Id say the best part was her facial expression as I stared into hear eyes and pumped her tight litle body.
wow you actually remember my story.
japanese women belong to white men
Here is the story I came up about your mother:
A long time ago, in WW2, your korean mother was a virgin who decided to whore herself to get money. As she went about, she got herself knocked up by a japanese soldier.
She just could not believe it happened. How could having sex get children?! How is that even possible?!
Her father and mother loved that she would have a japanese child, and the japanese soldier was going to help keep the baby. But your mother didnt want to have children, so she ran. She ran to mexico, the only place where she could lose her child.
She found a cartel pimp who helped her with it. She could only say a few words in spanish, and mostly knew what to ask by pointing, like pointing to her mouth for blowjobs. She pointed to her belly, but instead of getting what she wanted, the cartel pimp understood as a way to get her pregnant.
Clearly, he thought she was just fat, so he had sex with her. To your mother surprise, the cartel pimp was stupid enough to realize that she got her child too early, and was basically full asian. But it didnt matter, all that matters is that he could keep your mother for work and for enjoyment later at night. And they lived forever happy until you learned to speak.
And this, is the story of how you were born, mexican user.
kill yourself nigger
As long as I can take as many Koreans with me, K-American.
My ancestor came from southern vietnam, so yeah...
gonna assume you're one of those a jap mutt who is insecure about his race. know your place monkey