People call me beautiful, handsome attractive

>people call me beautiful, handsome attractive
>look in the mirror
>be disgusted and repulsed by myself

Why can't I love myself

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One time when I was 18, I was taking a walk and this random middle school girl looked at me and said "you look weird."
I immediately walked back home and sulked for the rest of the day.

What is objectivly wrong with how you look?

improve yourself physically as much as you can (get fit, shave, dress properly etc)
and then focus on your personality
pretty sure you wouldn't be insecure if you had things to be proud of, and looks are sth you can only influence to a limited degree - nothing you should be proud of

What is an improved personality? Do you change your way of thinking and lie to others about what you like to fit in more, you cuckhold?

more like
>my family calls me beautiful, handsome attractive

also family could flatter on your looking because you're its property and loved one. on the other side, people outside tell nothing.

My face is a bit round
My nose looks ok from the side but too big from the front
My eyebrows are very thick and almost arch ( some hair in the middle)
I can't grow a proper beard

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learning new things
extending your skills
being a nice person

Not him, but yes. If you are an autistic edgelord you shouldn't be surprised if no one wants to be friends with you and you can't get a gf.

>go to store
>lady calls me handsome young man
>used to get hit on by girls in school
>at weddings I notice how most girls look at me

But I still think I'm ugly as shit

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round face can be fixed if you have high body fat% simply by losing weight
that's not changing personality, nor will it impress a woman

jus b urself :)

shaved face looks better
get a nosejob if it's ugly
if your face is round compensate with muscles, then you'll just look big

if you're ugly you're just not strong enough

You’re probably handsome, desu.
I’m ugly for real.

Change your mindset from a defeatist one to one of an optimist. Start looking at the good side of people and understanding them as fellow humans instead of NPCs or some shit, and then when you see this, be friendly to them. Pick up new skills that you’re interested in and develop real hobbies you can talk about, not just video games. Basically, be the kind of person people look up to and want to be around. That’s not being a cuck, that’s just being a better person. And when your personality is this great, you can punch above your weight and get girls that physically are out of your league.

ok, you're handsome having higher ideal on looking.

>love myself but others dont

The optimist one is the only real answer. The changes to personality is only your outlook on life itself. Everything else is a meme you're forcing onto yourself to "fit in", or at least what your autistic Jow Forums dwelling mind think fitting in is

Same here, I've always considered myself hideous but everytime I go out it feels like girls are checking me out all the time..

How do I lose weight on my face?

I realize that people become handsome because they exude their aura of handsome, but before they reach that point they were always unhappy woth how they looked and constantly improved themselves to look better. After that, they get confidence. People call you attractive because you constantly think you arent and improve, OP.

As opposed to myself and many others, who never cared about how they looked growing up, because they would just play anime and vidya all day. Now I realized too late to take care of their face and body.

Lose weight in general and your face follows. You probably have a moon face yeah? Unless you have a medical condition, just lowering your body fat % will help.

I’m a normie with a girlfriend now when three years ago all I did was post on this site, but OK

Oh, then you dont belong on Jow Forums anymore. You can leave.