Which country would be most likely for me, as a black man, to find love
Which country would be most likely for me, as a black man, to find love
post BBC
anywhere in europe
legit answer, probably the carribean
>look how happy i am
>im a marine and i fuck white women, got a problem?
>I fuck a black marine, go to my bf if you're mad lol!
>look at us, alt-right aren't you pissed?!
i dont get this dumb picture
it's signalling to the max
it's like PDA on steroids
not even racist (jk)
she's just welcoming her man you autist
how is that different from any other picture
he literally cannot see it outside of a cuck context because he spends 18 hours on this website. the fact that he interpreted the pic as them rubbing their interracial relationship in his face tells you more about him than it does about them
the mind of the average Jow Forums(nel)er
I’d like to know what sorts of arguments they have and if he beats her.
t. spams imwf threads
is that even a thing?
yes, thanks your countrymen or yourself
how does he feel about her fucking randos off of tinder while he's in the desert?
based. I've never run into a thread where it's being spammed but then again I don't browse Jow Forums as much anymore
the sign and how they take a picture fully positioned for reddit upvotes
i mean i get trying to welcome your husband but while you're at it take a stage at a late night show and talk about how good the sex is
A black country.
But black men are race-worshiping trash who will do anything to not be with a black woman. Literally the failures of the male gender.
gamers rise up
I admire a tough-looking person
Asian are flimsy
my room
You a girl?
>horrendous tattoos
>coal burner
go figure
so disgusting but so indian
that probably sounded wittier in your head
another Jow Forums buzzword. well done
Guaranteed she cheats on him while he's deployed.
why do indians worship white women so much desu
Like it or not, white women are the most desirable on earth.
I don't. nor do I autistically obsess over the racial makings of random couples
I bet she fucked like 20 people while he was overseas
is that why you support imwf spamming and engage in it? how contradictory
>support imwf spamming
bit of a stretch. just said "based" because it seems to rile up autists like yourself. like I said earlier, I didn't even know that stuff was being spammed until a few minutes ago. I hate spamming of all kinds but only if they're in threads I'm reading. seeing as how I haven't seen any instances of said spamming, I assume they're happening elsewhere and as such, I couldn't care less
>engage in it
straight up falsehood
Stop responding to him bro
okay x
Poland. Their women are turbo coal burners.
Holy shit look at the chin on that one
based desu