Why do you want to be MEDS so much?
Why do you want to be MEDS so much?
Mon visage quand urban legends circulating around Spain claim that in many foreign countries olive oil is some sort of luxury item sold at herbal and delicatessen shops for an exorbitant price.
Olive oil got promoted a lot in the last 20 years as some super food you should cook all your meats in. Everyone uses it by now without knowing exactly why.
It costs quite a lot too, like €4.50/L
t. uses peanut oil
yeah.... that's not olive oil, you just got scammed
Then what is it and what should olive oil cost according to you?
>People can afford tasty stuff more easily and so consume more of it
We still butter our bread don't get ahead of yourself
i hate olive oil
I certainly hope the OP understand nobody soaks their food in olive oil over here and extra virgin olive oil is only bought by mistake
How come olive oil tastes so sour to me
could be a brain tumor
>Not being butter master race
in your country? anything less than 8-9 euro/L
its scam
How much do you pay?
I’m curious since I always inspect olive oil packages and it always says “made entirely of olives”
Have you been to London? They sell it in neat crystal bottles
It's around €5/L here and we're a much cheaper country that the Netherlands.
anything less than 6-7 euro/L cannot be extra virgin olive oil here. Add smething for the shipping and you have the price in your cunt.
I don't pay anything because I produce my own .
Never seen olive oil in a crystal bottle in my life, stop talking out your arse
>I always inspect olive oil packages and it always says “made entirely of olives”
trusting what's written on packages, really german tier.
Extra vierge is avoided at all costs.
Olive oil is used for cooking. Extra vierge evaporates at cooking temperatures.
Also I made a mistake, the actual price for normal supermarket brand olive oil (cooking oil) is €6.50/L
I have seen a soap bad made from olive oil sold for 25 euro in Sweden
>paying for olive oil
>not producing your own
No excuses
anything else than extra virgin is lilerally garbage and you won't use it if you knew how it's produced.
I've seen them in M&S and Tesco, then you have these tiny ass plastic bottles with sunflower seed and rapeseed oil
Oiling up your food like Meds do is highly unusual here. All we do with oil is cooking, and for that purpose olive oil has been shilled very hard over here. Not for direct consumption.
We don’t eat the oil.
ok then eat oil made from rotten olives, i'm sure its really healthy
You're literally making things up or you didn't know what you were looking at. Did you mean glass, not crystal? Because olive oil has to be in coloured bottles anyway doesn't it, so you obviously couldn't have crystal glass
It’s not eaten. People use it to fry their meat and potatoes with hence extra virgin oil, which will smoke away, isn’t used.
Also most processed foods are like that. Apple and orange juices are made from rotten fruits. Sausages from rotten meat.
Good wine is also more expensive in northern-Europe, as is chorizo and feta.
Because they are import products and on top of that somewhat luxurious in the sense they are not staple foods.
>It’s not eaten.
You should
Don't fry stuff with it.
Fresh is god tier.
Mix with water in the oven is good!