Do you want to find love in Chile?

Do you want to find love in Chile?

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wtf is that?

every latin american person is exactly the same so why would i go all the way down to south america when i could just find one in my town

>tfw no Chilean gf

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true, aftet all Los Estados Unidos is just another spic shithole.

your future wife

Keep this boring shit confined to /lat please

You may be joking but at this point it literally is.

I'd honestly fuck her tbqh


implying you wouldn't


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of course i would but yuck

>spic shithole


She has the ugliest glasses ever
I would do her, but she wouldn't like me because I have a small penis

I want (need) a latina gf


based france

You need to be blacked and you know it

i still would but i wouldnt be proud of myself afterwards

oh sweetie...

would gf her

Most latinx are disgusting bean people

I would unironically if it's a real girl

Post the dancing webm

she is and she browses Jow Forums unironically
I don't have anything else, I know there is more of her, but I couldn't find it, post if you have more

I just save this one lol

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te hamo choroy

Hay no amor en America Latina, hay solo se duele.

habras querido decir "no hay amor en america latina, solo hay dolor", amiguito?

>there are dozens of cute girls like this browsing Jow Forums RIGHT NOW

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true, go for them champ

Lo encontré

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Jaksjakajsjjs señor choroy, usted es diabolico

>tfw no gf