What the fuck was wrong with Mexico?


>Historically, throughout the region, priests paid tribute to the deity by wearing the skin of human sacrifices.

>Items relating to the deity were discovered at a site in Puebla state, and believed to date from 900-1150 AD.

>Mexican archaeologists say the find may be the earliest dedication to Xipe Totec discovered in Mexico.

>Worship of the God, who represents fertility and regeneration, is known to have later spread throughout Mesoamerica during Aztec times.

And as a bonus feature:
>Aztec human skull tower uncovered

>Tales of the tower of skulls which struck fear into the hearts of Spanish conquistadors have been passed down through the generations in Mexico.

>Said to be the heads of defeated warriors, contemporary accounts describe tens of thousands of skulls looming over the soldiers - a reminder of what would happen if they did not conquer territory.

>For the next 500 years, the skulls lay undisturbed underneath what was once the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan, but is now Mexico City.

>Until, that is, a group of archaeologists began the painstaking work of uncovering their secrets two years ago.

>What they found has shocked them, because in among the skulls of the young men are those of women and children - bringing into question everything historians thought they knew.

Attached: _96767405_7405644d-dbb5-4c16-8203-b7e179b6f5b2.jpg (834x469, 66K)

>inb4 Mexicans start coming and saying its spanish propaganda

Spanish propaganda

all archaic societies do things like that, there's nothing special with ours

>900-1150 AD
Aztecs were not Mexicans

It's not that different from what they do nowadays

Imagine if the Aztecs had LiveLeak

>inb4 they do

No I mean real Aztecs

Bestgore >>>>> liveleak

what' wrong about it

Huītzilōpōchtli demands blood!

This is why God sent conquistadors to punish them just like Allah sent berbers to punish visigoths.

>all archaic societies do things like that
No, they didn't, and it was 900-1150 already, basically the middle ages. But even if you go back to the ancient Romans and Greeks you'll find that they abhorred human sacrifice.


you can't reduce all archaic societies to Romans or Greeks, there's so many societies, for example in this period Normans actually did human sacriface

>was wrong with Mexico
>implying implications


Attached: Poland_-_Czermna_-_Chapel_of_Skulls_-_interior_06.jpg (3008x2000, 1.56M)

Attached: Kostnice_Sedlec.jpg (1944x2592, 1.08M)



You better remember this the next time you want to talk shit to a mexican irl, you sissy wh*te bois

Nothing wrong with sacrifice desu

I have no idea. But i would like to see >proofs that these remains were actually results of deliberate mass human sacrifice.

I'm fairly certain that if these skull chapels I posted were buried under ground for few thousand years as a result of some weird earth movement and were uncovered future media would go batshit about "these terribul catholics slaughtering women and children" especially since many of the bones have marks from weapons where in reality they're victims of the combat and disease of the thirty years war that were dugged up from the mass graves they were buried in.

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