Lmao 25% of people living in Germany are not Germans hmmmmmmm

lmao 25% of people living in Germany are not Germans hmmmmmmm

Attached: germonkeys.png (426x946, 102K)

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They are Germans where it counts.
In their hearts.

Does MENA include the refugees?

>German repatriates and their descendants
Isn't that just Germans who fled from places like Siberia and central Europe? Why do they not count as German?

>Germans who fled from places like Siberia
More like Russians who claim to have had one German grandparent which they probably lied about. We had a lot of them in our village and they didn't speak a lick of German when they came here and behave just like other Russians, including loving Putin.

can you post where you got that from?


Only 5% are middle easterners so who cares

>100-79,9 = 25
Go back to africa boy

this. Jow Forums made me think Germistan was 50% MENA

It's still ~90% white European and only 10% non-white

We don't keep statistics on ethnicities but on religion. Considering pretty much every shitskin is muslim, we have a shitskin population of between 5-6% of our population (5,7% are muslims).

>Jow Forums makes you think the refugees have overran the country.
>Germany is still exponentially whiter than the US

And if you look at the Wikipedia page, it counts Russians from Kazakhstan (there's a lot of them here) as Asian

We have more white people tho

disgusting country

>It's still ~90% white European

who gives a fuck? germany is supposed to be german

the italians and poles and albanians should be kicked out along with the arabs and niggers

mutt people you mean

Fun fact
Germany has the 2nd largest immigrant population on the planet after the USA

>he thinks the F"G"R isn't overrun with refugees because it's whiter than muttopia
>beliving any statistics made by the F"G"R

because everyone can be white in the USA

Attached: 1472216687870.jpg (950x942, 211K)

Germany is 90% European. Still whiter than Italy by comparison.

>featured fugitive
What the fuck, do Americans really glorify criminals like this?

arabs are white in europe

average age of Germans=50
average age of non-European immigrants=25

not in Germany according to the data OP posted

reminder that it's the same case for polentoids

Attached: immitaa.png (405x296, 68K)

Germany is only 10% non-white, and its a bad thing.

is the data in the op organized by races? no
it's organized by ethnicities and/or geographical regions

>migrants want to live in richer regions


we wuz german

my bad, I missed your point because of the term "white", I got it mixed up with "ethnic european"

>mfw people in this thread actually think all the people included in "76% german" are actually german

have any of you niggers heard about birthright citizenship?

It's an ethnicity chart and not a citizenship chart. The "Germans" on the chart are ethnic Germans.

>mfw brazilians can't read

Attached: Unbenannt.png (438x192, 10K)

This can't be true.
I regularly see niggers.

No one call themselves "white" in Europe. We make the distinction between native and foreign born, latter having European and non european distinction usually.

your country is not full of niggers and nobody would wants to leave travel your country

ist ja auch von der BRiD GmbH

Everything but the blue slice is based

in the US prison system, there are three races: White, Black, and asian. Of course when these guys actually hit prison, they’ll segregate into cliques, and with racism being extremely high in prisons, most likely of their own race as well.

oh wow it's 20% not 25%

it's higher if you add non germanic europeans

how many races are there outside of prison?
why does the US not use ethnicity?

Attached: white US citizen.png (779x483, 220K)

according to statline.cbs.nl/Statweb/publication/?DM=SLEN&PA=37325eng&D1=a&D2=0&D3=0&D4=0&D5=0-4,11-257&D6=0,4,9,14,19-20&HDR=G2,G1,T,G3&STB=G4,G5&VW=T
you have 3 752 291 persons with migrant background
3 752 291/(17.08 million (total population according to google) ) = 0.2196

Over 400000 croatians and like 1 million ex yugos live in germany, wow didnt know that.
What do germans think of croats and ex yugos?

The croatians and serbs i know are pretty cool i dont think anyone really minds them
I dont really know about the others

Attached: 5bd9b4780d7c672db91ab5fd-750-985.jpg (750x985, 89K)

and its a great country

proof that multiculturalism works

Yeah and it's only going to get worse

>F"G"R Ltd
>a great country
no free speech, you get arrested immediately for thinking wrongly or showing any sign of patriotism
rape and murder occuring daily
60% taxes
shitty infrastructure, public health and education, despite sky high taxes, because all money gets used on replacement of the native population so we can import 85 IQ cheap work force
jewish overlords run the government
muslim overlords run the streets
public transport NEVER arrives on time
no guns so we can't even defend ourselves
no military or borders, so this "country" would be overrun by some savages within a week

Little misleading. Our countries have nothing to get rid of non-citizens born on our soil which end up getting resident permits and their children will become citizens since they have no other nationality

not sure if troll or not

ive seen too many people actually saying that

>More whites than most countries of Europe
>More blacks than most countries of Africa
Feels mestizo man

>replacement of the native population

Attached: 01.jpg (350x347, 25K)

Europeans are ok, I just don't like niggers

You can still deport them if they become criminals

why would many people saying something make it less believable?

To where? A country that doesnt recognize them as citizens?

any of these assumptions is just idiotic and typical to poltards so id presume its troll, but ive actually seen people that stupid

but everything I said is true

none of it is true, your country isn't bad by any measure, how can you spew out such bullshit like "non-existent" infrastructure? do you even know how many autobahns your country have? look at the map and compare to other countries, then talk

i have a croatian friend, definitly among the top 10 of the best human beings i ever met, also his dad makes really good gyros

>tfw being a part of the 2.7%.

Attached: x9fuufj4yy411.jpg (720x706, 89K)

What do you think about half Vietnamese mutts?
My gf is from Vietnam and wants to have kids, but I'm afraid of another Elliot Rodgers

most of those are afghans

As long as you raise him/her well, I assure you they'd not turn into an Elliot. I've met several fucked up vietnamese mutts in Germany, most of them turn out that way because of bad parenting (showered their children with an unhealthy amount of anti-communist propagandas or sometimes the parent drowned themselves in works and neglect their kids). Let your wife teach your children vietnamese if you want, but NEVER EVER let her pass on East Asian's mentality and culture to the child. Oriental Asian culture are fucking toxic and materialistic, it'd do nothing but ruining your children development and turn them into a souless shallow person (not the Elliot type, but arguably just as bad).
Btw, vietnamese hapas (especially vietnamese - white hapas) are considered aesthetically superior by many native vietnamese.

>let me tell you about your country