It's a curious case

It's a curious case.

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>tfw when castes are a thing in Europa too

these faggots aren't genetically spanish
they're inbreds from some other cunt

Why doesn't the nobility exterminate the swarthy masses?

same difference with the norman caste and the anglo caste. normans are smart and beautiful, anglos are ugly and inbreed


I want a spanish gf so bad.

Same thing in Chile

>royals aren't inbred
The mental gymnastics you continental cokcroaches go through in order to express your deep-seated SEETHEs are staggering.

cope with what? i agree with op, and you should be the one coping, after all you are mix of spanish people and smelly indians

english royals look much healthier and handsome than your general population

>children have blonde hair and fairer skin

who would've thought

>Valencian mediterranean creaturas are darker than north atlantic Spaniards
Wait until you learn people from the south of France look like arabs even if they are not of immigrant background.

there are tons of swarthy people in northern spain, for instance check out miguel indurain

I look like a moor and my cousing looks like a disgusting snownigger, there's lots of diversity here

why do only sandnigger looking spanish post here?

the mother looks spanish as fuck though

Higher intelligence

the mother is 100% spanish peasant, in any case the bourbon bloodline was broken centuries ago by a queen having an affair

>Jow Forums spanisg posters
>higher intelligence
white ones must be btraindead considering the spanish posters here

Bourbons are Capetians. A Frankish family that mostly married with other Frankish families.

The Spanish royal family is heavily of Germanic descent.

das rite

>with other Frankish families

nope, they mostly married with hre houses, just check out louis xiv genealogy and you will see how most of his ancestors aren't frankish

Hre houses were also mostly frankish?

nope, but it doesn't matter, all houses are related to the point that even an irrelevant galician house from the 11th century is related to many modern monarchs

I think these three are latinos or some kind of third worlder

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nobility is international everywhere in Europe, their family is from France and Leticia is from the north of Spain


Threadly reminder that the """""Bourbon""""" branch in the Spanish monarchy is as french as we are chinese.
The Spanish Bourbons got Fernando'd quite a long time ago.
Second reminder that the current legitimate heir of the French monarchy is a literal Fernando Martínez who loves bullfights.

Why are people who are browner than the average Arab complain about this?

Sudacas are obsessed with Spain and hate us. Just ignore them.

why do you think they're brown?

Subhuman animal

only one of those comments mentions arabs, why do you care? bit weird

arabs are white lol

thats because they are germans

>Just ignore them.
You don't seem to be good at doing that, I see this post almost every day.

The curious case from me is why Iberians cause such butthurt to new world flags.

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Why are you trying to say?, also the crowd in the pic is not specially dark

Always a Mexican flag shitting on Spain. i don't know if it's an only poster or the entire Mexican Jow Forums community is this retarded. It's even worse than Ikibey the German "Greek".

Good luck buddy xd

glad they still exist today

do you crave attention?
spanish subhuman in poland. go back

European royals have been for ages of a completely arbitrary ethnic background, due to mixing with other royal families across Europe.
How "English" do you think the Windsors are?

Strong cope. They are 100% Spanish

They should come to Germany for Erasmus

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>Latin Americans on how Spaniards look like

Attached: 1543962568584.jpg (646x687, 69K)

Who are you to tell me to go back?, check your butthurt and fix your insane obsession.

Why are they so perfect

Imagine an erasmus for 12 year old people

Plenty of Candy Dolls and U10~U15 idols who make them look average at best, desu.

Do you realise that the mother is a pleb spanish journalist?

>tfw you've got dark hair and brown eyes
I look like a moor when we have more than a week of sun

disgusting desu

Go back monster

why do you think you can pollute poland with your tainted genes?

i dont get the appeal theyre pretty ugly looking. if they didnt have some silly title no one would care. even Jow Forumscels wouldnt notice them.