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>least zaras per capita
but that's a good thing
>most cyclist deaths among road accident fatalities
good thing too

>Most slavery
What did they mean by that

fuck finland

French one is actually positive.
Always admired the French resistance against am*ricanization.

shit map, probably was created by mentally ill OP subhuman

>most tax fraud

Who would have guessed?

not cool man

How are we so based lads?
How do we do it?
We CAN'T keep getting away with it!

>least cinemas per capita

Thats really bad lets pray

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I mean, Greece is on the map


Actually though, it will catch up with you. French is still one of the most popular languages for English-speakers to learn but Spanish is starting to replace it over here.

And also the craziness with which you guys deny the existence of natural minority languages in France is impressive.

I know, I thought the same. Fraud is clear as day all over the country with those grim 'half built' houses, no idea why they don't act on it

this nation is sick, it is fundamentally broken
there are no children in the preschools, no births in our hospitals, no future for our people
and no wonder, who would want to bring a child into this fucked up country?
Portugal is dying...

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>the craziness with which you guys deny the existence of natural minority languages in France is impressive
I honestly don't get what you're referring to

>lowest home ownership rate
that's not necessarily a bad thing

Impressive commitment to the denial.

the cool kids club: Austria, Spain, Denmark, the UK

nah they're just salty the brits won and now they gotta eat it

I mean, are you talking about regional languages, or foreign languages spoken by immigrants and their descendants? Or something else?

ofc it is a bad thing
>pay a significant amount of your income every month
>no security
>no potential source of income

The Hungary part is correct ;_;

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Fuck doctors!
-t. me

OF course, they are all emigrating to other EU countries because Portugal is doomed.

22% of everyone born in Portugal is living somewhere else.
And they have the audacity of come here on Jow Forums and claim that my country is a shithole. At less i have a country, fucking neo gypsies.

Oh shit, you mentioned regional languages. Your boy Macaroni isn't gonna be happy with you.

it is only a bad thing if the housing market is manipulated to oblivion. Germany has been far more successful than any other western country in controlling the popular capitalism that has destroyed the housing market everywhere else. I hear that lately the german housing market is taking a wrong direction, which is sad, but it is amazing that it has resisted this long.

There is historic evidence that living on rent houses has been the norm, and there is no reason for it to be different now.

Some anons claimed that is way cheaper to rent a house in germany than to buy a new one.

You got memed hard, my friend. Regional languages are acknowledged (I even had Niçois classes when I was younger), but they're barely spoken in the everyday life. They're a bit of a culturale meme now.

Maybe 0.1% of the population can speak one (and I'm being generous here), so it's just not important for the average French. Lots of little things are being done to support them though - TV programmes in regional languages, street signs, regional language classes, cultural stuff like plays and so on.

Netherlands: "Most cyclist deaths among road accident fatalities"
A Dutch said here they have have the best cycle paths of all Europe, that's not sufficient apparently.

>And also the craziness with which you guys deny the existence of natural minority languages in France is impressive.
But they literally don't exist anymore (not saying it's a good thing but it's how it is).

They probably did the wrong math. Netherlands have way more bikes per capita than any other country. This could explain the number of deaths.

what are zaras?
the spanish cloth shops?

I don't think so. The brand is know for use slavery here in Brazil.

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Based amancio enslaving macacos

Like 100 years ago 26% of France didn't speak French. That didnt just disapear....Or is that what they tell you?

Why do euroniggers try so hard to be like americans?

discrimination against cultural minorities

Well yeah that was 100 years ago.
My mother told me she actually spoke the local patois and no French when she was young.
But I guess in this area of increased communication, everything just got more uniform thanks to national broadcasts.

keep working to keep the boomers alive cuckboi maybe when you're 80 i will let you retire

>most slavery

>But I guess in this area of increased communication, everything just got more uniform thanks to national broadcasts.
Nah it's the based Chad IIIrd Republic who eradicated those filthy non-French patois languages at every corner of the Hexagon.
If this American wants to hear what remains of French mixed with a local patois, go to literally any creole-speaking island (you have some on every continent) or visit our DROM TOM.

>least Zaras per capita

oh the h o r r o r

>(you have some on every continent)
I am not the brightest.

Lots of people still used a lot of patois in the countryside until TV became widespread.
Well it was the case in Burgundy, at least.

Oh but in the SouthWest where I come from (Gers) we still use quite a fair deal of patois, but we don't talk a different language, it's just French with some different -superior - words inserted in it.
TV may have played a role, but really the erasure of local languages was a political decision. This is justa nother reason why TV should be banned, though.

finna contribute to taht statistic



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Not really, they enslave Colombians by taking their passports and chain them to the sewing machines.
3 Zara corporate and their families had being murdered after the news came out.

What happen when your country is colonized by a country of moors rape babies?
Thats right, pardos happen.

>but really the erasure of local languages was a political decision.
same thing happened in the uk and much of the world, usually enforced by punishing students at school

Shit I would have done it too just to punish some shitheads at school

>Lowest English proficiency
The eternal P*risian republicuck had to kill them with a centralized secular education system that banned the use of regional languages introduced in the late 19th century


>least doctors per capita
I'm not surprised, they slave away for years before even becoming a full fledged one only to get paid a laughable wage. Anyone with a penny to him has long fled to other countries.

95% of those are from the 60s macaco

why doesn't the government increase the wages then?

Romania is truly the worst place to live

Yeah thus my little point. You guys resist English the most since your local language Nazis that don't allow anything else but French. It'll bite you in the arse eventually.

>children of portugal

>Local language nazis
The parisan elite? What a joke, they're trying to kill the French language and replace it with English using any mean possible, they constantly shove English down the common man throat, it's fucking everywhere. Also 101% of social liberalism here are made in USA imports to the point that our parisian twitter SJWs don't speak French anymore but some kind of French/English pigdin


80% of our prison population is russians

Shut the fuck up, waffle nigger

>3 years after current year
>He doesn't have his personal Ukrainian

lmaoing at your life

Kill your local languages and now French is being killed in return. It's karma.

Generations of frenchman role in their graves as you're slowly consumed by Anglo-American culture and the English language. It's global revenge for tainting the rest of the world with your existence, which has never been anything but a burden for the rest of Europe and the world at large.

The French language deserves a slow and quiet death in a corner. It's unworthy of anything more.

Ok amerinigger, also it's far from dying we're not like Nordnigger who suck your tiny Brown peepee nonstop, funny since you'll all be replaced by spanish speakers by the end of the century

>which has never been anything but a burden for the rest of Europe and the world at large

I think you are mistaking French with Krautniggers. France is responsible for western civilization fondations, while krautniggers are responsible for plunder, murderous genocide, communism, insane ideologies etc.

So shut the fuck up.

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>laughable wage

Oh shut the fuck up, cebulak. I guess 10k PLN is laughable wage for you? Doctors are fucking arrogant, demanding pieces of shit with horrible writing.


Poor Frog. I pity you. Must be a shame to go from a global power to a global joke. Your country scraping at the remains of global eminence is sad, but entertaining. Just learn your lesson and fall in line with the rest before us, you'll maintain some respect that way.... At least part of your culture and language will live on in what we have selectively chosen as the creme: Rendezvous, vis a vis, and all that. Quel dommage.

Sorry, little commie. All the French did was hold back the majesty of the superior English. They then raped Italian society for centuries. You should know the feeling better than anyone else. They reaped their wealth and stole their sophisticated ancient heritage, called it their own culture while proclaiming themselves the civilizers of Europe. Honestly there some sort of inferiority complex of the French to Italian culture.

Did all they have to do is name their pathetic war against Russia for you guys to buy your eternal allegiance? Come on, Casimir. Don't forget which "ally" betrayed you and did nothing as the Germans and Russians rolled into to crush your innocent nation, ushering in decades of misery.