how does it feel to be part of the forgotten europe? when someone says “oh i wanna travel to europe” or “i wanna learn a european language” they’re never talking about you and most people just think you’re russians.
i’d feel pretty bad but then again i can’t relate :/
How does it feel to be part of the forgotten europe...
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But most of them are just russians in denial
true but let’s be kind to them
Most people like it here, and given that we had 5 million tourist stays in 2018 which is 2.5 times our population I think people want to visit Slovenia.
>Noone is visiting Prague
Yeah sure, we're not like the rest of those plebs.
well I don't see denmark in the top 30
Can someone tell me one reason to visit Denmark over Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Czechia, Slovenia, Croatia, Greece, etc.? There... I think there is none
>Most people like it here
Slovenia is absolutely fantastic. It's not just the countryside, but I really like the people too. Level-headed and civilized, it's like you aren't even slavs.
Absolutely love your country
Denmark is flat shithole
yes our country was destroyed by (((russians))), and now it's western yurope's turn, and soon YOU TOO shall be forgotten.
join the club pigboy
Having a death wish
But Greece and Prague are pretty popular. And Croatia also (at least I think)
People that used to go to Denmark here did it to do drugs in Christiania kek
You seem to be implying that someone at some point decided they would learn Danish which is quite amusing. Also we had about 8 million foreign tourists last year. While that's less than Denmark it doesn't really fit the forgotten Europe thing. And lastly I quite enjoy the fact that we're irrelevant, we are dodging all the problems that come with being relevant. While we may be poor, our economy is still growing and we are slowly but surely getting to a point where I can legitimately laugh at the social misery of w*stoids
I honestly don't care
delicious Polish butthurt
Me near the top right there
>ussr = ue
kill yourself dumb fag
>that projection
it honestly baffles me why Scandinavians think they're remotely important. We should have traded you to the USSR in exchange for Poland and Czechoslovakia honestly.
lol @ this dumb p*lak
lol @ this soviet rape baby
lol this dumb alt righter
if you are a pig enthusiast
you can take your bullshit leftist political buzz words and shove them up your dumb p*lak ass.
>>implying America had any influence on the shape of post-war europe.
Decades of propaganda made you forget you really won the war in Europe.
Protip: It wasn't America
>how does it feel to be part of the forgotten europe? when someone says “oh i wanna travel to europe” or “i wanna learn a european language” they’re never talking about you
they are not talking about Denmark either
>one who equals the eu with the ussr is complaining about buzzwords
its your speciality
>it honestly baffles me why Scandinavians think they're remotely important
High HDI, fantastic social programs, highest happiness rates in the western world, highest social cohesion in the western world. Scandinavians should be a role model to us all.
>lol this dumb alt righter
I'd love to bombard your DP bolshevik ass with facts but I dont like debating with retards.
especially some leftist DP motherfucker
it feels good. When i get out of my house all i see is white people and i don't have to fear of islamic attacks too
Plus, their education is fantastic and they frequently score at the top of PISA, and they're absolutely fluent in English because they usually don't dub series/movies, so they are exposed to English at a very early age, which also means they have much less of an accent compared to, say, Germans.
if you combined all of them you would probably still not have enough people to fill London alone. Nobody cares
Don't know about the rest of Eastern Europe, but we take 20 mln of foreign tourist per year from around 140 countries in the world, and no, they all don't go to Auschwitz and other death camps, only 3 mln of them actually visit Holocaust-related places. The rest just enjoys our beautiful sea, mountains and towns.
But I'm learning Romanian
A lot of people I know have actually visited Denmark recently though. It's a really shitty show but Americans absolutely love "Vikings" and are traveling to where the show takes place.
Oh wow another Danish pig farm
>equals the eu with the ussr
>calls other people "retards"
is this the power of the right wing "intellect"?
This niggerburger is absolutely SEETHING. Scandinavia, and most of Europe in general, is absolutely better than your 3rd world shithole in every conceivable way.
DP=dump p*lak..just so u know
>fucking pooland and pookraine are more touristy than the entirety of scandishits
le forgotten europe face
Based. I'm learning Croatian so when I go over this summer I can pick up a qt wife to haul home
just got back from dinner. wh y did forgotten europeans get so butthurt over this
Don't insult the alt-right, they are very dangerous and menacing.
France + UK>USA
>I share a country with these absolute units
Hurts very bad
>go to Norway
>it's a snowy boring shithole with nothing to do
>nothing of value is ever created
>no opportunities to do anything important or interesting
>no people
>a-at least Wikipedia says I'm statistically an übermensch now
lol okay
You should work on your recovery "just getting back from dinner" is pretty weak
You could make a good TV show centered with these characters.
i fuck your mother every day you dumb shit
>Lithuania experiences a constant increase of foreign visitors. In 2017, the accommodation establishments of Lithuania received 3.25 million tourists, which is by 6.2 per cent more than in 2016[3]. Lithuania attracts foreign visitors mostly from Germany, Poland, Russia, Latvia, Belarus, the United Kingdom, Estonia and Finland.
We are visited by more people than we have locals.
Bazat și rosupastilat
I didn't realize that Thailand and Malaysia actually got THAT many visitors. I thought sex tourism in SEA was just some joke.
That map is outdated, it's way lower now. The US and Canada have passed laws making sex tourism a crime and you can be arrested upon landing back in your respective country.
>be american
>go fuck a prostitute on the other side of the planet
>get arrested
Please explain
>I can't relate
Sure you can. They're talking about France or Germany, not about Denmark. Even when they talk about Scandinavia, they talk about Sweden, not Denmark.
Makes you think about how unimportant that really is to a person, eh?
Denmark really getting gangbanged here but then again he might enjoy it
>move to the US
>morph into a nigger
Unless that happens or you choose to move somewhere like Detroit those statistics are misleading.
Fuck off. America is a 3rd world shithole. Go die in a school shooting.
>how does it feel to be part of the forgotten europe? when someone says “oh i wanna travel to europe” or “i wanna learn a european language” they’re never talking about you and most people just think you’re russians.
Feels ok
Except countries that weren't in USSR, they're gypsies and I don't want to be confused with them
Again, things are like this because of niggers. Like the sort you keep importing. Enjoy your socialism while it lasts. The economic future of Europe is going to be rough especially since daddy USA is tending to his own interests.
>daddy USA is tending to his own interests
I will visit Slovenia this summer because of Luka "The GOAT" Doncic
Scandis are the most forgotten part of Europe, at least people know Eastern Europe due to communism, interesting history (greek and roman legacy, recent history) and nature. Denmark has none of that, it's a boring shithole filled with npcs and honestly not even having the greatest standard of living.
here Denmark is mostly remembered for this
I'm pretty sure the only way the left could be convinced Mexico is paying for the wall would be if their government personally signed a check for it which really isn't necessary we did it for them.
Not funding Israel would mean the start of a world war.
The wall is happening even if democrats use every resource available to stop Trump. The people want a wall. They think they can demoralize republicans into submission long enough for "change" to occur but the pendulum is swinging the other way.
The Alps are pretty neat and also the Croatian beaches are top tier and much cheaper than spanish or italian ones
> our economy is still growing
Thats fishy. Youre even more corrupt than our government.
EU guarantees the economic prosperity of every eastern european country.
look at GDP projections. Not that its a bad thing, in the long run it will even out and strenghten the whole
It does feel pretty bad, I hate this country with all my heart desu.
>be non eastern european
>dodge grenade attacks while typing out int shitposts
retarded am*ricans dont even know that they exist
It's a great place also Chinese tourists find it cheap and intresting
Do you truly believe you live a better life than someone in Denmark because your cherry picked post tells you so? I can't wait to leave this shithole and all it's ape-inhabitants behind
I wish this was true, but no there's gotta be millions of ricepeople loitering around Prague.
ye m8 i actually own property here so i dont give a shit
i have 72 cows and i havent felt the need to leave my property, let alone the country, for 10 years now
i have my very own milk, sausages ive made with my very own hands, and i gotta turn on my pc when i want to see minorities
guess we all find what we look for
You would live comfortable where ever with a big property. Use some of that profit to travel m8, really makes you appriciate other cleaner, more civilized country more compared to our Apeland
Whatever Charles your reign is over.
ive never been abroad but from what i hear on the internet, there's nothing but 90% income tax in western europe and you gotta africanize your daughter at age 12 or they say you are nazi
that sort of thing is simply not for me
no need to look at extremees. but even if your outlook is from the worst its good to have a farmland and farmer population, I do the same and Im in western Europe at the border to France. It ALWAYS guarantees safety from the outside which at the core is the most important thing, but right now the end goal is economic aflluency within all of europe which is a noble goal to strife and fight towards
im a simple cow former, i dont really understand eu mumbo jumbo idealism
i just want strong property rights, i want a peaceful life on my own property, i just want to keep my property safe and clean and orderly
if a bunch of armed eu officials are going to rob me of my cows because they need to feed some muslim rapists or idk well i just cant have that
luckily here in serbia they let me have a peaceful life with my cows and if i see a gypsy or other undesirables they let me shoot at invaders, good thing is its rural so not too many people around, not too many incidents around
>ive never been abroad but from what i hear on the internet
On the internet you will find bullshit. You have to experience yourself what is life in other countries. And from what I've seen, Life here is shit for the average person compared to western Europe.
Why are you so butthurt at us?
ae бpaт мaни ги тия ca нaй-кaлпaвoтo плeмe дeт мoжeш дa cpeшнeш
I hate tourists so much.
the way i see it, if you are a doctor or an engineer, if you are a highly skilled and highly educated, you will be in company of other highly skilled and educated, intelligent people
if you are a low quality man, you will be scrubbing toilets in switzerland together with albanians, or you will be cleaning sewage with the poles in germany, it doesnt matter
its all about you, nothing else
sure, if you have a phd in aeronautics you COULD go abroad and work for roskosmos or nasa for 10 or 20 years and then go home as a millionaire or retire over there
but what is the point of emigration for emigration's sake? what should i leave my 72 cows for?
i love my 72 cows in serbia more than i love all of britain, norway, any of these welfare 'paradise' countries.. i dont care about welfare and immigrants and immigration, i simply think such things and such life is not for me