Has anyone here ever been to the Middle East? I used to want to visit Syria...

Has anyone here ever been to the Middle East? I used to want to visit Syria, before the war started it was seen as a safe country with friendly people and a relatively progressive government. Now I am thinking about going to Jordan. Iran would be more interesting, but they seem to make a point sometimes of throwing the occasional westerner in prison. Egypt would also be cool but seems kind of iffy.

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They won’t throw you in prison if you listen to your guide

Friend of mine went to iran is safe to visit

No :^)

If you don’t act like a dumbfuck you’ll be fine in Iran. It’s literally safer than most European countries nowadays.

>Friend of mine went to iran is safe to visit
>If you don’t act like a dumbfuck you’ll be fine in Iran. It’s literally safer than most European countries nowadays.
Unless you're a woman

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Tbh due to economic differences as well as political ones Iran can still be dangerous to lone western travelers. Especially when you go into the mountains (which is what you want to do) you can run into a lot of people that consider you a walking bank account

>don't act like a dumbfuck
>just be a good muslim and follow the sharia laws and don't be american or woman and you will be fine
more importantly who the hell would want to go to iran??

well if you are an infidel you deserve to be beheaded.

I want to visit Dubai, but don't got the balls to go anywhere else.

>more importantly who the hell would want to go to iran??

my parents went on a tourist trip this year and they're like 60. They were charmed.

>Friend of mine went to iran is safe to visit
I don't believe you. Iran doesn't get a lot of tourists. Also you don't have friends.


Iran has lots of historical sites, good nature tourism too

He was with his mom and sister. I think women had to cover in Iran though.

I went to Lebanon. It's nice and comfy, but Beirut is expensive as fuuugg

I don't believe you. Brazilians don't travel.

Don't believe me then. Yeah he told me they were almost the only tourists. Tb h after seeing his pics of Persepolis I wanted to go too. But I'm afraid they'll find out I have the American citizenship

I smoked weed with some Brazilian tourists in Paris.

I went to Jordan for 5 days, was pretty cool but there's not much to do outside of seeing some history and drinking at quiet bars

what? brazilians don't do drugs

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well only favelados do but they don't travel. i am sure brazilians on Jow Forums are drug free. not sure about 55 though.

I’ve been to Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel, and Palestine.

Pretty comfy places boys, even as a white American. Had zero problems.

Why? And how?

Where did you have the most fun? Do you speak arabic?

Wrong. Rich kids are the largest drug consumers you'll ever find in this shithole.

Iran is being sanctioned for no good reason, and I doubt Iranians will be able to sustain their famed hospitality for long. Why are Westerners so clueless and stupid? Let's say in a hypothetical Universe, Iran were stronger and sanctioning your country, and then they decide to visit as tourists acting as if everything is good while draining you dry.

It's retarded. Granted, Iranians won't act like lunatics unless they see you doing sex tourism. Then we'd probably see scaphism brought back.

If I'd ever go to the middle east I'l probably only ever dare visit Jordan, Israel and maybe Lebanon.

>sex tourism in the middle east
that should be a thing just for the lulz.

Yeah, your shitty White women are whores for a reason, snow nigger. I hope Iran becomes Zoroastrian again and even more anti-Western. I hope they bring back scaphism especially for you too. Eat shit and die.

I saw this documentary about the Iranian revolution recently and when they found out the reporter was German they were all sieg heiling at him and were VERY friendly. was funny as fuck to watch

kill all white women

No, we are not Arabs. We only kill those who insult us and treat us unfairly. Those who treat us with respect will also be reciprocated with it.

Fact of the matter is, USA and its NATO puppets are all unfairly sanctioning Iran, so it does not make sense to want to visit the country. The people would be justified in being angry, and it would not be possible to sustain the famed hospitality, which Iranians are known for as this video shows:


A lot of people in the western world cannot understand why the people their government is bombing hates them.

Of you mean places other than Israel then no and I legally cannot.

t. Mordecai Goldberg

>unless they see you doing sex tourism.


Foreigners coming to their country to fuck their women is not accepted in those countries at all and you can expect a lynching

Iranians take the time to distinguish Anglos from other Europeans though. They really have nothing against Scandinavians or Southern Europeans, since these people never really intervene in the affairs of the country or region. They are ambivalent towards French though for a number of reasons.

Anti-Anglo and Anti-Russian sentiments have always been high in Iran since 19th century. I don't think the alliance with Russia will last either.

There tend to be a lot of Western sexpats like Peter Scully.

I studied abroad in Jordan and Lebanon.

Took the time to visit Turkey, Israel, and Palestine while I was there.

Yup, I was overseas for 6 months learning Arabic. Lebanon was easily the most fun, but Israel was a close second.

You should lynch the refugees who rape your women. Most Iranians would support that, believe it or not. You should NOT tolerate such things and seek to intimidate foreigners not to engage in such bad behavior.

>sex tourism in the middle east

I think I'll go with the one in the very front

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A friend of mine was in Oman for months, he said Germans are highly respected

I went to Egypt last year and it was great, Egyptians are friendly people :3

Oman is like the Canada of the Arabia Peninsula though. They tryhard a lot to appear different from their neighbor despite being the same

Pretty sure the guy you're responding to is Afghani

I don't understand why anyone would want to come here. Not even trying to be contrarian or funny, alcohol is hard to get, sex tourism is illegal here, drugs aren't that easy to find. There's almost nothing to have here, unless you want to enjoy the country itself I guess.

Desert, sun or cuisine

There is nothing wrong with public executions of rapists, murderers, or sexpats. They should be publicly executed as a warning to others that such behavior is unacceptable.

Turkey is NOT middle east

people mostly go to jordan to party anyway
not much to do there, just one massive desert

Yeah, enjoying the country itself. Most white tourists travel to other countries for alcohol and sex tourism though. The only kind of tourists we get are families with kids who want to have fun here.

t.delusional american christfags throwing autismfits about a whole cultural continent they have never visited

Some of us are adults who appreciate history and culture, and don't necessarily need drugs, booze, or hookers to have a good time.

>Most white tourists travel to other countries for alcohol and sex tourism
Do you actually believe that?
White people are the only ones you will find at stupid meme locations full of nature and or cultural shit.

What kind of fun is there for kids

>Turkey is NOT middle east

What do you think you are? European??

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>Do you actually believe that?

Eurosian BVLL
and lastly TURKIC BVLL
but not middle eastern

Cringe. You aren’t Med, Eurasian or Hittite.

Explain to me why white tourists barely exist here then, besides families who come here for sight seeing and seeing the local culture.
Sight seeing.

There are people who actually take their family for vacation there? What the fuck

we are literally between europe and asia though
and we border the med
We have med weather, med coasts, med agriculture and med culture, how are we not med?

Yeah, tons. The Middle East is not Palestinian territory.

You’re just Middle Eastern and everyone knows “Med” is just Southern Europeans

You country is literally just a tiny desert with shiny glass buildings and some sand forts. I cannot comprehend why a white family would take their kids across the world to see that.

Are you sure it’s not people who just live there with their family?

I’m just telling you the absence of drugs and booze isn’t what is keeping people away. Sweden has expensive drugs and booze yet shitloads of people go there.
Morocco is a popular destination too and drugs are mainly illegal there and alcohol hard to get by.

>the amerimutt "let me tell who you are" episode
Just stfu, you rootless memelord edgelord faggot.

I think Turkey looks like Georgia with a little strip of med along the coast

You’re not Med either Cyrus

I was talking about the Middle East in general. Also no, we do get families here who are just tourists, most of them stay in expensive hotels though.
I don't think you really know how North African countries really are like. I know a guy from Egypt who has literal acres of weed just growing next to his house, drugs are incredibly easy and accessible there.

I don't give a shit. Also, let me in on a clue faggot... Classism > Racism. At the end of the day, class tells us more about someone than their race, and it is obvious to me that you descend from an interminable line of peasants.

You think and consume shit. Your mind is utter trash. You are the kind of person to watch vapid entertainment and ignore your own cultures literary greats while gloating about how great you are.

No matter how great your culture is, you yourself are trash, and I sincerely recommend you commit suicide. I am being unironic with my recommendation too. Either change your act or just kys.

>Also, let me in
Also, let me put you in*

north eastern turkey coastline isnt that different from georgia, just with alot more laz people and islam.
Many georgians visit turkey during summer to work in the tea fields
Turkey is a giant place with many mountains though, lots of cultural borders

Keep seething faggot. You live here and not in Iran lmao

Unless you're Anglo, Iran is safe. They are also really friendly to visitors.

I'm not seething. Also, on a deeper level, people live nowhere except in their mental representations. There is more truth to idealism than you think. The Germans rightly understood this.

There is no world outside your mind. This entire world is like a fading dream.

Your mind is absolute filth, like a mirror charred and entirely blackened, with an infinitesimal luminescence on its tiny corner. Utter filth.


Jordan and Iran are both lot's of fun, but as a canad*an you're required to have a guide while travelling which would ruin the experience significantly, so go with Jordan. Plus I feel bad for the locals there because ever since the war in Syria started they've been losing their jerbs in hospitality/tourism.

Here's a video of me walking around Iran:


I know this is a random question, but how well known is Emil Cioran in Romania? I like his writing.

I don't have anything to do with Romania other than my Internet provider routing it's IP through there for some reason

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Jordan is Nice

I want to live in Eastern Anatolia!

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