Insult the country above you in three words or less

insult the country above you in three words or less

Attached: 1517260399424.jpg (800x533, 214K)

A fucking leaf

mountain kikes, nazi-gold

our little brother

actually really comfy

Attached: F2BFD8C0-D7B4-4E38-A315-2A7931838B74.gif (498x345, 250K)


big fat borgar

A fucking leaf

Retarded fat mutt


71-hour Ahmed

cheap british chinkland

mongol pagan forest

mongol pagan forest

crimea is russian

usa is russian

Australia is Chinese

Australian passport. also theres nothing wrong with it, I just think it's SOOOOOO CUUUUTTEEE

Attached: passport.jpg (850x567, 425K)

based and redpilled
pls gib f-35 thanks

Stupid cangaroo shitposter

Russia tier shithole

i like russia

monkey soup

rightful Polish clay

jewish guilt personified

el goblino

mustard, relish, ketchup

a fucking leaf

Attached: medival leaf.jpg (715x715, 95K)

nicest mountain culture

Duur kankerland

thats fucking hot

Bannerlord first

i refuse to insult anyone here

swamp shylock retard german babbling slackjawed cost-of-living raising tax loving trouser sniffer

shovelling driveways eh?

brexit means brexit

Somali rape baby

mutt mutt mutt

overrated drinks

Niggers of europe

loses every war

throat cancer fuckers


ni hao zhang



suck Putin's cock

disapointment of forefathers

Too many brainlets

Based and redpilled


Government Shutdown

glorified province

Pic related

Attached: 560AB5A3-40C6-4E97-9B81-778C978A2F6E.jpg (851x1125, 163K)

Lighter toothpaste

I live there :(

the polaks of western europe

the eternal a*glo

you eat fucking snails

Main export >> Gyppos


>three words or less
Education in Hungary.

Completely irrelevant.

You supposed to bully the american lad above you. But youre right tho

Obese suicidal rednecks

facebook nationalism

Dude Weed Lmao

No morals whatsoever

America Light lmao

Jewier than jews
Slimey limey

Toothpaste. Use it.


t. actual toothpaste

you shiny toothpaste

Fucking toothpaste flag

Even gypsies leave

Muslim mayor

UK = Utter Knobheads

hot traps

15cm and thin

You are poor.

Attached: A1443E08-3BFE-42B7-BA35-C0AB519F4B2B.png (1655x931, 1.23M)

Meme country

Gay prime minist-
never mind.

Justin Trudeau

Sweden yes

big fat borgar.

tree piss drinker

southern hemisphere russia

No history poorfags

I love you

Full of niggers

french speaking people

This doesn't actually phase me/us at all.
It's actually, ironically, very funny.

>broken stick

morelike finno uglik

nice flag

Africa tier flag

literally spineless faggots


la creatura....