Eye thread post your eyes

>eye thread post your eyes
>face thread everyone post their face
>"hey are you a girl?"
>"please post your cute girl face"
>"come on please post your face"
>"show us your feet"
>"tits or btfo also timestamp"
Why are Jow Forumsernationals such tremendous incels.

Attached: images(2).jpg (225x225, 7K)

lmao, girly faggot

noticed that too.
maybe i should add on the list of my resolutions this year leaving this shitplace full of incels

why even go into those attention whoring threads

I know right haha
I'm a girl btw, don't hit on me silly bois xoxo

I like seeing euro eyes, they're always very colorful and neatly patterned.

I like America.

>frogposter complaining about board quality

You keep saying this on mena
But it will never happen

please succ

All girls should just fuck off or post tits idc


Well this site is obviously filled with autistic virgins who act like typical Indian man

>join stereotypically male website, full of incels
>complain that there are incels
wamen genes kicking in

>come on website created around frogposting
>complain about frogposting

>stereotypical male website full of incels
Stop projecting and go back to
Jow Forums is a Chad board

look at any thread where girls are mentioned in Jow Forums, we're much better than r9k but it's still aweful

>look at any thread where girls are mentioned in Jow Forums
Jow Forums refugees. a native Jow Forumsernational ignores all women

black women vs wh*toid threads?
blonde hair vs bl*ck women threads
culture pals thread (though tbf they've got some good chad stories)

are us Jow Forumsernationals really that oblivious to women?

based Aryantinian poster telling mutts how it really is.


How about all the females leave this site forever because they ruin the harmony of holy autism with female ectosnaïvite

>come on website created around frogposting
This website was created around asukafaggotry