Is this accurate?
Is this accurate?
My fucking sides
pure roman blood ;)
But in France the weak occitan meds are subjugated under the Chad Germanic Franks.
it is cherrypicked but funny
Alain Delon is closer to a pan-Southern European look than Di Mario, not even Cypriots or Sicilians are as swarthy as him on average
I don't know about "on average", but I've met a Sicilian who was as brown as him, so that's how I've been picturing Sicilians all this time.
>not even Cypriots or Sicilians are as swarthy as him on average
true, but he looks like the average calabrese
he is celtic
Di Maio doesn't even know how to speak italian lmao
Everytime I see him, I have an urge to eat saucisson or whatever piece of meat is nearby
but this is false, most Sicilians are plain and simple Southern European looking
Are calabrese really the swarthiest Italics ?
>Are calabrese really the swarthiest Italics ?
yes, and that's the only good thing about calabria
Italians are arabs
Don't be so kind with arabs
So if they are literally swarthier than Sicilians and Cypriots than they have to be the swarthiest people in Europe, I can't actually believe it
t. mutt
They really are. Italians are supreme bros
if Italy traded Calabrese with Africans it'll be an improvement
Italian-Brazilians are usually sex symbols in my country.
pic related
Is the guy on the right Italian?
He is an identitarian and belongs to the far-right group known as Roma Invicta
>brown people can’t be right wing
>if you have brown skin it means you MUST support bringing browm foreigners into Europe
can people critically think once in a while?
I was just making things up I have no idea who he is
he looks italian kek
100% Identitarian
So kek is now Reddit? thought it was from WoW
this. Calabrese are basically the Albanians of Italy. The only difference is that they are darker.
Italians are superior
they are catholic and made the most famous/popular food in the world. do Albanians have a med diet or is it more Slavic?
Before enlarging the picture I unironically thought "who the fuck are those two niggers"
Lmao we are a joke of a country
Albanians eat babies and mud
ma fai sul serio? ti prego smetti di dire queste cose che fai fare brutta figura
ecco lo shitaliano furente
sembravano (e sembrano) veramente due negri
Obviously, his name is Asterix, isnt it?