British Free Corps edition
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one sara jean underboob gf plz
my place is side-by-side with my kangaroo wife and my wife's son.
I’m a bin man and earn 17k
free cope edition
>£9k a year for a worthless piece of paper
I never hire students because they just ooze arrogance and feel as though they're superior to everyone else. Wipes the smile off their faces when I employ a more experienced person who actually knows how the world works instead of an arrogant and entitled student with a degree but no clue LOL
Did you know kangaroos throw their joeys at predators if they are attacked by them?
*starts crushing your bollocks*
*stops when I realise you're enjoying it*
*notices a distinct aroma of bin juice*
40k pounds are like 80k USD
t.knower of things
that's hilarious lol
Well actually it was a bit of a lie kangaroos don't do it but a certain marsupial in Australia does but I can't remember it's name so I said kangaroo instead.
>Maintenance loan day soon
I suspended from uni for a year so I have to give it back to SFE
Any multiplayer game /brit/ plays with each other (that doesn't require autistic dedication)?
well I'm disappointed now
closer to 50k
what if i feel superior to everyone else precisely because i studied before going to uni as a formality and then realised everyone around me is out of touch with reality, meaning it's a different kind of arrogance to the normal student arrogance
her chebs arent that big
bloody women and their trickery
Mum bought some polish chocolate back from holidays. Tastes like shit. Not as bad as the vile yank chocolate but still nowhere near as good as ours
wanking with each other and cum racing
>A WOMAN wearing a hijab who rushed to the aid of a couple stabbed in the Manchester terror attack victims have been widely praised
thank you god for sending Lisa to protect us from the bug you sent
What do they do with their Bruces?
Oh you have a degree? The dishes are in the back, you can start now
>just buy an apple phone(£1000)
>and the proprietary charging cable(£50)
>and the proprietary headphones(£100)
>and the proprietary wireless charging dock(£200)
>and the proprietary....
Meanwhile on Android:
>Buy the android phone(£300)
Sorry, it is a Quokka that does it.
going well so far
Based edition, lad.
I will send my condolences to your kangaroo wife
>foreign aid
white people
white people
>leading the fight against oppression and fascism for the last century
white people
>leading the campaign for social justice
white people
>leading the campaign against climate change and ecological disaster
white people
>leading the campaign against the mass extinction of animal species across the globe
white people
>leading the technological advancements that benefit the average human being across the planet
white people
>b-but the guardian said white people are evil!
It's the Quokka
Dreadful booking that I cut short because even after he’d had a shower, he stank of Bo. The final straw was when I saw the skid marks on my bed . I gave him half his money back and asked him to leave . He asked me what he’d done wrong . I told him that he was unclean and needed to learn to wipe his arse properly. He told me to F off and would leave me a negative review ::)
I like Russian chocolates
take your meds you schizophrenic weirdo
jidf is here
the indian proxy never fails to be an absolute retard
why would anyone buy wireless earphones. they need charging all the time and they're super easy to lose. stupid.
food aid is a bad thing because it leads to overpopulation and environmental destruction
What's the argument though? Obviously having money is better than not having money, but he's got money now. Using money properly is the only thing that matters in terms of having money to begin with.
>Pretend to be a retarded moron child while playing video games > Make a lot of money doing it by some miracle of timing > Financial freedom > Continue pretending to be a retarded moron child while playing video games
>Pretend to be a retarded moron child while playing video games > Make a lot of money doing it by some miracle of timing > Financial freedom > Do something useful
Hm, really makes me think.
schizophrenia doesnt exist
isn't as funny. the image of a joey being pulled out of the pouch and thrown at a predator is funnier
toilbergette put on a bit of weight over christmas and was showing off her thiccc thighs in tights today lads
Nobody wants to fiddle with autistic cables
What business do you run Deano?
Schizophrenia is just a word used to shut down redpilled people.
Just had a 2 hour booking with an overweight man with a very small penis who took forever to cum. We were literally shagging and doing oral for about 1 hour 50 mins non stop and I was EXHAUSTED by the end of it. He also had shit breath and kept wanting to do missionary with his whole body weight crushing me.
If I hadn’t had needed the money today then I would have cut it short and got rid of him.
Probably the last thing he wants to see
Check him leaning
but the guardian is white people
you'd certainly know this if you'd ever read their cookery columns
seratonin depleted from NYE
what food shall I get
>ropey looking Chinese down the road
>ropey looking fish and chips down the road
Toil looms
maybe he enjoys what hes doing with his life. you're clearly a jaded and bitter cunt judging by your pathetic posts. so money or no, he's obviously a better human than you.
What if I finished the course but didn't get a degree but then got real life experience and then turned into a neet but then went back and finished the degree and then re entered the society? Asking for a friend
look at those policewomen
they're scared shitless
why are woman alllowed to be in the police
>make population spike with aid that they wouldn't normally be able to stabilize naturally
>population then overflows into other countries that want nothing to do with it
>you're a bad person if you are against this
what is this?
>shagged her for a good two hours
Love are Rachel
the lads
sometimes wonder if any of my dud roots with prossies have ended up on one of these sites
two of us and both genuine
FOY, as they say
alternatively for non virgins:
>buy your mates old phone for £20 regardless of what brand/model it is
>go back to shagging birds
>foreign aid
mostly tied aid to subsidize white industries at home
ineffective feel good shite
>leading the fight against oppression and fascism for the last century
remember that time NATO supported openly fascist governments in Spain and Greece until the late 1970s and continues to prop up the reactionary saudi arabians?
>leading the campaign for social justice
feel good shite. more black CEOs does nothing for the 99.999% of people left in the ghetto
>leading the campaign against climate change and ecological disaster
the people who frustrate it are also majority white and the largest polluters per capita remain white countries
>leading the campaign against the mass extinction of animal species across the globe
white people care more about kangaroos than about black people.
>leading the technological advancements that benefit the average human being across the planet
most of the technological advancements of the last decade have been bollocks.
a black and white worldview is stupid. :)
Not an argument I'm afraid, sorry
There is nothing jaded about my post. If anything your post is seething because you know it's right and felt offended by it because the truth hurts
Not seeing how its relevant to my post
virgin freak cope
the superficial uninformed reddit waffle vs the chad esoteric aryanism fusion of being and worldview
support and advice for escorts forum
a big issue is that it subsidizes food overproduction, which leads to even more pollution
The samefagger
You're cherry picking the deeds done by sjw whites and questioning the sjw white media for not crediting you, the anti-sjw. Notice your irony?
Threw up blood a little while ago and now I feel faint lads, wtf
you've harped on about your obvious insecurities and jealous about pewdiepie before mate. instead of crying on the internet about him perhaps you should dedicate time to being more like him. but you wont because you're a massive fucking copelord.
>surface streets of LA
as opposed to the subterranean streets?
10 years ago yeah
AIDS kicking in
ah yes, the female race
Anti sjw autocorrected to anti semitism
food aid is a bad thing outside of alleviating temporary crises like floods or draughts because these are often places that can easily grow their own food.
if the EU would drop their stupid agricultural tariffs and allow africans who comply with our food standards to sell us food on the cheap then literally every country involved would benefit. we'd immediately help the poor buy more without putting so much as a penny on wage costs, and africans would get valuable capital they could use to invest in better agricultural production methods and hedging against famine.
one of the worst elements of british membership of the EU - which we keep quiet about because we don't want to upset the farmers - is that it ended our long-lasting tradition of having free trade in agriculture to keep the industrial working class happy by making food cheap. sure enough, when we joined the EEC the price of food went through the roof.
that's dave you're trying to reason with
Order! Order!
same thing happens to sjw
>Apart from touting the idea of a British volunteer force, Amery also actively tried to recruit Britons. He made a series of pro-German propaganda radio broadcasts, appealing to his fellow countrymen to join the war on communism.
>Recruiting for the Free Corps was done in German POW camps. In 1944, leaflets were distributed to the POWs, and the unit was mentioned in Camp, the official POW newspaper published in Berlin. The unit was promoted "as a thoroughly volunteer unit, conceived and created by British subjects from all parts of the Empire who have taken up arms and pledged their lives in the common European struggle against Soviet Russia". In one Dutch camp, cigarettes, fruit, and other items were lavished on the POWs while they listened to Nazi propaganda officers who described the good that the Germans were doing in Europe. At that time, the officers asked the men to join in fighting the real enemy, the Soviets.[13]
>At no time did it reach more than 27 men in strength.
>Total membership: 54
franco was not a fascist, laddo. spanish fascists hated franco.
>euro and gbp close to parity with usd
how long until we see a united western currency?
Toilbergs should dragged through the streets
not really. just saying white people get a lot of shit for some reason despite being the primary force of good in this world and when we're gone the planet will descend into chaos. i feel sorry for all the forests and animals who will feel the bite of chink and nog machetes with no white people to defend them any more.
the new tappytoes
Been at the airport 2 and half hours. Just want to go home already :(
girl on the chase looked a bit like her only fitter
Dave has good views on london but his brain has not fully ascended yet
are they flying drones again?