So what will this plan result in say 25 years later?
So what will this plan result in say 25 years later?
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More Germans
Unironically the rise of neo-fascist governments across Western Europe. Probably not in Germany, but definitely in France and Italy.
Stupid oligarchs don’t understand liberal capitalist societies only survive with a population that actually respects those ideals (middle easterners do not) and where the wealth difference between the poor and the rich isn’t insanely large.
They will still buy gas from Russia not from US.
A quite mass scale identity crisis.
Its probably true
>death of the welfare state
>massive prison populations
>militarized police force
basically what America has now
they're gonna need a lot of gas
tic toc
Who gives a shit about these cucks, you reap what you sow
What do they mean by "migrant"? Doesn't that include of other Europeans?
Hispanics aren't so bad. Ugly and short but that's whatever
According to your graph here only about 8% of people in germany are non-euro...seems a bit shy of 40%
I am ugly and short
>Hispanics aren't so bad.
>t. chicano trying to assuage the worries of the rapidly minority white american population
it'll be a genocide when you monkies take control of america
Yeah and that's okay.
They are germans still. What's the problem? New generations don't care about white supremacy and aryan looks. Younger germans will just be aware that Germans look diverse.
Yes. This says Poland, Russia, and Turkey are the top migrants in Germany.
It's Rome all over again, but now, instead of barbarians there will be shitskins.
Not all "migrants" are from Africa or middle east
Like for example most foreigners here are estonians are russians
dont care bru
most of them are euros or ethnic germans from ex-ussr
UK is following a similar path, a third of children in school are non-ethnic british and the whole population will be between 30-50% non-white by 2050, depending on the source.
I'm a wh*toid tho.
Germany will just take money from other countries, like they did with greece.
Rule Britanian. Save the Queen. Protect the norf. Brexit now so we can replace the poles with Pakis. Based anti-racist farage.
kids under 5 years old
woulnd't more recent stats be worse
Yes. 7 years is a very long time. Next UK demographic check isn't coming out until 2021, so that's gonna be interesting.
China ruling humanity.
40% are all
>instead of barbarians there will be shitskins
Just wait until after the hard brexit. The british exodus to Germany will correct the numbers. Germany will be ruled by Anglos.
sorry but they will have to prove pure saxon lineage going back to 600 AD to be allowed back in.
Kids growing up today will be used to it and think it's "the way things always were", while the older generation that complains will just be seen as whiny old people
why are slavshits this big a tards?
We will have to deport them en masse together with the fucking jews that let them in.
what are the age groups of those people?
No-nonsense Canadian posters.
I bet half of these are eastern euros
Poland will need a corridor to Londonistan like Germany needed to Danzig to connect to the Polish enclave there. All those balkanized uga boogas and kraut abbos will need to move a couple ticks to the South. Its only reasonable.
>importing roaches
>instead of THICC latinas
explain this