What was their end game? Was this supposed to show off Russian military might

What was their end game? Was this supposed to show off Russian military might

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DIESEL is the future! Who needs nuclear reactors that refuel every 25 years?

Attached: us navy.jpg (1820x1024, 1.44M)


Enterprise huh?
More like NTRprise

(Every scientist who worked on this has now been imprisoned for """treason""")


it's just a training boat, pretty much
probably dead now anyway
navy isn't our thing, really
maybe if we skip a few decades and try to come back with drone carriers and drone subs, i don't know

don;t have good ports anyway, should stick to the arctic for now

Why Russia even exists?

Isn't Murmansk pretty much warm port through the year?

The ship runs on "mazut", a heavy oil, that causes smoke. Mazut is energy efficient, second only to nuclear.

doesn't count cause that whatsitname gap in the atlantic. but yeah northern fleet is the only useful one to have some blue water capabilities. in other seas we only need to deny access, and we can, in the north we have to control the NW passage now that global warming makes it a real trade route

>putin's reaction

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russia stronk!

Meanwhile in Japan...

Sure thing, Zhang.

>Originally laid down in 1985 for the Soviet Navy as the Kuznetsov-class aircraft cruiser Riga, she was launched on 4 December 1988 and renamed Varyag in 1990.[6] After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, construction was halted and the ship was put up for sale by Ukraine. The stripped hulk was purchased in 1998 and towed to the Dalian naval shipyard in northeast China.

>The ship was rebuilt and commissioned into the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) as Liaoning on 25 September 2012. Its Chinese ship class designation is Type 001. In November 2016, the political commissar of Liaoning, Commodore Li Dongyou, stated that Liaoning was combat ready.[6]


There are two types of vessels, Submarines and targets.
US navy is a meme and useless.

Big oil heater.

Hi, Horthy.

>Coal powered aircraft-carriers
This is the pinnacle of Russian technology

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Isn't it ded now after that crane fell on it?