My gf has Grey eyes and I have brown, I hope our kids get her eyes

My gf has Grey eyes and I have brown, I hope our kids get her eyes

Attached: raf,750x1000,075,t,fafafa_ca443f4786.u3.jpg (750x1000, 83K)


maybe they will become hazel

spread your turkish genes like your ancestors spread their legs, cuck

Very unlikely. Brazilian men makes millions of kids with Russian women and 90% of the kids comes with brown eyes.

Attached: russianwife12.jpg (1278x675, 155K)

What will you do if they have brown eyes?

Attached: af2.png (680x521, 111K)

I don't have a gf

I dont have eyes

i don't have kids

I just want my kids to be more attractive than me

they won't sorry to disappoint
you need to carry the gene for light eyes

Based if true

Unless you're tanned like a sarmatian, grey/greenish are the worst colour possible. Well maybe asides from the soulless Asian/African black

Why? She has pretty white skin colour, Grey eyes are great

>grey eyes

Like these

Forgot pic

Attached: one-blue-one-green-678x381.jpg (678x381, 33K)

That looks really nice

I think green/grey eyes are more common here than blue
some people may have eyes that slightly color depending the season or the weather or whatever

shes going to let her self go and be a fatty fat fatso after the first kid with you and you;ll probably beat her.

youre still 80%+ brown/dark eyes, turkrapebaby

kek what how do you expect most meds to be comparing the climate of the north and south Europe? snowniggers see sun once a week in the winter or this may still be too much

I have green eyes but wish they were blue

If one of your parents has blue eyes, it's a higher chance for your kids to have blue eyes. Brown eyes are the dominant gene as you might know, but there's still a 1/4 chance for blue eyes.
Also brown eyes are not that bad. You can have a very, very light skin, even blond hair and still have brown eyes. I've met many people like that, I used to have light brown hair when I was a kid, but it became slightly darker over the time.

t. Erdi