Is free/libre and open source software something that people in your country care about...

Is free/libre and open source software something that people in your country care about? Do you or anyone you know support these movements?

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No, p*Lacks are dumb subhumans.

>Do you or anyone you know support these movements?
I do, although I am not militant because once again - p*Lacks are dumb subhumans.

I do not know anyone who shares my belief because I do believe that p*lacks are too so dumb trying to share my beliefs on open source software licensing would go over their heads

Russians contribute to free and open source software a lot.

they're all super autistic

well, i got ubuntu because fuck microsoft
my needs on it are minimal, though. internet explorer, pdf reader, music player, text editor and that's it.


are u a haxer

A haskeller*

Most of the recruiters looking for programmes expect you to be experienced and interested in open source development

which os do u use

Linux mostly. In pure and android flavours.

I'm not full freetard but I try to support FLOSS stuff wjen I can

Which distro

There are a lot of people that cares. We use Linux at work, but that has more to do with Industrial espionage. Never trust the American.
>posted with Linux Mint

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I use libre office and gimp because I'm a poorfag
Most people didn't even hear of it and are blindly obedient to microsoft like the hopeless NPCs they are, which is weird considering an average polack would rather die than miss an opportunity of getting something for free
We're like kikes but dumber

Yes in the IT community. Some political parties care. But our government revoked its former policy that - if government agencies don't use open source software they have to give a reason why.

I started because I was a poorfag
I kept doing it because I was too invested in the freeā„¢ world to change

Especially the "party for animals", the "socialist party" and "greenleft" care, but they have no chance of ruling here ever.

Our corporate overlords of the "People's Party for Freedom and Democracy" don't give a shit.

I will never understand why people are okay with public funds paying for software they cannot audit

>what is Amsterdam

guess it's the same everywhere innit